
  1. J

    For all the APBT people on here, what do you think of this mess of a dog? (This is

    not a Pit Bull hate rant)? I've never owned an APBT nor ever care to, but have nothing against them. Many users here have posted links to some *hum dinger* Pit Bulls, but when I saw this...
  2. T

    Why dose it say the last 15 mins will mess u up for life on PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3?

    i would like to kno the awnser to this...i have seen a few ppl awnser with stupid crap like casper and his uncles r there!?.....rly now rly.
  3. S

    so confused about my mess of a life and im 14? a rant.?

    my name is Ritaa. im very overwhelmed. my mom passed away 4 years ago. one of my friends passed away 3 days ago. im very lazy, i procrastinate, am bipolar, have HORRIBLE anxiety (even about little things like making my dad coffee [which im too afraid to do]) and have laways been extremely lazy...
  4. A

    Can a magnet mess up a dvd?

    I'm mailing a few blu-rays and I want to mail a large sheet magnet with them. Will a magnet destroy my movies?
  5. N

    Why do my videos mess up when I try to convert them from mp4 to DVD format?

    When I want to convert my mp4 videos into DVD format they come out weird. I use AnyVideo converter. The video is 2 or 3 times faster then the voice.*What can I do about it? Or can you recommend any software that doesn't do this?*
  6. B

    where can you get free ringtones on your phone that dont mess up your phone

    without using internet? I want ringtones on my phone but i cant pay for them because my mom says no. i dont have a smartphone or internet or anything.. any help? thankss(: <3
  7. G

    This Is Why You Don't Mess With Raptors [Video]

    If "Jurassic Park" taught me anything, it's that Velociraptors are terrifyingly awesome. So hearing Sam Neil give that classic speech brings me right back to that fascination. And the terror. Don't forget the terror. [This Is Colossal] More »
  8. C

    Neighbor complains my front foyer and backyard is a mess?

    Neighbor complains my front foyer and backyard is a mess? I was minding my own business and cutting the grass. My next door neighbor came to me and first she said "I have been living here in 12 years, why don't you put some cement on the grass?" For the record i have been living there for 16...
  9. W

    Will downloading a torrent for a Sims 3 expansion pack mess up my other game?

    I already have the Sims 3 installed on my computer, as in I bought it when it first came out. So if I wanted to download Sims 3 late night through torrent, would the torrented expansion pack mess up my legitimate Sims game? Would I have uninstall the actual game? Also, I have custom content...
  10. E

    How do you feel about Twilight? Hot or Hot Mess?

    THIS CONTAINS CONTENT FROM NEW MOON AND ECLIPSE. CONSIDER THIS KINDA OF A SPOLIER. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE THIS SPOLIED THEN DONT READ! I don't like it. Okay I'm currently reading Eclipse and I'm mad. Not mad at Jacob or Charlie, no I am mad at Bella. I know what your thinking How can you be...
  11. G

    POLL: Should ladies be mess with?

    You know cos she's a lady and ladies shouldn't be mess with, or so says FTSK!
  12. M

    free music downloads thst wont mess up my laptop?

    i got a new laptop for christmas and its a compaq and i dont wanna mess it up with limewire and all that crap..
  13. T

    did i just mess up my eyebrows lol?

    i had a little monobrow, i plucked the hairs in the middle. did i mess it up?lol. i got carried away i think. i have a scar on my left eyebrow from 6 years old, so that is natural to me.
  14. M

    will jailbraking my new itouch 4g mess it up in any way?

    will jailbraking my new itouch 4g mess it up in any way? and what exactly is jailbreaking? like what does it do to the itouch. people say its better to but what happens? does it get more memory or something? Plz help!
  15. A

    does GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX mess up bed performance?

    so i started taking GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX and i noticed i dont perform in bed the same. like my penis takes longer to hard and when it does it almost in secs gets limp as soon as i switch from move to another. this never happens before its just weird?
  16. L

    Does downloading 3rd party apps on your lg rumor touch mess up your phone?

    i seen ways on youtube that you can download games and apps on you virgin mobile lg rumor touch free but im not sure if i should try it because i dont want my phone getting messed up later with a viruses or whatever.
  17. P

    a massive mess.. ex turned gay drama. opinions appreciated.?

    Okay. I'm going to have to cut a long story short. Got involved with a guy at uni - always kissed on a night out, shared a bed (we've never slept together), very good friends. He told me he didn't want a relationship. Towards the end of the first year we became exclusive though took a break for...
  18. M

    is this bike way to big for me ?? how do i get my ama cards im a mess PLEASE HELP ?

    ok so um im 15 i weigh about 130 and im 5'7 and my dad had this bright idea that i need a big bike and ive grew up around fourwheeler racing but ive never raced motocross a day in my life but i no how to ride ive been riding on and off since i was 9 anyways he got me an RM 125 2 stroke the...
  19. K

    Why do people find it so funny to laugh at themselves when they mess up?

    i was embarrassed about a presentation i failed horribly on this week but after i sat down, i was suddenly able to realize how horrible i'd messed up but for some reason it was the funniest thing ever. then when my teacher showed me the tape of myself, i thought i'd die laughing. why am i able...
  20. N

    How does Ireland's financial mess affect my potential vacation there?

    Going in May 2011. Looks like they are in a bigger mess than the US. Will it have any affect on my vacation?