
  1. kowalskil

    Two kinds of morality

    TWO KINDS OF MORALITIES, MARXIST VERSUS THEOLOGICAL I am reading interesting comments about communist morality, in a book devoted to Judaism, published in 1975. The authors are two rabbis, D. Prager and J. Telushkin. A Christian theologian would probably make similar observations. Marxists and...
  2. A

    Atheists, if there is no objective morality and you don't believe in God...?

    ...then for you, rape and murder might not be wrong. In fact, anything any person does is neither right or wrong. There's always the possibility that you might consider raping or murdering someone, depending on what you need to achieve, like, for instance, you were above the law. Do you not see...
  3. N

    Christians: A question about God and morality?

    Are things commanded by God good because they are commanded by God or are they commanded by God because they're good?
  4. G

    Paul Zak: Trust, morality -- and oxytocin

    Read the comments on this post...
  5. kowalskil

    What is useful to us is moral

    Boshevik Morality 1) Several years ago I wrote a short book (with 54 references) entitled “Hell on Earth: Brutality and Violence Under the Stalinist Regime.” It is now freely available online. Let me show you the content of Section 3.7, devoted to a very peculiar kind of “morality.” It might...
  6. T

    How could christians learn morality from their religion if their god has no

    moral at all ? Their god created deformed babies and let many peoples suffered before died especially those peoples that trapped under building rubble when quake happened . @evan hughes So you admit that you have no moral by saying that ? @strawman So if a baby is born with deformed body is...
  7. kowalskil

    Is moral sensitivity sufficient?

    Is man's inhumanity to man avoidable? Is moral sensitivity of people sufficient to protect world societies from mass murderers? Probably not. What else is essential? Elimination of extreme poverty and injustice. How can this be accomplished? Many sociologists have asked this question. Karl Marx...
  8. T

    Why do so many Christians seem to believe that they invented 'morality'?

    Have you chaps noticed that almost always, when a Christian person speaks of atheism, the words morals or morality float to the top? Many of us, perhaps most of us live quiet lives in which we embrace a high degree of day-to-day behavior which could only be described as moral. For example, if I...
  9. B

    For those of the atheist religion: What is the basis for your ethics and morality?

    The Bible is the basis for mine. Do you have a handbook or something? Does court precedent establish your list of do's and don'ts? If the law were to say that it's ok to rape a woman who isn't wearing a head scarf (like sharia law says), does that make it ok for you? Is it according to the...
  10. T

    Christians: Why do you allow God to dictate your morality?

    Don't you have any spine to stand up for yourself? My Redeemer Lives: If that is your definition of love, then I do not want it, have you even read the Old Testament? Or the threats Jesus makes in the New Testament? There is no love in the biblical deity.
  11. T

    Pope Says Condoms Could Be 'First Step' Toward Morality In Some Cases

    In an interview to be published in an upcoming book, Pope Benedict XVI said condom use can be justified in some cases to prevent the spread of HIV, providing his first suggestion of an exception to the Catholic Church's longstanding policy against them, the New York Times reports...
  12. D

    How don't Christians realize that the cavemen morality in the Bible doesn't

    come from an all-wise god? Morality keeps evolving in modern times, and has proven to be incompatible with the morality proposed by the bloodthirsty and vindictive god of death from the Bible. Both, the bronze age morality and our own, keep moving away from one another, and still you find...
  13. A

    Atheists: why do you think Morality Doest Required God and Religion ?

    how do we know that something is good and evil for example religious book says to kill innocent is bad one can say i dont belive in god and religion and can kill an innocent for his intrests and can said it is beneficial for me. dont you think objective moral values need god ? how do you...
  14. G

    Christine O'Donnell on Morality

    Yeah, it's pretty much a joke: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  15. F

    If most "educated" people are atheists and don't need a book for morality

    why is their violence in Toronto? surely these "educated" university students who are most likely atheists, according to many atheists logic, know its wrong to smash windows and torch police cars... "TORONTO – Police raided a university building and rounded up more protesters Sunday in an...
  16. L

    what are the different kinds of morality?

    hey guys, would you happen to know a link that would show what the different types/kinds of morality are. i am confused if its christian morality or if its the visceral one...
  17. P

    Does hero have morality and self-interest?

    you will say YES. If you say "YES", so could you please raise me a hero that have morality and self-interest....
  18. I

    Why are Christians pretending to live their lives by 1st century morality...

    ...but just can't resist the..........? temptation of embracing the modern scientific material conveniences of the 21st century? Sorry to bring the bad news but there is not none of you who even remotely lives like a Christian despite what you may say, so you can all stop deluding yourselves...
  19. M

    What's more important to you: Morality or Honour?

    Thanks in advance.
  20. G

    Ethics and morality sans religion

    You probably don't know that I went to Harvard, because I rarely mention it, but I did, and when I was there I literally worked and studied around the Divinity school. The lab I worked in was on one side of the Div School, and the Peabody Museum (home of the Anthro Dept) was on the other side...