
  1. N

    Can i have sex while i am minor if i take all these precautions?

    Ok i know and fully understand all the consequences of having sex but what if i took all these precautions: I am a virgin and so is my partner, i use a condom, shes on the pill, and i pull out. Considering i took all the precautions i could think of can i have sex? i am 16
  2. B

    Asking to buy cigarettes without intent to buy as a minor?

    I was thinking about taking a video of me asking a tobacco shop for cigarettes to use as evidence in a city council meeting to make a law against tobacco shops being within certain distances of a school. I am 14. Is it legal? Would the mayor or his council target me for trying to buy?? What if...
  3. R

    What minor would really compliment my major in Nutrition/Dietetics?

    I am senior in high school right now and am thinking about a Dietetics major. I wanted to minor in English writing (since I love writing) but I'm not so sure. Others told me a minor in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, or even Fitness would be better for me. Or should I double major? But I have...
  4. D

    Travelling with minor to US?

    I am a single parent, US citizen, my baby is a US citizen by birth to but he went to africa with his fathers mother about two years ago. The child is now 2 and 1/2 years old. We were not legally married with the father and are not living together any more, but the fathers name is on the baby's...
  5. R

    Major in Nutrition, Minor in Writing or English?

    I want to become a registered Dietician however I really want to minor in writing. English is my best subject, but I care more for writing good/fun things. Which one has more benefits? Are they both basically very good? What is it like to minor in english and writing? CAn you also tell me what...
  6. V

    Is it illegal to leave a minor home alone for 2 weeks while the parent goes on

    vacation to another country? My brother in law is leaving my 17 year old nephew home alone soon because he's going on vacation to Mexico. My nephew refuses to go with him because he will get the house all to himself. He left him this October too and his 16 year old girlfriend slept at his...
  7. M

    Songs about complaining about problems that are so minor compared to other

    people's problems? So many people keep complaining about the minor things in life, when I have friends that have REAL problems, like a friend who's brother has been missing for two weeks now, a cousin who's father just passed away from an unexpected rare illness. I'm just trying to find some...
  8. M

    Permission to travel with a minor to Canada?

    I applied for a visa to Travel to Canada but it was declined. I am originally form Botswana in Africa and I am in the USA with my 6 year old son. His father is back in Botswana. I was planning to spend Christmas in Canada but I was told to get a Notarized letter from his father. How do I go...
  9. M

    What can i do with either a minor in Food & Nutrition, a certificate in

    nutrition & Health, and both? I wanted to know what can i do/where can i work at with 1) a minor in food and nutrition 2) A certificate in nutrition & health 3) Both 1 and 2 I am asking because i want to add some type of fitness minor because working out is something i enjoy doing and it is...
  10. S

    Can a minor bring cigarettes on a airplane 2010?

    Okay so I've searched up this question and I keep getting both yes and no responses I'm 17 but I'm just bringing some cigarrettes [JUST SOME PACKS NO LIGHTER!!!] for some friends so the question is Is it LEGAL for me to pack cigs into my luggage [carry on] ??
  11. S

    Can a minor bring cigarettes on a airplane 2010?

    Okay so I've searched up this question and I keep getting both yes and no responses I'm 17 but I'm just bringing some cigarrettes [JUST SOME PACKS NO LIGHTER!!!] for some friends so the question is Is it LEGAL for me to pack cigs into my luggage [carry on] ??
  12. S

    can a minor smoke cigarettes in NH?

    I know some states don't care if you smoke, you just can't buy them or have someone buy them for you. Is this the case in New Hampshire, U.S.A?
  13. D

    Inception minor plot hole?

    When Cobb and Ariadne are in the dream, and he's teaching her, Ariadne creates the bridge that she walks on her way to school. Cobb freaks out when she creates a real place in a dream, but before she does this, the Eiffel Tower can be seen in the background. Wouldn't this count as creating a...
  14. A

    why do minor keys sound so sad?

    Im doing a research paper on why most people think that major and minor keys determine if the song will be "happy" or "sad". So yeah, Please help if you have an websites or anything! thanks..
  15. T

    minor engine trouble on a 1999 chrysler lhs?

    I just bought a 1999 LHS as my first car and i was revving it the other day and noticed that the RPM's when floored only go to around 4,500 and then sputters and doesn't go past that RPM when it redlines @ 7 or 8 thousand. also, when revving there is A LOT of white smoke coming from the exhaust...
  16. D

    What can I do with a Major in Biology and a minor in nutrition?

    I'm have no guide right now as to what I want to do. I'd really like to look at my options in full detail. I'm a junior at college and I still don't have my path straight. I'm trying to avoid the premed path as I can not operate on kedavers. So pretty much plain and simple I'm a college student...
  17. B

    Can a minor buy a car from a dealership?

    I'm 17 years old. Would i be able to buy a car from a dealership? I will be paying cash so there will be no financing.
  18. B

    airport custom accused me of buying cigarettes for a minor but then... help plz!!?

    long story short.. I show up with my bro from a trip to Dallas to Canada and told the customs officer that my brother whos is 17 has a box of cigarettes that he bought for his friends dad but then she asked who bought it for hom since he's a minor then I said I did so.. then I was sent to a room...
  19. L

    How to get rid of minor hip pain?

    I fell over a fence and landed on my right hip and it's been over a month and the pain has gotten better but since it's now minor what can I do?
  20. B

    Suspended License & a Minor?

    I Got a ticket in june for posession of alcohol and I am a minor. I went to court in september and the consequences were: $35 fine..35 hours community service..drug&&alcohol classes..& suspended license. But I was confused because I can't really remember if the judge said I get my license back...