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    New moms and obese people risk complications from influenza: McMaster study

    Although up to 500,000 people world-wide die of severe influenza each year, there has been no clear evidence about who is susceptible for influenza complications and it may not be who people think, says a study from McMaster University. This is important because issues during past influenza...
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    How can I help a severely obese cat lose weight?

    My aging parents have been freely feeding their 10 year old cat to the point where she has become morbidly obese. She has begun urinating and defecating all over their house, and they are planning on taking her to a shelter, where she will almost certainly be euthanized. They are aging and...
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    Baywatch Star Inspires Obese Fan To Lose Weight

    I can't really imagine Baywatch being inspirational for anyone, when I was a kid, I thought it was the most boring soft core porno on television, but to each his own, I guess. More » Baywatch Star Inspires Obese Fan To Lose Weight is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
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    Kids Who Use Smaller Plates Are Less Likely To Become Obese

    Kids who use smaller plates to serve themselves food are less likely to become obese. The finding came from a new study conducted by researchers from Temple University and was published in the journal Pediatrics. Obesity has been a serious problem in the United States. A previous report...
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    Being Labeled ‘Food Addict’ Increases Stigma For The Obese

    All over the country, there is a huge stigma surrounding addiction. From people judging those who have addiction issues as being “trouble” or “losers,” even if they’ve been recovered and stable for years, to the cruel — and often damaging … More » Being Labeled ‘Food Addict’ Increases Stigma...
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    Weight Loss May Prevent, Treat Osteoarthritis In Obese Patients

    Obesity may trigger biomechanical changes, pathways that contribute to osteoarthritis Weight loss may prevent and significantly alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis, a progressive disease of the joints known as "wear and tear" arthritis, according to a literature review appearing in the...
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    In Gulf Region More Than One-Third Are Obese And One-Quarter Have Diabetes

    With one of the highest rates of obesity in the world, the Gulf region is facing an epidemic of cardiovascular disease. At least 50% of the population is below the age of 25 and the high prevalence of risk factors signals a massive wave of cardiovascular disease in 10-15 years. Cardiovascular...
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    In Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes, Results Of Fitness Program Show Gender Differ

    More than one-third of Americans are obese, and these individuals often experience accompanying health issues, such as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems. In response to the so-called "obesity epidemic," many medical professionals have suggested ways to improve the health outcomes of...
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    ‘The X Factor’ Accepts Obese Contestant Freddie Combs…If He’ll Promise To Lose Weight

    On last night's episode of 'The X Factor', a Tennessee minister named Freddie Combs made the first round of auditions, but on one condition: That he lose weight.*I have a lot of reservations about the good intentions of the show's producers or*Simon Cowell, who struck a deal with Combs to allow...
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    Link Between Sleep Apnea In Obese Pregnant Women And Poor Maternal And Neonatal Outco

    The newborns of obese pregnant women suffering from obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit than those born to obese mothers without the sleep disorder, reports a study published online today in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. Sleep apnea...
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    'Obese' Or 'Overweight' Are Hurtful Labels, Whereas Terms Like 'Large' Considered By

    If doctors want to develop a strong rapport with parents of overweight children, it would be best if physicians used terms like "large" or "gaining too much weight" as opposed to the term "obese." These were findings recently published by medical researchers at the University of Alberta... More...
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    Being Obese Is Better Than Being Underweight [Science]

    Modern society is obsessed with weight: everyone longs to be skinny, and obesity is demonized. But while being overweight does carry with it health risks, a new study suggests that being underweight is far more dangerous than being obese. More »
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    Smoking, Drinking, Being Obese Don’t Actually Hurt Sperm (But Still Aren’t Great For

    For a long time, fertility doctors have told men that, for optimal sperm viability and healthy, they should consider making lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking, reducing their consumption of alcohol, and losing weight. But new research out of the UK indicates that those kinds of changes may...
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    Exercise Does Not Improve Lipoprotein Levels In Obese Patients With Fatty Liver Disea

    New research found that moderate exercise does not improve lipoprotein concentrations in obese patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Results published in the June issue of Hepatology, a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, report that moderate...
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    Heart Damage Already Present In Obese Adolescents

    Obese adolescents with no symptoms of heart disease already have heart damage, according to new research. The findings were presented at the Heart Failure Congress 2012, 19-22 May, in Belgrade, Serbia. The Congress is the main annual meeting of the Heart Failure Association of the European...
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    Obese Mothers Give Birth to Less Intelligent Children [Science]

    Not all people are born equal. In fact, new research suggests that if a child is born from an obese mother, it is likely to have significantly lower cognitive function compared to a child from a mother of a healthy weight. More »
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    Can i transform myself from an obese person to a basketball player in one...

    ...summer? What is my fitness plan? I weigh almost 300 pounds but i want to play basketball with my friends and as you know being fat is a huge struggle. What should my weekly plan be?
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    Do you think people are well-fed and overweight and obese as they were told...

    ...to eat all their dinner up? We have so much abundant food available now and when i was young I was told to eat all your food up or your in big trouble. Do you think this is causing the obesity crisis?
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    Don’t Be Surprised When 72% Of Women Are Overweight Or Obese By 2020

    In a country where public school kids are learning that pizza is a vegetable (thanks, Congress!) and doctors are afraid to tell patients the truth about their weight (not that their patients want to hear it, anyway), it's no surprise that many of our friends and neighbors are battling with their...
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    Obese Women Have Higher Risk Of Suffering Breast Cancer

    University of Granada researchers have proven that overweight women -especially those with morbid obesity- develop this disease at an earlier age. A total of 524 women with breast cancer participated in the study. The researchers found that women who started menstruating at a very early age...