
  1. A

    Pacers? Jeff Pendergraph, Heat?s Norris Cole, Flo Rida?s manager ejected late in Game

    With just over two minutes remaining in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals and the Miami Heat holding a very comfortable lead over the Indiana Pacers, coaches Erik Spoelstra and Frank Vogel had largely emptied their benches, resulting in end-game playing time for the likes of Pacers reserve...
  2. A

    Closing Time: Catching up with Derek Norris and Yasmani Grandal

    I've always been somewhat sympathetic to catchers — maybe it's the Johnny Bench Effect, a result of watching The Baseball Bunch during my formative years. With that in mind, our opening bullets will be tied to the catcher position, and then we'll eventually meander our way around the rest of the...
  3. R

    Was Chuck Norris in the Kia Optima commercial as the Sandman or was that someone...

    ...else? My friend and I have a debate going. He thinks that Chuck Norris was the Sandman and I think that it was a different actor. Please help us out.
  4. K

    Where is big bad rookie of the year norris cole?

    all that hype and he has 2 f***ing pts bwhahah
  5. K

    Where is big bad rookie of the year norris cole?

    all that hype and he has 2 f***ing pts bwhahah
  6. Z

    my friend, who is a heat fan, says norris cole will win rookie of the year?

    he got mad when i disagreed with him. i told him kyrie irving is putting up better numbers, and he said the cavs suck. your thoughts?
  7. G

    Are There Any Republicans in Hollywood—Aside From Chuck Norris?

    What's this about Chuck Norris campaigning for Newt Gingrich? I didn't know there were any Republicans in Hollywood. —Chuck Norris Does Not Need Your Answers, via the...
  8. R

    Anyone else annoyed by Chuck Norris jokes?

    They were funny long time ago but they are used to much! i meen seriously i know tons of guys who could beat Chuck Norris' booty! @Dopey Dinosaur Yeah that commercial would have been funny few years ago
  9. 0

    Did Chuck Norris make a deal with the devil?

    How else to explain the stupid meme that won't die?
  10. R

    Why isn't there a religion for Chuck Norris?

    We should become loyal followers of the TRUE GOD of roundhouse kicking: Chuck Norris Long live Chuck Norrism
  11. T

    Whats the funniest Chuck Norris fact you have heard?

    I like: Chuck Norris' cowboy boots are made from real cowboys...
  12. Jordan

    Poll: do you agree that Chuck Norris jokes are past their prime?

    Like 5 years ago, yeah I might've chuckled. haha. But now they are lame in my opinion and so predictable.
  13. U

    Can you come up with your own chuck norris jokes?

    10pts to best one. the reason i asked in this section is because more people will see it
  14. D

    When and how did Chuck Norris jokes start?

    I've been seeing alot of chuck Norris jokes in youtube, and i wanted to know how did they start. Can you say a few?
  15. C

    What is the best Chuck Norris joke you got?

    Title says it all, i want a little laugh so please joke away!! =)
  16. B

    Who is Chuck Norris and what do those jokes mean?

    I don't get it. And it makes me feel like an outsider. What the heck.. can someone explain what the chuck norris jokes are about? I googled it and Wikepedia said he served in the army and then became an actor... I don't get why people make jokes.. like "Chuck Norris doesn't need a twitter. He's...
  17. D

    Chuck Norris jokes.........?

    I know a lot of chuck norris jokes... Can someone tell me one that I dont know???
  18. I

    What are some good Chuck Norris and dead baby jokes?

    And are there any Chuck Norris dead baby jokes?
  19. L

    Funniest Chuck Norris jokes?

    My goal is to get 50 stars.....WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP?
  20. A

    how come when i see a chuck norris joke it talks about the roundhouse kick?

    i'm in some website that has chuck norris jokes and there so funny but a whole lot of them talk about him about doing the roundhouse kick...what is that?