
  1. K

    Baby mockingbird help?!?

    Before you say it I didn't pick her up because I 'thought' she was abandoned it was because she had one other sibling that got ran over because they were roaming around without mommy. I tried to return her by walking far away from the nest but no such luck... I believe she is a fledgling, she...
  2. eee


    Sorry for caps lock but this is urgent. For school I have an assignment where I have to write a eulogy about one character from the perspective of another. I have decided I will either write about Boo Radley's death (in the future) from Scout's perspective, or Mrs Dubose's death from Jem's...
  3. I

    Key points in To Kill A Mockingbird?

    Doing an english module in may on to kill a mocking bird. Any important quotes or scenes that i should keep in mind?(i have read the book i'm not slacking) help is appreciated.
  4. O

    Most interesting part of the trial in To Kill A Mockingbird?

    What do you think? Why was this part most interesting?
  5. L

    To Kill A Mockingbird question help? - QUITE EASY?

    I have said that Scout is a good narrator however had the story been from a more mature perspective how would the story have changed for the worst? THANKS!! I will give best question!
  6. K

    Who killed Bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird?

    I have to do this english essay where I'm writing from the P.O.V. of Mr.Heck Tate. So in the end, you can either add on to the story or change the story. Though I'm having great difficulty doing the essay because I'm not sure whether Jem killed Mr.Ewell or if Boo Radley did. It's hard making a...
  7. O

    How is Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird mischievous and misunderstanding?

    I'm writing an essay on Scout and my opinion of my essay is that Scout is obnoxious because she doesn't always understand things and she's usually in some kind of mischief. So I'm trying to find examples of her being mischievous or not understanding something. Got any ideas? Or maybe an idea for...
  8. Y

    To Kill A Mockingbird Thesis?!?

    Hello, I'm writing an essay for To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and my topic for the essay is to describe how Boo Radley is the "mockingbird" of the story for these reasons: 1.) He helps the protagonists (Jem and Scout) throughout the story. (ie, the blanket, the knothole) 2.) He saves Jem...
  9. A

    To kill a mockingbird help?

    I'm doing critical analysis essay of chapter 11 and I need help on how scout and jem were ridiculed by mrs.Dubose can someone add 3 quotes
  10. M

    To kill a mockingbird and sharecropping?

    what connection is there between the book To Kill a Mockingbird and sharecropping. If you have any references in the book as to where this is shown that would be really helpful.
  11. H

    To kill a mockingbird one metaphor chapters 1-3?

    Page number also, its for school.
  12. C

    In To Kill a Mockingbird, what are some quotes that show she is a gossip.?

    If you can, please include page numbers and chapters thanks. that show Miss Stephanie Crawford is a gossip******
  13. H

    What does the First Purchase Church in the book to kill a mockingbird...

    ...having a steeple and a bell tell us? I am trying to analyze this but im not sure if the fact that it had a steeple and a bell is important and why? How does the church represent prejudice?
  14. D

    Free audiobook for to kill a mockingbird?

    I need an audiobook for to kill a mockingbird I have a really hard time reading and think audiobooks help me out alot. Really apprecuate it. :)
  15. E

    which characters are introduced in part one of to kill a mockingbird?

    I need to know which characters are introduced in part one of the book. Writing up a test and I forgot my book at school :P
  16. M

    To kill a mockingbird questions. HELP!? I was absent yesterday and dont have to

    book my teacher told me ...? I had to look up the answers. HELP? what is the name of the character Dill's father? What is the name of the character Boo's father? CHAPTER 1: Noting the fact that the finch children call their dad by his first name, Atticus, describe the relevance of his...
  17. S

    To Kill A Mockingbird- Judge Taylor felt who was browbeating whom?

    In chapter 18
  18. D

    To kill a mockingbird Mrs. Dubose metaphors?

    ok so i have to mkae a methaphor about Mrs. Dubose from to kill a mockingbird so let me know what you think and what i should do 1. Mrs. Dubose was a ticking time bomb becauase her days were numbered 2. Mrs. Dubose was a lion because she was courageous any suggestions would be great :)
  19. J

    How does Scout change in the book To Kill a MockingBird ?

    I need some QUOTES with page numbers , pleaaase ? I'm doing an outline for my essay and my teacher is bizarre crazy because he wants everything filled, if one little thing is missing he'll give it a zero . The essay is 200 pts.
  20. B

    why does BOO RADLEY most represent the mockingbird?

    i am writing an essy on the book to kill a mockingbird. the prompt i have to write it over is 1. who can best be represented by the mockingbird symbol? it may be useful to carefully explain what exactlly the mockingbird symbolizes. 2.explain thouroughly why and how this charachter is best...