
  1. A

    can i take the student loan interest deduction if I haven't paid it yet?

    I am in college and I know that my annual year income is less than the amount it needs to be to take the deduction but what I don't know is if I can take the deduction if I haven't started paying it back yet. On the tax notification form 1098-t the amount appears in box 2 (amounts billed for...
  2. V

    Can I get Blackberry paid apps for free?

    I wonder if it is possible to get paid apps on blackberry for free. For instance you can jailbreak your ipod/ipad. Can we do the same with BB? If yes, will appreciate to get some advices/instructions Thanks in advance
  3. V

    Can I get Blackberry paid apps for free?

    I wonder if it is possible to get paid apps on blackberry for free. For instance you can jailbreak your ipod/ipad. Can we do the same with BB? If yes, will appreciate to get some advices/instructions Thanks in advance
  4. V

    Can I get Blackberry paid apps for free?

    I wonder if it is possible to get paid apps on blackberry for free. For instance you can jailbreak your ipod/ipad. Can we do the same with BB? If yes, will appreciate to get some advices/instructions Thanks in advance
  5. J

    Where can i get paid apps for free for android?

    I have been downloading very few games from 4shared, but they don't have most of the games I'm looking for. Is there any websites where I can download games and ect?
  6. W

    can i use torrent files with a real paid game key?

    my new pc game will not install through the correct procedures and i want to know if using torrented files to replace missing files would allow me to use my paid game code so that i can still play online ?
  7. E

    Who in MLB was the highest paid rookie this 2012 year?

    whos the highest paid first year rookie for 2012? all i want is name and salary. nothing else please. i repeat ONLY NAME AND SALARY PLEASE. or within the last 5 years
  8. I

    replacing an ipad, what happens to paid apps?

    hi im thinking of replacing my current ipad, the newest one out besides mini im thinking about buying another ipad with more memory, or the ipad mini. either way, when I sell my current ipad, will i be able to re-download all my paid apps? got books on kindle app too, will i be able to...
  9. P

    is there any good free texting applications for the iphone free or paid?

    hi, i am looking for a free texting application, free or paid for the iphone. i am wondering what are the best ones and actually work?
  10. M

    Can my parents legally take away my cell phone and laptop if i paid for them?

    I recently got grounded for three weeks because of a late assignment in school.the first thing they did was take my laptop and phone. I paid for the laptop, as well as my phone bill and everything for the phone. Can they take them?
  11. B

    Best paid Android apps?

    Hey everyone! I have a Samsung Galaxy S III and my brother just bought me a $10 Google Play card. Now I'm wondering what apps I should get. I originally wanted to get Minecraft: Pocket Edition for $6.99 but I figure it would be a waste. Should I get Minecraft, and what other good apps/games are...
  12. W

    I sold a t-mobile pre- paid phone...How can they activate it with their number?

    The person i sold it to wants to activate it, I had previously activated it and used it once. But This person said they need an activation code, I don't get it. They want to re activate it.. HELP!!
  13. K

    Can telus go into my bank account for an un paid phone bill and take money ?

    I didn't give them any information , but I do online banking ?
  14. G

    Judge Approves FTC's Largest Ever Fine, To Be Paid By Google

    Nine months on from the Wall Street Journal spotting a massive Google privacy issue—namely, that it was circumventing cookie privacy settings in Safari—the search giant's fate is now sealed. A judge has approved the FTC's largest ever fine, in the process rejecting appeals from a consumer-rights...
  15. S

    will i get my lost paid apps on my ipad?

    i'm a new user to apple ipad2, my college gave it with 3 paid apps..(pages, numbers,& keynotes)..i downloaded new itunes and got apple id from my friend and synced with my ipad to it....and all of a sudden everything got deleted and its with oly the pre-installed apps oly..mine runs on IOS-6...
  16. K

    How can i get paid games for free on my android samsung galaxy s2?

    i was using 4shared program but whenever i download an app, it asks me to install an app called cracked app instead of the game i want. i typed in game name .apk, and cracked app pops up it worked for two games and stopped. dont know any other ways
  17. N

    how can i get paid iphone apps for free?

    i want to get paid iphone apps for free but i dont want to jailbreak or do "myfreeapps" or anthing like that
  18. J

    On a positive side, Mata paid off in my football fantasy game?

    Mata as mid-fielder and Podolski as striker. Earned huge points on Mata but the nugget Podolski wasted my points.
  19. F

    Has anyone read the Ann Romney Rant about women who want to be paid the same as men?

    She has had everything she could possibly want given to her by her millionaire husband and seems to think every other woman has the same advantages she has enjoyed. She doesn't seem to understand there are millions of single parent women who work their butts off for minimum wages, or less, just...
  20. A

    ‘Poop Strong’ Campaign Got Arijit Guha’s Medical Bills Paid; It Also Got Aetna To Adm

    Arijit Guha's 'Poop Strong'*campaign just got his colon cancer bills paid, but more importantly for the rest of us: It got Mark Bertolini, the CEO of Aetna, to publicly admit that the health insurance system is broken, and his company is at least partially responsible for fixing it. More »Post...