
  1. A

    JEWS, JUDAISM - In modern Jewish belief what are the rules regarding these issue

    of modesty and dress? (If it differs according to age or marital status please inlclude.) A. Wearing a bathing suit: a thong? topless? B. Posing nude in a non-sexual situation like as a model for a college art class. C. Family situations in the home: Is their a strict cover-up standard or are...
  2. W

    Within the context of modern day Chinese culture, which is better...? use ones hammer to help build a house for a neighbor... -OR- use ones hammer to eliminate the neighbor and make more space for oneself? part 2: use ones sickle to harvest grain and feed many.... -OR- use ones sickle to cut another's throat? part 3: ... to use ones car to...
  3. A

    What modern day celebrities would fit these characters?

    In the Great Gatsby book I am wondering your opinions on celebrities that either personality or physically wise fit one or more things about the characters: Jay Gatsby,, Tom Buchanan, Daisy Buchanan, Nick Carraway, Jordan Baker, Myrtle Wilson, and/or George Wilson. For example: Tom Buchanan is...
  4. S

    iPhone Game: Modern War Alliance anyone?

    Im looking to build a large strong alliance. Add me: 829 797 324
  5. C

    Is there evidence modern man evolved from pre modern man(ex:neanderthal or homo...

    ...erectus)? I have been doing a lot of reading lately and much of it suggests modern human lived side by side with certain pre modern humans and no evidence of interbreeding or direct evolution. Do you have any good online reading on the subject or what can you tell me about this. I have read a...
  6. P

    Did Modern Man ( Homo Sapiens Sapiens) appear 200,00 years ago or only 60,000

    years ago ? wiki says 200,000 years National Geographic says 60,000 years Or is it that although man has been around much longer, we are only decended from one individual who lived 60,000 years ago and some of his decendents began leaving Africa to start populating the rest of the world about...
  7. A

    Can you give me a list of some modern fashion trends e.g. emo, greb, alternative?

  8. A

    Add me on modern war (iPhone)?

    131 056 908 add me, on all the time!
  9. P

    I'm looking for necklaces for guys (Modern Style)?

    I saw some people wear really long necklaces that come down above the belly button or shorter than that. Its color is somewhat red/violet/pink/white color and the small rounded figures are lined up from side to side. It doesn't seem that expensive though but that's just my opinion. It doesn't...
  10. M

    If the messiah came in modern time how would he fufill the prophecies?

    People would think he was crazy. Israel would be very crowded too.
  11. G

    A Curvy, Modern Landline Phone No One Is Ever Going To Want [Phones]

    Designer Sebastien Sauvage's Eclipse phone is certainly a sight to behold with its handset and base unit flowing into each other as a single elliptical sculpture. It's just too bad most of us don't have a use for it anymore. More »
  12. K

    Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 joke?!?

    I want to hear a good and fresh joke for this first person shooter game. Now get crackin.
  13. J

    Best sub £300 guitar for modern punk and alt rock?

    I play rhythm. I think I've made my point quite clear in the question!
  14. V

    Arguing to get modern warfare 3?

    My gpa is around a 3.5711 and my parents are being annoying saying that i should make honor roll when im in 10th grade and im in 2 year ahead science, and math and im taking physics and chemistry and precalc. I really wana get modern warfare 3 but my parents wont let me and I have no clue how to...
  15. C

    Modern Warfare 2 for €10? Is this good value?

    I got a deal from a friend for MW2 for €10 still in perfect working condition, is the game still good enough to get? And how many hackers are still active? Are there alot of hackers? Thanks! :D
  16. A

    my previous call of duty emblems are not showing on my Modern warfare 3 calls...

    ...sign, please help? Hi, My call sign isn't showing my previous call of duty emblems, it is in the barracks, but not in the lobby where others can see it, any ideas? ta
  17. J

    Will I be able to download Modern Warfare 3 right to my xbox 360 from the...

    ...Xbox live marketplace? Will I be able to download Modern Warfare 3 right to my xbox 360 from the Xbox live marketplace?
  18. S

    Does anybody else not appreciate modern and future technology?

    I understand that being sentimental and practical do not really go hand in hand, but I kind of wish we were back in a world where people had to actually flip through real pages of a book in order to read it and not through a website or a tablet type thing, a world where people weren't glued to...
  19. K

    Do you like modern technology? Are you looking forward to the future?

    I was watching this video called A Day Made of Glass and it shows a future where nearly everything is a touch screen, from bathroom mirrors to refrigerators and even your kitchen counter. I think it's really cool. I'm looking forward to the day where we have such things and also rely entirely on...
  20. Y

    Modern style clothing?

    I like the military look too, dark colors, neutrals and grays. If it has buttons, ill probably love it. But every time I fall in love with a top or a jacket it turns out to be insanely priced. And if you want to say Hollister or any mainstream cologne smothered store would be the best place...