
  1. G

    Weather on the Outer Planets Only Goes So Deep

    What is the long-range weather forecast for the giant planets Uranus and Neptune? These planets are home to extreme winds blowing at speeds of over 1000 km/hour, hurricane-like storms as large around as Earth, immense weather systems that last for years and fast-flowing jet streams. Both...
  2. P

    sci-fi, futuristic, outer space sounding dubstep?

    What's some good, fast, futuristic sounding dubstep?
  3. A

    what is the anime that has a cat girl from outer space?

    she came to earth in a "traditional" UFO, gets chased by an assassin and is rooming with a kid that wears glasses.
  4. L

    Introduce an outer loop to the code?

    This is the code thus far: (All values defined, just not shown) t = 0:dt:tmax; % time NK = zeros(size(t)); % number of unphosphorylated kinase NKP = zeros(size(t)); % number of phosphorylated kinase NP = zeros(size(t)); % number of phosphatase...
  5. C

    Is there a dvd that has all the original 1960's outer limits on it?

    The original "The Outer Limits" series that aired back in the 60's and early 70's. Is this available anywhere on DVD?
  6. M

    looking for a nice vacation place Outer Banks, NC?

    We will have a family reunion, about 12-16 people. We want to find a nice place on the outer banks, not too busy with tourist. But close to things enough for us to travel to. I have never been there, but my daughter & her husband spent their honeymoon there, they loved it, and are organizing a...
  7. S

    When space travel and space jobs are available would you move to outer space ?

    Can't wait for space tourism I think it'd be awesome like the movie Zenon living in space afraid to come to earth.
  8. S

    When space travel and space jobs are available would you move to outer space ?

    Can't wait for space tourism I think it'd be awesome like the movie Zenon living in space afraid to come to earth.
  9. Z

    Outer Banks Marketplace inc. Answer key.?

    I'm forced to take this book for my accounting course, which is a pain and I have no clue how to do this. I don't assume anyone has the answer key or teacher's edition online or for download, but if you do, it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. A

    Any good Sci-Fi / Outer Space Horror novels?

    Hi, Im looking for a good outer space horror novel. on a space ship with aliens , ghost, crazed killers, anything. Think Doom, Dead Space, and Alien. Cheers for the suggestions. -A
  11. S

    My LG KP500 has many scratches on its outer screen.Which part i should buy to...

    ...replace it?housing or a LCD disp? my question is the screen which we can see outside is it's LCD touch display or not???is that just a plastic screen which belongs to the housing to protect LCD touch screen????
  12. R

    Where can I buy smartphone replacable outer shell if I get scratches?

    There are bargains on used smartphones, but most of them have scratches.. Etc.. Can I buy replacable outside casing? (Not the case protector!)
  13. L

    MVA: Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space US DVD release date. When will it be?

    I've seen the half-hour Monsters vs. Aliens Halloween special last year on NBC, and have just learned that the DVD of the special is available in the United Kingdom since September 27, 2010. When will a DVD of the special be available in the United States where I live? If anyone has any info...
  14. P

    What does it mean to see roses in an outer body experience?

    I had an outer body experience a few weeks back. In it, I saw some entities around my little brother, who was sleeping on my mother's bed. I actually touched one of them. I threw it off the bed because I could tell it was not supposed to be there. The other was laying at his feet, and it didn't...
  15. D

    Looking into an Outer Banks vacation, but have never been there before.?

    The main thing I'm wondering is how the rental property thing works. I'm looking at some of these homes that sleep 8-15 people and I'm wondering are there any rules about needing multiple families in these or if they get your money do they care if you've only got five people or so.
  16. Z

    I think I'm having outer body exp.?

    Ok I think Ive been experiencing outer body experiences. crazy eh? its been happening a lot lately. Yesterday was like my 15th time doing this in the last 3months and they usually happen like a couple days later in real life. I sat down on my bed and was watching tv around 8pm and i got bored...
  17. E

    What are Some places from New Jersey to Outer Banks,NC?

    Im going on a trip with my family. We're going from Central New Jersey to Outer Banks North Carolina. Because of the 9 hour drive we want things to do to separate the ride there and back. We already decided on Williamsberg but if you have any other ideas please leave them and if possible a link...
  18. M

    where can i rent a scooter in the outer banks?

    I'm looking to rent a scooter in the Outer Banks that can go faster than 25 mph - any suggestions would be great.
  19. L

    What brings a sattelite to outer space?

    ????????????????????? JUST WANT TO KNOW so can a space shuttle do it?
  20. G

    NASA Finds Outer Space 65 Feet Underwater [Nasa]

    NASA may not be sending anyone to the moon or Mars in the near future, but they've discovered the next best thing: an undersea laboratory three miles off of Key Largo. It's how astronauts do Space Camp. More » NASA - Space - Technology - Education - Key Largo