
  1. R

    A query for the Brits: Pres. Obamas' DVD pack for PM Brown. Was it an honest mistake?

    From the English Telegraph site, there was a report that the British PM Gordon Brown could not view 'Psycho' from his DVD player. (Because of the Region restrictions for DVDs' and players.) Do you Brits think Pres. Obama is 'slightly out of touch" with reality to NOT KNOW this?! I do! And I'm...
  2. @

    AIG giving out bonuses...lol I laugh in Obamas face?

    I don't understand this concept of dogging on the President. Even if you don't agree with him or voted for him, the success of this country depends on the success of his presidency. To try to bring him down doesn't do the rest of us any favors.
  3. V

    The Dems called the Right 'conspiracy loons' for Obamas birth cert, so which...

    ...Dem conspiracy was YOUR favorite? Heres a list to pick from: > "Bush stole the elections" > "911 was an inside job" > "Bush and his oil buddies" > "Cheney runs the WH" > Add your own... The list is endless I know but I'm sorry, you can only pick one.
  4. M

    with obamas new tax plan, will celebrities pay more?

    since obamas plan involves having the higher income class pay higher taxes which includes celebrities, will they have to pay more? i assume that they are some of the richest people in our country. so wouldnt they have to pay the most? do you think that they will be getting paid less too? our...
  5. N

    complain about obamas spending......but allow CEO's to destroy companies, and...

    $74 billion in Iraq ?....Lol... more like $1,400 billion.. http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar_home
  6. C

    obamas Att General*****?

    They are forming there own secret society.
  7. S

    Are the Obamas charging more $ to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom tonight?

    as did the Clintons ?
  8. I

    was Obama joking?how did Lincoln Make Obamas story possible didn't his

    ancestors all remain in Africa? His story is what an African taking control with its slave trading partenr The US? Give me a break Barak
  9. B

    im jealous of obamas daughters?

    i mean they are normal kids than all of a sudden like there better than us they get invited on tv shows like hannah montana im not prejudice but im sure every1 is i mean its not that fair they get so many luxuries to like a jet plane rides everything!!! please don't report me instead just tell...
  10. J

    Can u still watch the bachelor even if obamas speech is on at the same time?

    So obama is supposed to speak at the same time the bachelors on is there another way to watch the bachelor!?? I'm slightly addicted to it haha!
  11. S

    do you think Obamas considered adoption?

    what a great example if they would pick up a pup from an animal shelter.
  12. 1

    Blair beats Brown to Obamas hug and kisses ?

    We read that Barack Obama met with Tony Blair believing that he was still the British prime minister, and showered Tony with kisses and hugs, while envious Gordon had to make do with Clarkson. is Brown now such a loser dead duck prime minister that the Americans dont even know who he is ...
  13. D

    What do you make of Glen Beck's comments on Obamas tenure thus far?

    particularly his outburst connecting Obama to socialism
  14. W

    Do you think the Internet will be Obamas worst enemy in 4 years?

    The media won't bring him down.But the internet can?
  15. J

    Obamas Cat A Conspiracy?

    You Heard It Folks , Obamas Cat Is Somehow Related To Drug Dealers All Around The Country , But Get This Obamas Cat Has Been Know To Spread Polarbearinjitus
  16. R

    Anyone getting sick of the Obamas being mistaken for a Hollywood celebrity?

    Obama is supposed to be our nation's leader, not someone for the media to make gossip-like headlines about! Yet all of Hollywood and the press seem to endorse him. Is there something about him that i'm not seeing? Everyone says that he has charm, but maybe I'm blind? Our nation is in turmoil...