
  1. R

    Meeting Russian boyfriends Mum?!?

    My boyfriend is Russian but has grown up here. I'm meeting his Mum tommorow and am super nervous. Are there any cultural things i should be aware of? This might sound like a silly question but i just want to make a good impression.
  2. R

    Meeting Russian boyfriends Mum?!?

    My boyfriend is Russian but has grown up here. I'm meeting his Mum tommorow and am super nervous. Are there any cultural things i should be aware of? This might sound like a silly question but i just want to make a good impression.
  3. R

    How can i convince my mum to meet my friends mum?

    I asked my friend to come camping with me and my mum and some other family members, but my friends mum said no because she didn't know my mum very well, but my mum wont go to meet her. how can i convince her to go meet her so my friend can come camping.
  4. L

    my mum is going to a hollywood theme party.?

    any idea on what she can wear/who she can dress up as. she is in her 40's (sorry mum) and has dark brown shoulder length hair. she is very concerned about who to be any ideas?
  5. M

    How can I discuss my feelings with my mum when it gets a bit awkward?

    I think I may have depression. I've gone on to lots of websites and I have a lot of the symptoms they describe. I've had about 3 'breakdowns' in my life (I'm 13 if that helps), one when I was about 8, and I just felt worthless and angry for a very long time. I felt like going to bed, putting my...
  6. C

    Is it weird to discuss this with my mum?

    Me and mum talk about everything and were very open about sex. Recently my boyfriend fingered me and im dying to tell her and ask her some questions about it. Im wondering if i should or not? Is it weird to talk about that? just looking for opinions guys, thanks :) x
  7. U

    POLL: Do you prefer your mum or dad?

    (& why?)
  8. H

    POLL: Do you prefer your mum or dad?

    Dad cos im a tomboy.
  9. T

    Is it weird to talk to my mum about this?

    My best friend likes a guy who's too old for her, and I'm worried about her. There're a lot of other factors in this situation, and I have talked to my friends about them, we've all talked, but I really want the view of an adult in this, because I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing for my best...
  10. T

    Is it weird to talk to my mum about this?

    My best friend likes a guy who's too old for her, and I'm worried about her. There're a lot of other factors in this situation, and I have talked to my friends about them, we've all talked, but I really want the view of an adult in this, because I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing for my best...
  11. O

    Does my mum complain about me because she wishes she looked like I?
  12. O

    Does my mum complain about me because she wishes she looked like I?
  13. Z

    What can I do to stop arguing with my mum?

    I'm 26 and I can't afford to move out at the moment. I've been suffering from anxiety for 5 years and have had mood problems for awhile. I try and keep myself to myself but she argues about everything I swear and she has to have atleast two arguments a week and continues to be bitter...
  14. J

    I just told my mum that im a lesbian, and she wants me out by the end of the week?

    And i don't know what to do, were to go, and what to tell her. and she 100% serious about it i think, am sacred now? and i have no propper family Living in england ?
  15. C

    Can I introduce a Kitten back to its mum after a 2 week seperation?

    My friends cat had Kittens. I adopted one of the Kittens, However he just found out his partner is allergic to the mother cat so they need to re-home her. I am willing to take her in. The only thing im worried about is the kitten has been seperated from the mother for 2 weeks. Will they...
  16. N

    Is it haram to argue with my mum?

    My mum and I always argue, and she says things to me that make me get really angry. My father's mother just died yesterday and he is living and working away at the moment, and he didn't want to talk to anyone today so he turned off all his phones. So my mum was saying that he is pathetic and all...
  17. R

    why do i always argue with my mum?

    We argue about stupid things and at the end of it all, I can't remember what it's about!
  18. R

    why do i always argue with my mum?

    We argue about stupid things and at the end of it all, I can't remember what it's about!
  19. S

    What's your mum's best dish?

    My mum makes really good brisket @3rd answerer: you're awesome
  20. L

    Question for teens AND parents: I don't know how to behave when I argue with my mum?

    When we argue I try to stay calm and give my own opinions in a mature way but she just won't be reasonable; she thinks that because she's the parent she can say and do whatever she likes. Which I suppose is true, but it makes me sooo angry when she's screaming and shouting at me whilst I'm...