
  1. H

    How many hours do u spend cruising social networking sites?

    facebook and twitter, myspace, it seems like it would take so long to go through profiles, reading them and stuff. how much time do u find u spend on this?
  2. G

    Foursquare, a new social networking whatever whatever

    A block quote: "Foursquare is a little bit of everything--a friend-finder, a local city guide, an interactive mobile game," said company cofounder Dennis Crowley, as if reading from the same tired script used by every one of these Web 2.0 or whatever-the-fuck-they're-called startups. "But more...
  3. I

    is eHarmony a social networking site?

    If not what category would apply to both and
  4. I

    Is eHarmony a social networking site?

    If not what category would apply to both and
  5. P

    What should a guy think of his girlfriend on social networking sites and

    Talking to every guy on the internet? Yes i am talking about my girlfriend rebecca ,, she is always spending lots of time on facebook myspace and myyearbook and constantly making contact with guys and there is no end in sight of her constantly meeting more and more guys. On her profiles she...
  6. M

    Watch our panel on risky social networking

    [No message]
  7. G

    At Long Last: Integrated Social Networking in iPhone OS 4.0 [Unconfirmed]

    We've been waiting for this: Integrated social networking in iPhone, specifically of the Facebook variety—evidence of which has been discovered in iPhone 4.0 system files (via jailbreak), with support for contacts and calendars. [Gunning for Safety via Engadget] More »
  8. G

    Location-Based Social Networking Looks Kind of Like a CDC H1N1 Map [Cellphones]

    It's pretty clear by now that the next big thing is going to be location. Here's a map of what all those checkins looked like in Austin during Geek Spring Break (SXSW), a taste of what's coming. [YouTube via Scoblizer] More »
  9. G

    Apple Patent For Cover Flow-Like Social Networking Profiles Emerges [Apple]

    Hands up who uses Cover Flow? A quick vox pop amongst Giz staff reveals only once in a blue moon do we use it. Yet a patent for a Cover Flow-like integration of social-networking profiles has surfaced. More »
  10. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  11. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  12. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  13. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  14. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  15. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  16. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  17. B

    How do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  18. B

    how do you use dial up networking through Bluetooth on a macbook?

    what i am trying to say is i want to call people through my phone from Bluetooth
  19. D

    What is the best social networking site around?

    Including Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, MSN etc. Pls state why???
  20. D

    What is the best social networking site around?

    Including Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, MSN etc. Pls state why???