
  1. F

    Are the Peace Nobel Prizes a bad joke nowadays?

    Giving the prize to an American President that admits (just like Tony Blair just told the press) that war is perhaps the right thing to do sometimes ,US president Obama could have started by apologizing about all the thousands of innocent civilians killed and subsequent suffering ,horrifying...
  2. H

    Nobel Speech Greatest of all time?

    Even some of Obama's haters gave praise for speech.Obama blew their minds with his way of explaining how war is sometimes needed to combat those who wish to take away peoples freedoms,However we must always have peace as the goal.It was beautiful to hear.Obama and staff are pretty good at what...
  3. J

    So why did Obama receive the Nobel peace prize when he is a Warmonger?

    It appears he has let down and betrayed many White liberals who voted for him and only has the support of Black America through a sense of colour allegiance Most significantly he has refused to sign the landmine ban that kills an estimated 24,000 people a year many of them Children around the...
  4. T

    The AIDS Institute, Nobel Prize Winner Join On World AIDS Day To Call For More Therap

    In honor of World AIDS Day, The AIDS Institute (TAI), one of the nation's leading advocacy organizations for support of people with HIV/AIDS and their providers, joined Nobel Laureate Dr. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, in calling for government leaders, patient advocates and the research community to...
  5. T

    Iran has seized a Nobel peace prize. Should the same be done in the USA to Obama?

    'Iranian authorities have confiscated Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi's medal, the Norwegian government said today. It said Ebadi's medal was seized "within the last week or so" from a safe-deposit box in Iran along with other personal effects. Ebadi, a human rights lawyer, won the Nobel peace...
  6. L

    Is there a way to get sperm from nobel prize winners to make my future baby?

    i heard it on the news. is that true? is there really a nobel prize sperm bank?
  7. T

    Shouldn't Shimon Peres's 1994 Nobel Peace Prize be revoked after the Massacre in...

    ...Gaza? It is astonishing that an individual who is in breach of international law, indeed a war criminal, should be given this award, especially in so-called “recognition of the efforts of Mr. Peres to find a peaceful solution to conflicts in the Middle East” which is clearly not the case, as...
  8. M

    How many Nobel Prizes have been given for negotiating peace in the Middle East?

    No Seriously. Didn't Yassir Arafat get one back in 1970's... Who else got a Nobel Prize for Mideast Peace? Kissinger? Carter? Let's stay out of it until someone finally wins that war. I don't even care who wins. I just want to see the world move on.