
  1. T

    New Research Finds Obesity Negatively Impacts Income, Especially For Women

    A new report from The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services' Department of Health Policy (GW) uncovered an overall wage differential between those of normal weight and those who are obese, especially when it comes to women. The research, released today...
  2. T

    Remembering The Past Negatively Impacts Health

    Going back to work after the holidays is a nightmare for many. Can you improve your health by remembering the past in a positive way? A study by the University of Granada (UGR) reports that people's attitude to past events, present experiences or future expectations, influences their perception...
  3. G

    Does anyone else react negatively to the new customer greeting policy at Subway

    restaurants? I've eaten at Subway restaurants for many years, and I like them. Recently, I was startled to note that whenever a customer enters the store, the staff shouts WELCOME TO SUBWAY! It was somewhat distracting during a couple of visits at odd times of the day, but today I ate my...
  4. R

    why does every movie john cena stars is targeted negatively?

    every movie john cena stars in, its always targeted negatively why???????
  5. R

    why does every movie john cena stars is targeted negatively?

    every movie john cena stars in, its always targeted negatively why???????
  6. M

    How does msn messenger affect the community negatively?

    This is a question i have to get a lot of answers on for a school project! Please help me! Thanks!
  7. C

    Why do some guys react negatively when you introduce them to your other guy friends?

    Well, I have different groups of friends, and two different guys in each one. Today one walked up and gave me a hug (im a girl, this is my friends thing haha) and then Danny (my other friend who I had been walking with) just kinda ignored him and acted rude. Why do guys act like this?
  8. J

    Why do many Americans like to talk negatively about Spain & Italy?

    The Americans are simply jealous! Spain & Italy are beautiful southern European countries,rich culture & history,delicious foods,good looking healthy Europeans(they dont have a high over weight & obesity problem like the U.S.A.),I can go on and on and on in saying POSITIVE facts about Spain &...
  9. L

    This is just me ranting and you can comment negatively how you want I want to

    commit suicide? I need to know what would be the most painless method. I am jobless and am considered a joke to the workforce, I have no good skills even though I graduated out of college, I don't really want to join the military because my bf is already in the military it be weird, and to be...
  10. L

    Why does everyone seem to answer negatively in diet & fitness?

    Like I just wanted to know a few stuff regarding this category and I get defensive answers, it feels like the ones who answer stuff like these seems they don't want anyone else to advance or something... Well.. Tell you what! Everyone's willing to know anything since this is the information...
  11. M

    How does obesity negatively affect the bodies systems?

    I mean specifics, not just it causes heart problems ...
  12. M

    Poll: Has gossip negatively affected you?

    To what extent has gossip been a problem for you? What did you do about it? What's your personal policy on gossip?
  13. C

    How do you think the internet negatively influences teens?

    I'm doing a project for school on how the media influences and affects teens as far as body image, violence, sex, drinking and drugs... and need some opinions. any ideas?
  14. K

    My marriage is affecting my health negatively. The stress is literally killing

    me. What do I do? My husband of 10 years has been just been diagnosed with a porn/sex addiction. His behavior has literally ruined all trust and love that I had for him over the course of our marriage. We have a 16 year old daughter and an 8 year old son. I can't stand the thought of telling...
  15. 2

    Does cruise control affect your car negatively? What about older cars?

    I have a 99 Ford Contour and I like to use my cruise control the make sure I hold a consistent speed to use less gas. Does the cruise control do anything negatively to the battery, alternator, engine, transmission other components?
  16. D

    how do celebrities in the media negatively affect today's youth?

    i need to know how celebrities in the media negatively affect todays youth by glamorizing drugs and alchahol, also other ways the media negatively affects teens and i also need a good counter argument!