
  1. T

    NHS Could Save Millions By Investing In Specialist Nurses, England

    Meg Macarthur, Senior Policy Officer at Breakthrough Breast Cancer says: "The threat to breast care and other specialist nurses is potentially devastating to patients. We know that these nurses play a significant role in their care and recovery, offering an invaluable service throughout their...
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    Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, UK

    Following publication by Robert Francis QC of the independent inquiry report into Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust on 24 February, the NMC has confirmed that it had already opened a case file in relation to events at the Trust. Commenting on the NMC's position, Professor Dickon...
  3. T

    A Manifesto For A Sustainable NHS, UK

    The NHS Alliance welcomes the publication of Sir Michael Marmot's groundbreaking report Fair Society, Healthy Lives. In a climate of pre-election fever and public sector cuts this is a clarion call to look at the way in which the NHS currently functions. There has been too much emphasis on...
  4. T

    NHS Diabetes Care Continues To Improve, UK

    Care for people with diabetes has continued to improve according to a report published today by the Department of Health. The sixth annual update on progress with diabetes care recognises key achievements made in the last year including completion of the first survey to establish how many...
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    NHS Diabetes Care Continues To Improve, UK

    Care for people with diabetes has continued to improve according to a report published today by the Department of Health. The sixth annual update on progress with diabetes care recognises key achievements made in the last year including completion of the first survey to establish how many...
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    Improving Access Is A Crucial Part Of Tackling Inequality, Says NHS Confederation Cha

    Responding to Sir Michael Marmot's health inequalities review, NHS Confederation chair Bryan Stoten said improving access and working with other organisations so people do not fall into, and remain in, ill health, are the keys to tackling this issues. Commenting on today's Marmot Review, NHS...
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    Media Moguls Wins NHS Organ Donation Campaign, UK

    Media Moguls has been appointed by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) to raise awareness about organ donation amongst South Asian and Black communities in the UK. Media Moguls is one of the UK's leading ethnic marketing agencies and previously designed and implemented the first ever South Asian...
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    Media Moguls Wins NHS Organ Donation Campaign, UK

    Media Moguls has been appointed by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) to raise awareness about organ donation amongst South Asian and Black communities in the UK. Media Moguls is one of the UK's leading ethnic marketing agencies and previously designed and implemented the first ever South Asian...
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    NHS Providers Should Open Their Books To Public Scrutiny, UK

    All companies, individuals and organizations contracting for the NHS should open their accounts to public scrutiny to encourage financial transparency and ensure that the NHS is getting value for money, says the NHS Alliance. This includes providers commissioned by Primary Care Trusts and other...
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    British Medical Association Scotland Response To The Publication Of The NHS Annual Re

    Commenting on the publication of the NHS Scotland Chief Executive's annual report on FridayDr Brian Keighley, Chairman of the BMA in Scotland, said: "I would like to thank Dr Kevin Woods for his appreciation of the hard work and dedication of NHS staff. Without a dedicated and highly skilled...
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    Tackling Tuberculosis In England: Local NHS Has Made 'Progress' But 'Much More Needs

    Local NHS services to tackle tuberculosis (TB) in England are improving, but worryingly nearly 1 in 5 (18%) TB 'hot spot' areas, and 6 in 10 (60%) areas overall, still don't have a strategy in place to tackle the disease - according to a new report launched yesterday (Thursday 3rd December 2009)...
  12. N

    am i the only one who knows that the "exposure" of one nhs hospital as

    bad is just the tip of the iceberg? this one is just so bad that the administrators couldn't cover it up anymore, please they all need fixing
  13. N

    the NHS cant afford to treat all ill people. should it be funding IVF treatment?

    i say no you can die waiting for your illness to be treated you wont die from not being a parent
  14. T

    can i get a boob job on the nhs?

    i always had small boobs mainly down to the fact i suffered with an eating disorder during my growing period.its been a year now since ive been well again and ive put on weight and aswell as getting unsightly stretchmarks my boobs when i lye on my side my boobs are completly lopsided.i would...
  15. C

    Want to hear a joke about the good old NHS?

    lol so so true
  16. S

    Should NHS staff be sacked if they discuss religion?

  17. M

    People in the US, what would you think of the introduction of a NHS?

    Just wondering as I live in the UK and so take it very much for granted. Do you recon that it would improve your country or hinder it? The NHS is a national health service. It basically means that all of your health care is provided by the state. You have to pay nothing. If you want an...