
  1. E

    Xbox game- Sonic Mega Collection w/ Monkey Ball Deluxe- I can't get to

    Monkey Ball from...? ...title screen! Help!? I recently purchased the Sonic Mega Collection 2 in 1 game pack with Super Monkey Ball Deluxe- and when I put the disc in, all I see are options for the Sonic games- there is no where for me to access Monkey Ball. Does anyone else have this game and...
  2. C

    Where can i buy a finger monkey? and how much?

    I want to buy a finger monkey, and find out how much they are
  3. M

    I am willing to pay 200 thousand dollars if an atheist shows me a video of a monkey

    evolving? I'm a fan of animal planet for years and i have never seen a monkey evolving
  4. P

    Can anyone tell me what kind of monkey is that ? just wanna know what's type/kind ?! Thankss!! :D
  5. G

    Monkey Mischief PAL Wii-WiiERD

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.88 GB Files: 110 (14 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: Posted: Wed December 22nd 09:29:03 UTC Download NZB
  6. Y

    Legend of Vietamese Laughing Monkey?

    I heard people in Vietnam tell of a monkey that if you get caught by it, it will start to laugh hysterically. But here's the catch-you laugh too, and till death. After you die, it eats you. I don't know what it's called, but I want to find out more about this laughing death monkey. It's sorta...
  7. A

    Is it possible to buy a male & female adult capuchin monkey for a cheap...

    ...price so they can have baby monkeys? that I can sell for $5000 Dollars each Of course I'll take good care of the mother & father monkeys and put them in a large comfortable cage with all the toys the monkeys need to be happy.
  8. J

    I need a riddle leading the kids to the school, and then out to the monkey bars?

    Having a scavenger hunt/road rally and I need a clue to lead the kids to the local school and then out to the monkey bars. Any suggestions?
  9. G

    Baby monkey riding backwards on a pig ...

    Hat tip: Linda Holmes Read the comments on this post... More...
  10. K

    today my monkey got inside of my blue ray player?

    i came home from school to find that my blue-ray player was on and running. i disregarded it and decided to feed my mokey. he wasn't in his cage. i found him later inside of my bluray flattened. is this normal behavior for a teenage monkey?
  11. K

    today my monkey got inside of my blue ray player?

    i came home from school to find that my blue-ray player was on and running. i disregarded it and decided to feed my mokey. he wasn't in his cage. i found him later inside of my bluray flattened. is this normal behavior for a teenage monkey?
  12. L

    Monkey Bread recipe (using canned biscuits)?

    I am looking for a certain monkey bread recipe. I made it in foods class. Ever recipe I have seen includes mixing the butter and brown sugar and simmering it. The recipe I am looking for instructs you to poor the melted butter over the pieces of biscuits that are covered in cinnamon, sugar, and...
  13. S

    Would it be illegal to own and display a Monkey Table?

    They have these special tables in China that lock around a monkey's throat, and then you crack the top of the monkey skull off and spoon out the brains while the body wriggles around under the table. Would it be illegal to buy such a table for display purposes? Would it be considered a...
  14. J

    Where can I play Escape From Monkey Island online or a full download/torrent for Mac?

    I've been dying to play forever. It was originally on PS2 and I think PC. I have a Mac that runs OSx Thank you!
  15. A

    How come the same "pacfans" that call floyd monkey, are the same ones crying...

    How come the same "pacfans" that call floyd monkey, are the same ones crying... ...foul over his rant? i mean seriously, isnt there a star trek or pokemon expo coming up soon or something? why are they so offended? these guys know how to take a computer apart and put it back together...
  16. G

    Laurie Santos: A monkey economy as irrational as ours

    Laurie Santos looks for the roots of human irrationality by watching the way our primate relatives make decisions. A clever series of experiments in "monkeynomics" shows that some of the silly choices we make, monkeys make too. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  17. Z

    Whats the differents between the Honda Monkey Motor Bike?

    Whats the differents between the Honda Monkey Motor Bike? Whats the differences between the manual and the automatic is it different in speeding and things like that or is it different only in the clutch? Thank You.
  18. D

    Anyone know where I can find a sci fi image of Monkey D. Luffy?

    I'm looking for an image of Luffy in a sci fi setting, likely in space. Please don't say deviantart, I've been there, and there are no pics of only him in a sci fi setting.
  19. G

    Happy 85th Anniversary Scopes Monkey Trial

    The trial started on July 10th, 1925. It ended on July 21st of the same year. Evolution lost. That time. Subsequently, Evolution won most of the trials. Read the comments on this post... More...
  20. M

    so sorry about that so my mate said if you mate a dog and a cat will it be a monkey?

    if any of you are jewish im sorry but a jew could become mad