
  1. S

    After Sporting News and Tbs named Gordon Beckham rookie of the year?

    Do you think that the hopes of Rick Porcello,Elvis Andrus,Andrew Bailey,Jeff Niemann,Matt Wieters winning AL rookie of the year are gone?
  2. S god ,Dilhara named 4 da Indian tour..?

    what rz ur opinian n this...... He bowls ovr 145kmph & bowls wyt an amazing accuracy n domestic matches But i dnt need 2 tel what he does @ international level,No balls,Wides short pitched delevaries & many more.!!!
  3. T

    what hentai series has a green haired girl named Sour ?

    the tow other chars are females with blue and red hair
  4. L

    Is Max Green Dating a girl Named Lexus?

    cuz i saw it on his myspace but i heard from some other girl that shes im confused?......
  5. T

    Is this democratic? Policeman named on leaked BNP web site members list is sacked?

    I am not happy with this as it seems to be a witch hunt against ones political views.As long as this did not interfere with the chaps day to day work ,there should be no problem after all are we at the stage now of controlling peoples minds?Same as witch hunt against Scots nats in the 50's to...
  6. B

    what is the movie called w/ a blond girl named Charlie & she is a...

    ...bartender that has 2 go on a date w/ a guy? it is kind of like the bachelor show.. but she doesn't want to go on the date. her sister i think signed her up for it
  7. E

    Are we living on the Noah's Ark named earth? travelling to an unknown destination?

    Your Open QuestionShow me another » Which one is the captain of this ship? I or UN secretary general? If we are living on a ship named earth which is travelling to an unknown destination. At least I believe that I'm something like Noah
  8. A

    Have you ever met anyone named Adam King?

    Just wondering if anyone has met a guy named Adam King, and if you have: rate him 1-10 on a scale of awesome.
  9. B

    Is ther a legal agency named,GLOBAL WORLD TRAVEL ONLINE (that approves

    If they have a web address you could provide link so we could check it out too,or simply check it yourself against 'Whois' website checker and listed scam sites.
  10. J

    who in the hell named financial institutions fanny mae and freddie mac?

    only in america could people possibly be this dumb! and people are even more stupid for using companies like this, in canada people would never stand for this crap.
  11. G

    Tom's mom had 3 sons one was name nickle, one was named dime, what was the third one

    named? you would not believe how many people say quarter
  12. J

    Xbox Handheld system? What is it Named (called)?

    If you don't believe me about there being such a thing then go to this site.
  13. V

    Is this bike an import, it's a Yamaha xt125x but it's oddly named in the

    advert xt125 sm? here is a link think it's the 14th one down. I'm thinking it's probably a European import oops lol I'm from the UK!!!! ahhhh you know what danny mate your probably right there, that makes sense much appreciated.
  14. A

    I have a friend named Mercedes who drives a '96 Mercedes, is it just me or?

    if you shared the name of a car, wouldn't you avoid it? I would get annoyed with people cracking jokes at me all the time with it.
  15. T

    Star Wars question: Why is the Millennium Falcon named after a bird species that

    only exists on Earth? It makes no sense to me. Are there falcons in the Star Wars galaxy?
  16. L

    What are some recreations,parks,libraries,ext named after Tomochichi in Georgia?

    I need one for him, James wright, and Mary Musgrove. if you have any websites where I can search Georgia rec. and things like that, pleaseeee (: thanks!
  17. LisaA

    Has anyone named their child after a celebrity or is planning to?

    Or knows someone that has ?
  18. N

    Does anyone have/know a kid named Lincoln?

    I asked everyone for their best strong boy names about a week ago. Looking back I was very surprised to see that many lists included the name "Lincoln". My huband wants this so badly but I don't really care for it. He wants me to think about it and just at least consider this. Does anyone...
  19. I

    Southern Rap Group Named Redline?

    Ok. Im looking for this Rap group from like SOuth Carolina or somewhere down there. They're name is Redline 27 i believe or Redline. They have a song called "Its Fuck You" and i want it can someone help me find a place i can download. I cant find them anywhere.
  20. S

    Is there any bank named infinity bank plc in united kingdom?

    Actually, I got a job offer from the TOYOTA MOTORS in Uk and I have already transferred 2.20 lack money for visa, work permit, Resident permit, insurance certificate documents and for endorsement /stamping. Now I have been asked by the infinity bank to deposit 3.5 lack for the first 3 months of...