no homo

  1. I

    Who invented "No Homo"?

    I find No homo funny but people say it all the time who came up with it?
  2. I

    Who invented "No Homo"?

    I find No homo funny but people say it all the time who came up with it?
  3. K

    LGBT: What it really means when a person says "no homo"?

    And you know the person that says "no homo" has been with the same sex. Has anyone here used that line when they werent out yet??
  4. W

    What do people mean when they say "no homo"?

    Do they mean that "I just said I love you but we are only friends"? or do they mean that they are against people that are gay? So basically they are just trying to remove any and all doubt that they might be gay? Does it mean that they are probably against gays? ** off topic alert: What do you...
  5. L

    How do you feel about the phrase "no homo"?

    Well, muggles?
  6. T

    So A-Rod or "No Homo" Which one is it today?

    Don't you wish both "No Homo" and his "Boyfriend" A-Rod would vanish? "Best Trolls" I do hope that's sarcasm, they are nothing compared to Witty trolls from the past. Anyways what's this view of me being "Sketchy"...?
  7. J

    What do you guys think when a person says "no homo"?

    i'm heterosexual and i was wondering what you guys think when someone says "no homo" i mean does it offend you or what? thanks
  8. O

    Why do people say "No homo"?

    It irks me when people say that... A compliment is a compliment, get over it.
  9. T

    When does saying "No Homo" go too far?

    So we all understand how saying "No homo" cancels out anything gay you say so I can walk up to my friend Michael and say "Your hair looks really cute today, no homo" So I'm not gay. Anyway I'm not sure about my friend Stan. He's been saying No HOMO way too much recently but maybe it's not a big...
  10. E

    Was there even a NEED to say "no homo" in this situation?

    Well I don't even like that term I have no idea why people say it but anyway, I was on facebook and this guy made a status saying "No Homo but that new Nicki Minaj song is one of my favorites" .. okay so now you're gay if you're a guy that likes a song by a female?? GOD what is wrong with the...
  11. C

    Why Do People Get Offended When People Say "No Homo"?

    I was reading some questions, like wtf why is everyone so offended? It's not derogatory or anything. Logic: A guy is at a club, a girl is approaching him, but one of his male friends walks to him at the same time. The guy says "nice blazer bro, you're looking fresh." At this point the girl who...
  12. D

    What is the time limit one has to call "No Homo" after doing something homosexual.?

    What is the time limit one has to call "No Homo" after doing something homosexual.? Once the event has occurred, how long does that person have to call "No Homo" to be considered straight.
  13. X

    what is up with people saying "no homo" to everything?

    i dont get it, and its really bothering me because everyone is saying it. on picture comments,letters,signitures. mostly preps do it but stilll what the hell does it mean?
  14. X

    what is up with people saying "no homo" to everything?

    i dont get it, and its really bothering me because everyone is saying it. on picture comments,letters,signitures. mostly preps do it but stilll what the hell does it mean?
  15. S

    Why do people say "no homo"?

    As a bisexual female, I find it very annoying that people feel that they need to say "no homo" after giving someone of the same sex a compliment, as if being homosexual is a horrible thing to be. How did the phrase "no homo" even come about? Opinions?
  16. K

    Does the term "that's so gay" or "no homo" offend you?

    it use to for some reason, but now it is just annoying. i work at a clothing store part time and i hear people( mainly teens & early 20 year olds) say " oh that is so gay". and they would be talking about a freaking t-shirt wtf?
  17. S

    How do you feel when people say "no homo"?

    I think its annoying, people are that worried that someone will think that they are homosexual? Wow.
  18. L

    What's this "No Homo" thing about?!?!?

    I've seen a few people say it on Y!A. Where did it come from? I've never heard anyone say it in real life... I know what it means just want to know why people are saying it? So is it offensive to gay people...? One of a Kind - Did you really just ask me that question? I live in Ireland, not the...
  19. J

    what do gays think of the expression thats become common "no homo" or "thats gay"?

    what do gays think of the expression thats become common "no homo" or "thats gay"? to clarify, its a way of saying thats not cool or your acting like a girl (ie. not cool again). its not saying no homo as in no homosexuals allowed or anything prejudice like that. thank god we have some no pc...
  20. A

    Does saying "No Homo" help?

    Does saying "No Homo" actually help with saying really gay things like "Hey, I just showered with my best friend and we compared sizes, No Homo."?