
  1. R

    Venus conjunct Jupiter ... but opposite Saturn.. (natal interpretation.)?

    I have Venus conjunct Jupiter in CANCER both in the 6th house ... however, both Venus and Jupiter are opposite to Saturn. Venus & Jupiter conjunct is said to be a very beneficial aspect ... what would it mean it both opposed Saturn? Would it dampen the qualities of the conjunction?
  2. C

    If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

    did you ever wonder ?
  3. R

    Could you date/marry someone who holds a view on religion opposite to yours?

    Are you a religious person or irreligious person who can date someone who is your opposite? Example: A Christian girl and Atheist guy. Could you marry someone who loves religion and you don't or vice versa? Give some examples
  4. T

    Opposite Venus-mars aspect between two people?

    Okay me and this guy have opposite venus-mars aspects. My mars is in sag. and his venus is in gemini.How would this affect us?I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllyyyyyy attracted to him.Can you guys tell me what this means because i know this has to do with attraction.Im a scorpio and he's a taurus...
  5. P

    Do you have a celebrity opposite sex crush?

    Ok, this question is primarily for Ls & Gs but anybody is welcome to play along. Do you have a celebrity opposite sex crush and if so who? I personally want to spoon with Jack Black. Yes, I'm aware that's weird but I think he's adorable. Interesting. The girls have mostly picked very...
  6. J

    tricks or tips on picking up the opposite sex?

    i dont have trouble talking to women i actualy have a girl but i thought it would be funny to try some pick up lines for fun.. omg i am loving what you all are saying im getting a riping good laugh
  7. J

    the opposite of a delivery truck is called a ..... truck ?

    I'm not quite sure if it is called an unloading truck.
  8. J

    the opposite of a delivery truck is called a/an..... truck ?

    I'm not quite sure if it is called an unloading truck.
  9. J

    the opposite of a cement delivery truck is called a cement .......truck?

    I'm not sure if it is called a cement pick-up truck?
  10. M

    Did you think you were gay forever--and then like someone of the opposite sex?

    I'm just wondering!! I'm gay and have always only exclusively (i believe) like dmen. Althouhg, I'm kinda bored with it lately. It could be because I just don't like anyboyd anymore or I just am going through a weird asexual phase. Regardless, it's interesting. I almost want to see if I could...
  11. A

    When talking to the opposite sex, who should complain first, the guy or the girl?

    I am single and I am looking for a girlfriend. One guy gave me this advice: listen make the girl laugh with intelligent conversation Then he was like, let the girl ask you out before you ask her out Let the girl complain to you first before you complain to her. Plus, I complain way too much.
  12. A

    When talking to the opposite sex, who should complain first, the guy or the girl?

    I am single and I am looking for a girlfriend. One guy gave me this advice: listen make the girl laugh with intelligent conversation Then he was like, let the girl ask you out before you ask her out Let the girl complain to you first before you complain to her. Plus, I complain way too much.
  13. M

    latley I've been very... interested in the opposite sex. Y is that happening?

    Ya I don't know y, but latley, every (or just about) guy is sparking an interest. Normally I get interested in 1 person at a time, but in the past few weeks it's been going nuts. What is going on?
  14. S

    a SURVEY =-) on what humans consider as desirable qualities of the opposite sex...?

    Hi!! =-) just wondering. i watched NatGeo (or was that discov channel??) and it was all about humans and what humans consider as desirable qualities of the opposite sex... so i figured i would like to try a survey here as well and try to see... =-) so if YOUR A GUY... what are the qualities...
  15. P

    2 cars traveling each other in opposite directions one car is 3 1/2 times as...

    ...fast as the other car, at the end? of 4 1/2 hours they are 526 1/2 miles apart. Find the rate.
  16. C

    Why do people come into the internet to look for the opposite sex?

    why do people look for the opposite sex on the internet?