
  1. N

    Can I buy the Jawbone Nerd by itself without the Jawbone Icon HD bluetooth part?

    I bought the Jawbone Icon HD bluetooth earpiece. I paired it to my computer but now it will not connect. After I did some research, I found out that the Jawbone Icon HD earpiece will not connect to a computer without this little gadget called the "Nerd." Personally, I think it's stupid that...
  2. G

    Bar Refaeli Makes Out With One Lucky Nerd in New Go Daddy Super Bowl Commercial

    So...Bar Refaeli's doing a lot*of kissing in her new Super Bowl commercial. "There are two sides to Go Daddy," begins longtime spokes-hottie Danica...
  3. A

    Need a NERD! torrent game crisis/ daemon tools?

    Ok I DLed Caesar 4 on a filesharing program and I got as far as mounting it with daemon tools and it installed and everything (got really excited after 2 days of downloading hell) and then when I hit play game....Please insert disk 1. So I even went back and burned the first mount onto a disk...
  4. R

    comic question guys im a pretty big comic nerd now ive even printed out in color

    all the galactic entities? beyonder all those guys you know ive doen tons of research and im always doing who would iwn well this is just a question i know the answer ive read it but i forgot okay so whats the difference between pre and post recon beyonder and the others like molecule man and...
  5. E

    Poll: nerd or vampire?

    Which one should I be for halloween?
  6. C

    A slut called me fat and an unsociable nerd who doesn't understand fashion?

    I have to admit, I am fat. But she didn't have to publically insult me on facebook. Just because I haven't been on a date, I get straight A's in tests doesn't mean she has to say that to me! I am socialable! I have friends that I hang out with and talk to all the time! She wears heavy make-up...
  7. C

    What are your favorite nerd jokes?

    -If you're not part of the solution you're part of the precipitate -What's the square root of 69? 8 something.... -Two atoms are talking. One says "Oh, crap, I lost an electron!" the other one asks "are you sure?" the first atom says "yeah, I'm positive." -If I could be any enzyme I'd be a DNA...
  8. G

    The View Atop the Googleplex: Growing Pains, Google Music, and Nerd Fights [Google]

    There's a lot to absorb in Businessweek's massive look at the top of Google's executive food chain. But the juicy bits are extra-juicy. More »
  9. E

    What do you think of this Nerd glasses trend?

    I actually have some that are prescription. I just don't get why the people with perfect vision wear fake glasses with no lenses. I mean, the whole nerdy glasses have been cool in the alternative scene for years, but why are they becoming cool mainstream now? So what do you think of this new...
  10. P

    this nerd from my school does mma and i am fighting him i heard mma is easy just...

    ...pound on someone till KO? and he is a nerd so it will prove that martial arts is for kidz
  11. P

    Why is tony so fet nerd pito?

    there is no way this meco can get 3 ba in a day not even 100 in a month
  12. P

    Why is tony so fet nerd pito?

    there is no way this meco can get 3 ba in a day not even 100 in a month
  13. P

    Why is tony so fet nerd pito?

    there is no way this meco can get 3 ba in a day not even 100 in a month
  14. P

    Why is tony so fet nerd pito?

    there is no way this meco can get 3 ba in a day not even 100 in a month
  15. P

    Why is tony so fet nerd pito?

    there is no way this meco can get 3 ba in a day not even 100 in a month
  16. S

    When Are Asher Roth And N*E*R*D next tour to the uk 2010 -2011 ?

    Im their biggest fan and its so hard to find out their next tour is to the uk . any gigs ,concerts or signings?
  17. D

    Is anyone else tired of the nerd trend?

    Is a Porsche Cayman a good everyday car? Hi, so my dad wants to get a nice comfortable car to drive to his new work, which is like 40 min away there and same back so it is like 80 min total driving. I was helping him look for good cars and we found a 2007 Cayman with 20k miles on it for $35k...
  18. S

    N.E.R.D Nothing album?

    it was supposed to come out today Sept. 7, 2010 i went to Best Buy and they dont have it neither do Target or Walmart does anyone know whats going on? I cant even find it on iTunes please let me know whats up thanksss
  19. G

    The Saddest Nerd Wedding Photo Ever [Funny]

    While Danish Ubuntu Solutions Provider Martin Pihl's marriage "wasn't without hazzles", he "juuuust had to check my e-mail before the ceremony." You've got counseling! (Can I still make an AOL joke? I guess if people still use Ubuntu...) [] More »
  20. J

    nerd glasses back in style?

    ive noticed that the 80s retro nerd look is starting to come back. why and how did they come back in style?