
  1. T

    Freezing Nerves, An Effective Way To Treat Chronic Pain

    A form of treatment called cyroneurolysis is being used for chronic pain caused by nerve damage; it involves using a tiny ball of ice to interrupt pain signals and eliminate pain while the nerves slowly recover. The results of the study, presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology's...
  2. T

    Scientists Map Sensory Nerves In Mouse Skin, Findings Could Hold Clues For Pain Manag

    Johns Hopkins scientists have created stunning images of the branching patterns of individual sensory nerve cells. Their report, published online in the journal eLife on Dec. 18, details the arrangement of these branches in skin from the backs of mice. The branching patterns define ten distinct...
  3. T

    How Our Nerves Regulate Insulin Secretion

    The autonomic nervous system, which is the part of the nervous system beyond conscious control, plays an important role in the release of insulin from beta cells in the endocrine part of the pancreas. The process by which this occurs has been a mystery, since it is difficult to give detailed...
  4. T

    Severely Damaged Nerves May Be Regrown And Function Restored Using New Technique

    Engineers at the University of Sheffield have developed a method of assisting nerves damaged by traumatic accidents to repair naturally, which could improve the chances of restoring sensation and movement in injured limbs. In a collaborative study with Laser Zentrum Hannover (Germany) published...
  5. M

    How can I avoid gossip in high school without getting on people's nerves?

    I'm a freshman in high school and I'm starting to make a lot of new friends. But I've noticed a lot of the girls get really catty. Its like they always have something mean to say about people. I don't really like gossip (I never have) so I don't usually want to participate in it, but I never...
  6. B

    What does soul mean for those who suffer nerves and mental disorder?

    Our life is all about our soul, right? Soul is all about how we think, how we see the world, our feelings, conscience, our life. So, how does the soul work for those who have nerves? I mean, why because something happens to the BODY, people can't do anything? Where is the soul to save the life...
  7. M

    My problam is nerves all face changing like come to cry.if i talk

    with my friends they joke something ? So i can't face anyone
  8. T

    Genes Discovered That Repair Nerves After Injury

    Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have identified more than 70 genes that play a role in regenerating nerves after injury, providing biomedical researchers with a valuable set of genetic leads for use in developing therapies to repair spinal cord injuries and other common...
  9. A

    what is best thing to say to those who criticize you and they still have nerves... mingle with you? I hate people who are hypocrite.they talk a lot behind you and yet they still sit with you as if you are the most wonderful person in the neighbor.
  10. J

    why is everyone whining about black ops its getting on my nerves?

    OK first of all everyone was looking foward to black ops and was saying things like " mw2 is a mega fail and iam never playing it again, iam so looking foward to black ops" And now all of a sudden everyone is going back to mw2 i just dont get it. just because black ops is differnet to cod 4 and...
  11. T

    Robotic Amazonian Fish Improves Understanding Of How Nerves Control Movement

    US researchers have made a robotic version of an Amazonian fish that can move from swimming forward and backward to vertically almost instanteously, as a result of which they hope to improve our understanding how the nervous system sends messages throughout the body to make it move. They also...
  12. F

    My neighbor gets on my nerves, people think he's relevant and I don't, should...

    ...I start rumors about him? Should I nose through his family history and find some isolated incidents and paint him and his entire family with the same brush? What do you think: "The Johnsons" have a history of persecuting my people for no good reason whatsoever. One of my ancestors...
  13. M

    poll: what song gets on your nerves lately ?

    watch me burn rihanna and eminem is annoying to me
  14. E

    I have to travel on and plane and I'm scared, How do I calm my nerves?

    In a couple of days I have to travel for a couple of hours on a plane and am scared! I always think of the worse in situations like these (I'm persmistic) and I don't know how to calm myself down is there anything I can take to help me calm my nerves (not medication stuff like drinks etc.)
  15. I

    do i just have extreme nerves -- laugh / spasm when touched?

    like the "first" time cuddling, i could not stop laughing whenever touched anywhere! now, not so much. sooo....a significant other was touching my rib cage, and i had this intense muscle spasm. like my lateral abs just contracted. it was wierd! and....i'm ticklish. on my knees. or if i get a...
  16. M

    anyone know about nerves going from the neck down the arm?

    im a licensed professional massage therapist and have been one for 2 years, and mind you i learned about the anatomy and physiology of the body. im not a doctor but i learned the quick basics in the 9 months of required schooling so please no scolding. :) okay so i massaged a woman about a week...
  17. G

    Hacking Nerves to Revive Paralyzed Limbs [Science]

    A neural engineer from Case Western Reserve University is reviving paralyzed limbs with an electricity hack. It's a brilliant workaround for spinal cord injuries, and it may someday let paraplegics activate their legs just by pushing a button. More »
  18. J

    I have a Karate teacher who's getting on my nerves?

    I started about a month ago. I like the high cardio and stamina. But when it comes time to practice sparing (he calls it Kumite).....the sensei literally whoops my a**. I hit the back of my head hard last week because he swooped my legs and I fell backwards. I bled a little around my ear, and he...
  19. R

    why do guys keep leaving me. its getting on my nerves. im gay. I'm tired of men....

    ...they piss me off.? maybe love is not real i don't know. Because all I want in my life is a life relashonship. tell me why. When all I do is try to make the other person happy and give them nothing but my love.
  20. L

    calm nerves after a break up?

    I have just been dumped, and after two days of crying, my stomach has now decided that it won't let me rest either. I constantly feel physically sick, and I still can't concentrate. Does anyone know any cheap / easy medicines that might help?