
  1. C

    He's sendin mixed signals, is he interested in me?

    I saw this guy at the grociery store. And every week i noticed that i could always catch him lookin at me everytime i came in there. And one day he was taking our groceries, and he kinda leaned up against the buggy and was like " Are you doin alright?" I nodded. And he said "Thats Good". The...
  2. J

    Should I take Mixed martial arts or Latin Dance? PLEASE HELP( I CAN ONLY TAKE ONE)?

    I'm in college and I have the opportunity to take MMA or Latin Dance. I want to learn MMA I have done some but enjoy the competition. Or should I take latin dance. Pro: Meet women/have a skill to continue. Con. Its at 10am. Also I have taken a social dance class at my school before and the women...
  3. K

    No Homo: Why do mixed black guys from latin america look better then mixed black

    guys from america? http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/lc/intune_concert_200709/corbin_bleu_5326308.jpg - usa http://blogamole.tr3s.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/prince-royce.jpg - latin america
  4. A

    Is mixed martial arts really a good career option?

    Is their good money in the sport compared to a high paying job, which one do you think i should go for?
  5. J

    mixed martial arts strength training?

    i train mma and my mma gym is closed for now and i want to build some strength but i dont kno the way to do it im 6'1 210 lb and got some extra body fat i want to get a little bit bigger and stronger and also get cut up and ripped so i need to kno how many sets how many reps and wat muscles to...
  6. U

    Recipe for meatloaf with vegetable puree mixed in?

    I don't like vegetables all that much but I'm working on a healthy diet. I love meatloaf but it doesn't have to be very dense with the hamburger. But I'm also a lousy cook and I don't improvise very well. So does anyone have a recipe for meatloaf with vegetable puree, including how much of which...
  7. A

    can you name famous people many get mixed up with?

    EX. Neil Armstrong and Lance Armstrong, Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt. what was implied in the question was that people get mixed up because the names are similar. and not because they physically look alike.
  8. M

    What mixed breed is referred to as a 'Shnorkie'?

    Before the breed police jump in...I am well aware that they are mutts, mongrels or what ever you choose to refer to them as and I am not approving or disapproving of anything so please dont waste your energy preaching about cross breeds and back yard breeders! All I am asking is when these dogs...
  9. P

    iPhone 4 Question? Are the graphics similar 2 a PS2, iv heard mixed

    answers, some say yes some say no? When i play games on the iPhone they look just as polished or as good as the PS2, even when im playing them using a AV Cable to my HDTV. Why do people say iPhone isnt capable of good games and graphics, its capable of heaps better graphics then a nintendo wii...
  10. K

    mixed martial arts question?

    if u were like 20 years old and never did mma could u still become one if u really put ur mind to it gave ur life up for it?
  11. G

    Live at So You Think You Can Dance: Mixed Reviews Leave Everyone Guessing Who'll Be t

    It was dog-eat-dog competition at So You Think You Can Dance tonight as the top six couples danced together for the last time, fighting for a spot in the top 10 in hopes of inching that much...
  12. B

    Do poodle and chihuahua mixed shed?

    Myself, hubby & baby have allergies and we do have poodle and chihuahua mixed puppies (9 weeks). I want to know if they do shed and if there's a possibility that their hair grows longer (as of now, theirs are short but soft hair). Thanks!
  13. T

    Need a good food recipe on Mixed Vegetables?

    I have tons of mixed vegetable cans in my cabinet. I'm only 16, so please no Bobby Flay type recipe. Just need something simple. I would just hate to see all of those cans go to waste.
  14. J

    How do i introduce mixed feeding to my baby?

    My 7 week old son is breastfed from birth, I'm due to go back to work in 2 weeks and I wanted to continue breastfeeding at night or after work, how do I introduce formula in a bottle to my son. I tried but he gags and cries.
  15. S

    Mixed Martial Arts and children?

    When I have a child, if it happens to be a boy, I want to get him into MMA. I just want to know how old I should start him out and what all I should do. What exactly should I start him in first?
  16. L

    I bout the Amplified Mass XXX at GNC, how should I mixed it ?

    How many cups of the product plus water or milk ? Is it best with milk or water ? I am 19 years old, I'm 5'10 tall and weight 149
  17. A

    GUYS OPINION! I'm getting mixed signals from this guy. Is he interested, or

    just being a guy.? I'm friends with a guy that's 3 years younger than me but he acts my age. He has a girlfriend and is always saying she is hot so I annoy him with Twilight. Anyway his face lights up when he sees me and once we were playing cards in dime light and we ended up alone. He asked...
  18. Z

    protein shake after and before mma?? (mixed martial arts)?

    ive been told not to take protein shakes after or before cardio work outs but in mma we do cardio but we also do ju jitsu wich you need strength in we do boxing muy thai etc just wondering
  19. F

    This guy has been giving me mixed signals. He seems to be losing interest, yet

    he's so affectionate with me...? I really don't know. He knows he's not getting in my pants because I'm a virgin. He has respected that and encouraged me to remain one and give it to a guy who loves me and won't give up on me. So it's not that. Basically, we haven't been talking as much...
  20. A

    websites for mixed martial arts gear?

    i was just wanting to know any good websites to buy mixed martial arts items from such as shorts, shin pads, sparring gloves etc also delivers to the united kingdom because i just joined a mixed martial arts gym and i was wanting to buy some decent but cheap mixed martial arts gear. please help...