
  1. S

    Why does Judaism oppose renunciation?

    Judaism teaches that the world is meant to be lived in and enjoyed. Christianity, of the true, first century, kind anyway, teaches that worldliness is meant to be rejected in favor of ascetic godliness. How did our Jewish brethren get such a simple, direct Law as the Torah so twisted?
  2. C

    Why do conservatives want to decrease our Debt, but vehemently oppose tax increases?

    Fun Fact: You CAN NOT get rid of a debt by cutting spending alone. Unless you enjoy having no one fix roads, no public utilities, no schools at all, and no police officers, you have to raise taxes if you want a balanced economy. This something I never understood.
  3. A

    California Bans ‘Gay Therapy’; Republicans Oppose It (Of Course)

    California's Governor Jerry Brown*just signed a new legislation that prohibits parents from sending their gay kids to therapy in hopes of turning them straight. It's the first law of its kind to protect a minor's sexual orientation and of course, the Republicans are the only ones opposing it...
  4. A

    How do you make a Nokia 1112 compatable with an O2 sim card in oppose to tesco? ?

    Got an old Nokia 1112 to use when doing sports, I have had it in a draw for a fuw years, Put an O2 card in it and it came up saying 'sim not valid' how do you jail break? Thanks.
  5. D

    Why do fundementalist christians oppose abortion but vigorously support the death...

    ...penalty? They actually cheared Perry for not caring that any of those executed in Texas were not guilty when surely some were?
  6. G

    Those who oppose the Patriot Act argue that it violates the

    constitutional protection of ...? A) no quartering soldiers in peacetime B) no unreasonable searches and seizures C) no cruel and unusual punishment D) the establishment clause E) equal protection of the law
  7. J

    Would you support or oppose a poll quiz...?

    ...about the election itself? Simple questions, like "Which candidate wants to bring back 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell?'" or "Which candidate is opposed to universal health care?" And if you couldn't answer, you couldn't vote. Would it be better or worse if this system were in place?
  8. H

    Why does Islam, Judaism and Christianity oppose gay marriage?

    Despite what individuals may feel about it, Judaism is officially oppose to same sex marriage. This is what the Midrash says: "Rabbi Huna said in the name of Rabbi Joseph, 'The generation of the Flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a male or to...
  9. C

    If flying is not a right, why don't the liberals who oppose thorough

    Pretty much everyone is upset - why focus on liberals? LOTS of conservatives are pitching hissy fits over the new screening procedures.
  10. T

    Did Renaissance Humanism oppose the Christian religion?

    Did Renaissance Humanism oppose the Christian religion? How and why did it if it did?
  11. R

    Why do conservatives that rant about "liberal media" oppose the fairness doctrine?

    Why do conservatives that rant about "liberal media" oppose the fairness doctrine? Sock Monkey: The libs want the fairness doctrine because the media is biased so far to the extreme right. Do you need an education to know what "consistency" is?
  12. G

    Why did Liberal groups oppose the Bush nomination of Janice Rogers Brown?

    What better way to advance "Civil Rights" then to get African American Judges appointed in high positions? Why did the liberal groups do this? Would they have been so opposed if she hadn't been African American? Or were they so worried because she was an African American and said things like...
  13. M

    Christians, how does the Lord help you to deal with other Christians that oppose you?

    How do you minister to another Christian that is puffed up with pride and refuses to accept correction? How do you deal with Christians that exalt themselves and act like they have a special gift that exceeds others?
  14. B

    Why is gay marriage illegal OR why do you oppose it?

    This makes very little sense to me. Religion has nothing to do with marriage in the United States, it is a contract between the couple and the government. Atheists can get married - religion has nothing to do with marriage. It existed before the Bible, so please, let's drop the sanctity of...
  15. B

    Why is gay marriage illegal OR why do you oppose it?

    This makes very little sense to me. Religion has nothing to do with marriage in the United States, it is a contract between the couple and the government. Atheists can get married - religion has nothing to do with marriage. It existed before the Bible, so please, let's drop the sanctity of...
  16. T

    Catholic Bishops Oppose Health Bill, While Other Catholic Groups Offer Support

    McClatchy: "The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said Monday it opposes the Democratic health care plan heading for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives because of its language on abortion. The group noted that it liked the House health care bill because it would continue the strict...
  17. C

    Can those who oppose gun ownership really argue with this statement?

    I don't see what's all the fuss. Why are they trying to take out guns off of us? Because I'm not going to shoot anyone. And no one is going to shoot me...because I got a gun. Also, I myself do not own a gun (don't see why I should), but I do support gun ownership.
  18. T

    Hospitals, Insurers Oppose Health Bill Compromise On Medicare Buy-In

    Groups representing doctors and hospitals are coming out against the inclusion of a Medicare "buy-in" in the Senate health bill, The Washington Post reports. The groups joined Republicans in arguing "that a plan by liberal Democrats to allow uninsured individuals as young as 55 to buy into...
  19. T

    Doctors' Groups Break Ranks To Oppose Senate Health Overhaul

    The California Medical Association - which represents more than 35,000 doctors - will announce its opposition to the Senate version of the health overhaul bill later this week, the Los Angeles Times reports. The group's leaders voted to oppose the bill last week, joining several other states...
  20. T

    my family gave away our dog, but I oppose to it. Isn't it wrong to give a dog away?

    4 years ago we bought this dog as a puppy and spent like 600 on it from the pet store. she gets sick maybe once or twice every year and finally they wanted to give it away. my sisters' excuse is oh we don't have enough money to take care of it. Don't you think that when you first buy a dog you...