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    Influenza Vaccine Reduced Disease Outcomes By Up To 18.5 Percent, Study Estimates

    Approximately 13 million illnesses and over 110,00 hospitalizations may have been averted by the flu vaccine over the last 6 years in the U.S, according to calculations published in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Deliana Kostova and colleagues from the U.S Centers for Disease Control and...
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    Teaching Versus Non-Teaching Hospitals: Comparing Differences In Outcomes Of Cervical

    For patients undergoing surgery on the cervical (upper) spine, overall rates of complications and death are higher at teaching hospitals than at non-teaching hospitals, reports a study in the journal Spine. The journal is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters Kluwer...
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    The Impact Of Rheumatoid Arthritis On Joint Replacement Surgery Outcomes

    Two new studies by researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery have shed light on joint replacement outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). One study overturns the common belief that RA patients have worse outcomes after a total knee replacement (TKR) than patients who undergo the...
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    Lowering Anxiety Via Meditation With Art Therapy Improves Outcomes In Breast Cancer

    Cancer and stress go hand-in-hand, and high stress levels can lead to poorer health outcomes in cancer patients. The Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine combined creative art therapy with a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program for women with breast cancer and showed...
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    Improved Treatment Outcomes With Preoperative Needle Breast Biopsies

    Women suspected of having breast cancer now have more reasons to be diagnosed with a needle biopsy instead of a traditional open surgical biopsy. Besides avoiding the risks and discomfort of an open surgical procedure, needle biopsies can also lead to improved treatment outcomes according to...
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    Uncertain About Health Outcomes, Male Stroke Survivors More Likely To Suffer Depressi

    Post-stroke depression is a major issue affecting approximately 33% of stroke survivors. A new study published in the current issue of Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation reports that the level to which survivors are uncertain about the outcome of their illness is strongly linked to...
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    Chemotherapy During Pregnancy Does Not Affect Birth Outcomes

    According to a study published Online First in The Lancet Oncology, babies born to women with breast cancer who received chemotherapy while pregnant do not seem to be at greater risk of complications. The researchers analyzed over 400 women from across Europe who had been identified as having...
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    Autograft Hip Reconstruction Provides Good Outcomes For Athletes

    A common, painful hip condition in elite athletes may be able to be repaired with an improved surgical technique, according to researchers presenting their work at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. "In our review of 21 male, elite...
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    Lapatinib And Pazopanib Combo Not Found To Improve Outcomes For Patients With Inflamm

    Inflammatory breast cancer is a very aggressive type of cancer associated with early metastasis and poor survival rates, and the prognosis is even worse for patients with tumors expressing the ErbB2 receptor. The ErbB2-inhibiting drug lapatinib can slow the spread of cancer cells in individuals...
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    High Volume Stroke Centers Provide Faster Treatment And Have Superior Outcomes

    According to a study published online in the Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, patients who attend stroke centers with a high volume of patients are treated faster and have better outcomes. Findings from the study are based on 442 patients with the average age of 66, treated with...
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    In Rare, Often Undiagnosed Form Of Encephalitis, Early Treatment Improves Outcomes

    A mysterious, difficult-to-diagnose, and potentially deadly disease that was only recently discovered can be controlled most effectively if treatment is started within the first month that symptoms occur, according to a new report by researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the...
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    Fractionated Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin Dosing Regimen Improves Outcomes For Some Leukemia

    A French study published Online First in The Lancet has revealed that fractionizing the dosage of the targeted anticancer drug gemtuzumab ozogamicin allows for safer delivery of the drug into patients between the ages of 50 to 70 years with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and significantly improves...
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    Improving Emergency General Surgery Care And Outcomes

    Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC, have successfully created and implemented an emergency general surgery registry (EGSR) that will advance the science of acute surgical care by allowing surgeons to track and improve surgical patient outcomes, create...
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    "Twinning" U.S.-Based And Rwandan Physicians Improves Lymphoma Outcomes In Children

    "Twinning" U.S.-Based And Rwandan Physicians Improves Lymphoma Outcomes In Children In an African county lacking any specialists in children's cancers, a team approach that "twins" Rwandan physicians with Boston-based pediatric oncologists has shown it can deliver expert, curative care to young...
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    Researchers Examine Outcomes Of Carotid Artery Stenting Following Prior Carotid Endar

    A new study shows that carotid artery stenting (CAS) following prior same-side carotid artery revascularization is safe, effective and results in lower incidences of in-hospital death, stroke and heart attack compared to first-time CAS for carotid artery stenosis. This study received "Best of...
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    Asthma Control And Anaphylaxis Guidelines: Improving Outcomes For Adults With Allergi

    Cholesterol-lowering Drugs May Worsen Asthma Cholesterol-lowering medications may help millions fight heart disease, but this class of drugs may worsen asthma control, according to a study presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting in Boston, Nov. 3-8. In...
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    Successful Pregnancy Outcomes For Most Women With Lupus

    Promising research led by investigators at Hospital for Special Surgery may offer hope for women with lupus who once thought that pregnancy was too risky. Results from the multicenter National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded PROMISSE initiative, being presented Monday, Nov. 7 and then during a...
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    Outcomes For Merkel Cell Carcinoma Predicted By Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

    Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma who underwent a procedure called sentinel lymph node biopsy (SNLB) had a lower risk of cancer recurrence after two years, according to a study by researchers from Fox Chase Cancer Center. When the biopsy's results were used to guide subsequent tests and...
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    Access To Health Insurance, Medical Homes Improves Outcomes Among Undocumented Child

    Undocumented children who have access to health insurance are healthier and more engaged in school than those without insurance, according to researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC). Their data is the first to show a direct health benefit to...
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    Previous Government's Higher NHS Funding Improved Health Outcomes, UK

    Published in the latest issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a new study reveals that after 1999, increased funding by the NHS marked improved health outcomes when measured using the concept of "amenable mortality," an indicator intended for routine use by the current...