
  1. K

    Dodge ram mysterious noise?

    My 2000 dodge ram 1500 with a 360 seems to have a very loud noise coming from either the tranny or torque converter when under a lot of stress (such as pushing in throttle until it almost shifts, but doesnt). its a 4 spd automatic. In 3rd it usually starts clanking at like 2500 rpm's and its...
  2. V

    Can you guys recommend me some mysterious 'mind-mess' movies?

    With mind-mess, I mean movies that leave you behind with a question. Or also movies which are just very mysterious and you have to think deep to understand the concept of the movie. Some examples (which I already have watched) are : - Inception - Shutter Island - Saw Or I would love to get...
  3. S

    What's the difference between Interesting, Mysterious and Secretive?

    But how do they compare with one another?
  4. K

    Jessica - Mysterious Journey Game Download?

    where can i download Jessica - Mysterious Journey game for free?
  5. G

    What's iLife'11 Mysterious New Application? [Rumors]

    French Blog Mac4Ever claims that iLife'11 will arrive on August 7, 2010. According to their sources, the $79 package will feature 64-bit apps, deeper integration with Facebook, completely revamped iWeb, and a mysterious new app. What could it be? More »
  6. J

    What is a good book title about a family of mysterious time travellers?

    I'm writing a story and have been trying to think of an interesting book title that matches what is happening. The book is about a family called the Emersons who are from the 1800's and have travelled forward to present day to observe life and what it is like for us. But one of the children...
  7. T

    Scientists Unravel Causes Of Mysterious Skin Disease

    Scientists including researchers from the University of Florida have discovered additional evidence that generalized vitiligo - a disease that typically causes patches of white skin on the face, neck and extremities that pop star Michael Jackson may have experienced - is associated with slight...
  8. P

    So I've been dreaming about this mysterious man... [EXTREMELY LONG]?

    [My dream is a long story. I would like to note that there is absolutely no dialogue. Also, I will refer to my mysterious man as "the guy".] So my dream starts off with me, in an old medieval-ish city, but at the same time not really midieval-ish, and I somehow know exactly what is going on...
  9. G

    Celsius X VI II's Mysterious Mechanical Cellphone Gets Slightly Less Mysterious [Mech

    Last month, I risked life and limb to tell you about Celsius X-VI-II, a shadowy French company who was building a $300,000 mechanical cellphone. The first pictures of the phone have surfaced, though they don't exactly answer our questions. More »
  10. G

    Gamma Ray Mystery Remains Mysterious

    The ever-present fog of energetic gamma rays permeating the universe isn't created by what astronomers expected, new observations from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveal, leaving scientists with a new cosmic mystery to solve.The sky glows in gamma rays even far away from well-known...
  11. T

    Researchers Find Cells Move In Mysterious Ways

    Our cells are more like us than we may think. They're sensitive to their environment, poking and prodding deliberately at their surroundings with hand-like feelers and chemical signals as they decide whether and where to move. Such caution serves us well but has vexed engineers who seek to...
  12. T

    Researchers Find Cells Move In Mysterious Ways

    Our cells are more like us than we may think. They're sensitive to their environment, poking and prodding deliberately at their surroundings with hand-like feelers and chemical signals as they decide whether and where to move. Such caution serves us well but has vexed engineers who seek to...
  13. L

    who can identify this mysterious old gadget?

    can you help identify our mystery christmas gadget? my aunt found a strange old looking gadget behind grandma's cabinet. it has a logo on it- a silver and yellow coat of arms with a three point crown on the top and a z in the middle. also says its "made in Great Britain" its a about 3...
  14. S

    Mysterious Door: Isn't it funny?

    Sometimes life is like a mysterious door. It won’t open no matter how hard we push! All the way we never noticed the huge sign posted there that reads: PULL!
  15. M

    Mysterious red bumps at random places...?

    It's out of season for mosquitoes, and I doubt it's spiders cause I live on the fifth floor (though I have seen them's just not as common up here as the first floor, and definitely not common in the winter). Plus, I sleep on a loft bed. What could it be? I've found them on my...
  16. J

    Mysterious rash type thing near my eye? (Not on it)?

    Strange rash type thing near eye? (Details, Pics)? I have this strange rash type thing to the right of my right eye that has been there for 2 weeks. It is reddish pink, in the shape of an oval, and sometimes the skin in it is dry. Sometimes it is itchy, but it's mild. If you touch it, you can...
  17. N

    hey what is the real name of chuck's mysterious women from gossip girl

    episode "carnal knowledge"? In the episode Chuck wakes up in a hotel with almost no memory of what happened the night before. He remembers being with a girl, who he finds out is named "elle." I'm wondering if anyone would know her real name.
  18. S

    Mysterious data charges from verizon using Motorola Q. ?

    I am synching my email from my pc to my phone via usb and am getting charged per kb for it i believe. Why is that a data charge from verizon. Why would that use thier network/data charge?I have a motorola Q. could thier be something else running i am not aware of causing the data charges??
  19. A

    In Garth Ennis' Preacher comic who is the mysterious hitchhiker that Jesse...

    ...picks up after leaving Salvation ? I have had that this mysterious stranger is meant to be Elvis but I am looking for confirmation
  20. B

    I have these mysterious symptoms, do these ring a bell with anyone??? can...

    ...really use some advice...? Does anyone know what might cause these symptoms? So in september of last year I became ill, I was tired all the time, i couldn't sleep at night at all, in the morning after maybe 3 hours of sleep I would wake up and my body felt stiff. This was a common occurrence...