
  1. S

    Why do Christians get all offended when I swear?

    Well I'm Christian too and I swear. But when I swear on my Facebook and sometimes I'm person some of my christian friends get all offended. I don't see what the big deal is and plus I don't like it when they tell me to no swear. It pisses me off and makes me swear even more
  2. T

    I dated a Christians girl and she got offended when I call her god a fairy tale. Why?

    I ended up breaking it off with her, and she came crawling back and when I said she wasn't my type she tried to make it as if she didn't want me. Why? She was a fundie.
  3. J

    How a FILM summarised EVERY RELIGION - *might get offended*?

    1. The poor are the ones that follow religion as they know nothing else 2. The rich are wise so dont follow religion 3. Royalty finds religion useful (keep the poor in line) Wish I could remember the name! It was set in victorian England. It may well be an old sentiment, but I sure never heard...
  4. G

    Should I be offended? Gay.?

    So my bf, who recently came out to his good friend of 10 years, decided to plan a road trip with me and his best friend. I was on a 3 day road trip before and when I was coming back I would just get in their car and go with them. The best friend decided she didn't want to go the day off the trip...
  5. D

    so.. aren't you offended when Family Guy and South Park rips on religion...?

    and god ??... i know, very untimely and controversial question.. but gotta be asked. how can you people not be offended or insulted when those shows make fun of God ????...
  6. T

    One last joke to rate? Some will be offended, but most will die laughing?

    An religious old man is on his deathbed and having last requests being made. He tells his wife, Honey, gimme my lawyer and accountant. She calls the two men and they rush in the room. Ya, waddya want? I'm missin' a meeting here. The accountant says. Accountant, stand to my left. Lawyer, stand to...
  7. H

    How to fight back? His ex girlfriend got offended by my harmless joke :(?

    There is a 17-year-old guy who looks like a 20 plus guy for everyone. I posted on his Facebook's wall saying that "I can't believe that you're only 17. You look so matured." And his ex girlfriend got offended and commented this *points below* "well,i've known him for like yonks and he honestly...
  8. M

    POLL: why do people get offended so easily and argue so much over religions?

    we aren't allowed to talk about religion in school but my friend who's a jehovah witness got so offended when this one guy said something about jesus and then she just blew up and then he started yelling and then the whole class got in on it except me cuz i had no idea what was going on and then...
  9. J

    Anyone else slightly offended by Michael Douglas' little football rant?

    They showed presidents, soldiers, people from the Great Depression and then compared that to football. Give me a F'ing break.
  10. S

    Wouldn't you be offended if somebody joked about you being a terrorist just for

    being different? A friend of my mom's jokingly told her that I could be one of those kids building a bomb in my room and she'd never realize it. Light, WTF? O_o
  11. F

    Why are people offended when a man is not a wimp but complain when he is?

    Both women and men. When a man calls out a woman on something she did wrong, refuses to buy her a drink, doesn't spend enough money on her or flat-out ignores her when she nags him, people have the nerve to call him a sexist pig and a jerk (even though I'd rather be called this than a "nice...
  12. $

    What is the use of having sense of humor when you feel offended about few things?

    Don't you think one must have tendency to laugh at every thing if he/she want to have real fun?
  13. S

    Christians, would you be offended if someone were to wish you a very MARY Christmas?

    After all, indirectly, she's the reason for the season, right? =) And what is your particular denomination?
  14. Q

    Offended by a co-worker who constantly says Jesus Christ when she gets upset.?

    I am a christian and the co-worker is Jewish. How would she like it if it were reversed. I can i politely tell her it offends me? We work together at at school with little children.
  15. P

    Joke: Don't read if easily offended?

    My nan knitted me a jumper. It said on the front "all p*k!s should be shot and castrated". I said "Bloody hell nan, i cant wear this", She said why not, i said "Because its a f**king medium.
  16. D

    Would you be offended if someone asked you if you were gay,lesbian or bi?

    I've seen lots of questions on here asking how to find out if someone is homo, I'm just curious to know if anyone would be offended by the question. Me personally, id actually prefer someone to ask me if I was lesbian. Ya know, instead of beating around the bush How do you feel lgbt?
  17. C

    Why Do People Get Offended When People Say "No Homo"?

    I was reading some questions, like wtf why is everyone so offended? It's not derogatory or anything. Logic: A guy is at a club, a girl is approaching him, but one of his male friends walks to him at the same time. The guy says "nice blazer bro, you're looking fresh." At this point the girl who...
  18. G

    Do russians get offended by the russian reversal jokes?

    example: In soviet russia car drives you.
  19. J

    Have you noticed how Christians can dish out their intolerance but are offended when

    we point out their's? touchy touchy hypocritical shove your religion down every ones throat saying your way or no way...
  20. D

    Are any other pescatarians (VEGETARIANS who eat fish) offended by this?

    Okay so I've heard a lot of people who think there "experts" on this subject because they're "actual" vegetarians. But another name for it is actually pesco-vegetarians. So I asked a question similar to this and got a bunch of vegans/vegetarians ranting about how it's wrong to eat fish and we...