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    Do Robbie Rogers and Jason Collins Count as First Gay Men in Pro Sports?

    [No message]
  2. P

    Why didn't Ray Liotta ever become one of Hollywood's top leading men?

    Back in 1990 it seemed like he was destined for greatness. His portrayal of mobster Henry Hill in Martin Scorsese's epic "GoodFellas" was nothing short of magnificent. However, he soon disappeared into low-budget films and straight-to-cable B-movies. He never landed another leading role in a...
  3. A

    College Women Drinking Alcohol Excessively More Often Than Men

    College women are consuming more booze than recommended, and they're doing so more frequently than the males. But why? And how can we prevent it? More » College Women Drinking Alcohol Excessively More Often Than Men is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness &...
  4. T

    Shocking New Statistics On Head Injuries Among Men Who Are Homeless Or In Danger Of L

    Men who are heavy drinkers and homeless for long periods of time have 400 times the number of head injuries as the general population, according to a new study by researchers who said they were shocked by their findings. These men have 170 times as many severe head injuries as the general...
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    Can We End Sexism By Asking Men Not To Date Younger Women? Um—Probably Not.

    Some sort of meteor-sized mental change would need to go down to eradicate the sexism that is deeply, subconsciously pervasive in society. So, small steps, I get it. But men not dating younger women may not be one. More » Can We End Sexism By Asking Men Not To Date Younger Women? Um—Probably...
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    Ten-Year Study Shows 2 Different Genetic Polymorphisms Predict Weight Gain In Men And

    New research presented at this year's European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Liverpool, UK, shows that while the FTO genetic variation predicts weight gain over 10 years in men, a different variation on the MMP2 gene predicts weight gain in women. The research is by Freek G Bouwman, Nutrition and...
  7. J

    Has anyone seen Of Monsters and Men and Vampire Weekend in concert on...

    ...their current tour? I'm trying to figure out which band plays first and if there is another act before them. Anyone know about how long after the official start time on the ticket Of Monster and Men started playing? If you can answer, you're a lifesaver.
  8. T

    Sexual Harassment Linked To Eating Disorder In Men

    Men who experience high levels of sexual harassment are much more likely than women to induce vomiting and take laxatives and diuretics in an attempt to control their weight, according to a surprising finding by Michigan State University researchers. Their study is one of the first to examine...
  9. C

    Is there a trend right now for men to grow (sweet) mullets?

    I've seen about 4 different guys in my city in the past 2 days who have mullets! Like Billy Rae Cyrus 1980s hick mullets, lol. I don't really get what it is, but is this a trend that I've missed? These are guys in their 20s and I live in California. Yesterday I saw a guy and I thought "Omg he...
  10. E

    why do turkish men break your heart? :(?

    why do they? :( all most do (not all) is use you for sex and your body and leave you hurt in the end. im so heart broken right now :( why are they such perverts who dont care about your feelings?
  11. T

    Bad Cholesterol Lowered In Men On Heart-Healthy Diet, Regardless Of Weight Loss

    A heart-healthy diet helped men at high risk for heart disease reduce their bad cholesterol, regardless of whether they lost weight, in a study presented at the American Heart Association's Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2013 Scientific Sessions. The nineteen 24 to 62 year old...
  12. A

    Vancouver Green Men called snow globe collecting virgins by Sharks announcers (Video)

    The Green Men are a staple at Vancouver Canucks games, mocking opponents in the penalty box with their unique brand of prop comedy. But not everyone’s a fan, apparently. During Game 1 of the Western Conference quarterfinals on Wednesday night, the Green Men taunted San Jose Sharks defenseman...
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    Drew Barrymore, We Love You But Men Are Actually Just As Moody As Women

    Oh, Drew Barrymore, way to make super generalist statements about women. I love you and I even really liked Whip It, but really? Men are just as moody as women are, you know—but yawn—I guess you didn't get the stereotype memo, huh? More » Drew Barrymore, We Love You But Men Are Actually Just...
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    Mark Jackson calls out the Nuggets for sending ?hit men? at Stephen Curry (Video)

    After three stellar performances in Warriors fans, Stephen Curry had his worst shooting night of the postseason in Tuesday's 107-100 Game 5 loss to the Denver Nuggets, going 7-of-19 from the field and 1-of-7 from three-point range. It was a frustrating night for Curry, who also had a brief...
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    Men Who Feel Body Shame Are Less Hopeful About Finding Love

    In a woman's world, it's been explicitly clear how much of an impact media messages, body shaming and size (really, detail) obsession (thigh gaps, for example) has on our body image and feelings of self worth. As a subject of discussion, men and body-shame is not greatly prevalent. I'm going to...
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    Mad Men Recap: Women Rule The Arc In “The Flood”

    In this week’s*Mad Men, the characters grapple with the death of a famous leader* and the accelerating sense that things are falling apart in the world at large. But personally?*Something small but*perceptible*seems to give in “The Flood.”*For the first time … More » Mad Men Recap: Women Rule...
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    Where to Find Traditional Asian Style Clothing For Men in LA?

    Hey guys I'm looking for traditional style clothing, Like this tibetan style shirt in different colors: or the clothes they have on here: I am specifically looking for cool shirts like something a...
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    Nene joins the several other active centers among the NBA?s limping big men

    In 2002, in the weeks leading up to that year’s NBA draft, scouts were drooling at the rare combination of gifts that Brazilian forward Maybyner “Nene” Hilario was ready to bestow on a lucky NBA team. That year’s draft was well on its way to acting as a sharp repudiation of the stateside prep...
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    Late 60s Good For (Most) Women Of Mad Men In Season 6 Premiere

    Peggy disses vegetarian food, Betty jokes about rape, Megan hula dances and Sally is a spitfire on the season 6 premiere of Mad Men. And while the main men seem occupied with finding themselves, late 1967 sees the women of Mad Men (mostly) getting shit done. More » Late 60s Good For (Most)...
  20. A

    Why do women tend to gossip more then men?

    Men do also, but it seems women do it in more of a delicate and trained or habitual way and that they do it more frequently then men. Just curious why. I know the advantage of women is that they are warmer in words then men. It seems women love more and hate more.