
  1. G

    Stylish Briefcase BBQ Turns Meetings Into a Cookout [Bbq]

    Got a big presentation to give to the board but haven't prepared one bit? They won't even notice your complete lack of research if you show up carrying a briefcase that unfolds into a compact grill. More »
  2. L

    Which hotel are the 2010 baseball winter meetings held?

    I know the MLB winter meetings are in the Orlando, Florida area but Im not sure which hotels they use. Im guessing the Disney Swan and Dolphin. Anyone know the correct answer? Please provide link-thanks
  3. B

    Have you ever thought that maybe these AA meetings are only for quiters?LOL?

    I've quit many times,and let me be the first to say,"It's easy to quit." It was the worst hour of my life.LOL
  4. G

    Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg Break Bread, Talk Ping? [Meetings]

    Holy dinner date! Two of tech's heaviest heavyweights, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, had supper together two weeks ago and talked about—well, we don't exactly know, but you can be sure it was probably more about Ping than poking. More »
  5. I

    The catholic Church meetings. Whats with all the bell ringing and repeating words...

    ...after the priest? why do you repeat words of the Eucharist?What's with the rituals of candles?
  6. T

    Cook County zoning Variance Meetings?

    Helping Hand Center in La Grange Highlands
  7. Jordan

    Do we need a laugh track for important national and international meetings?

    "What are "important national and international meetings"?" You tell me.
  8. T

    Attending Weight Watchers Meetings Helps Reduce The Risk For Type 2 Diabetes

    The 57 million Americans currently living with "pre-diabetes" could benefit from a group weight loss program, like Weight Watchers, according to a new study published in this month's American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. Researchers found that after a 6-month Weight Watchers group program...
  9. S

    Ever wonder what closed-door meetings in DC are like? Is this video

    about right, given the avg IQ in DC? Regardless of which guy is lib & which is con... we're scrooged. Thoughts? = = = = = = = = Blueberry33: If not for their power, would anyone take DC seriously? .
  10. P

    Effective Meetings v1.7.5.6-DIGERATI

    Category: PC-0day Size: 3.31 MB Files: 10 (7 pars) Group: a.b.warez .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed March 3rd 06:26:53 UTC Download NZB
  11. D

    What do people discuss at LGBT student union meetings?

    My friend keeps telling me I should go to one but I'm not really a big fan of clubs and meetings and whatnot. But at the same time, I'd like to meet more decent lgbt people on campus since the majority of the gay guys I met just ended in random one night hookups. My boyfriend said he'd be...
  12. L

    What happens in Body of Christ leadership meetings?

    My pastor did a prophetic preaching on the next now generration then he called people up who believed God called them to be the next leaders. The following Bible study he said he wants all people who called up when he taught the next now generation leaders to meet This Saturday, and I wanted to...
  13. W

    Christianity help! I want to start a mosh-pit in our church meetings. Ideas?

    I was thinking of starting a mosh pit to spice things up for church. Maybe someone will even get to hear Jesus directly inside the pit. Any experience with mosh pits in churches?
  14. P

    Why Z Right Wingers Act so Violently in Town Hall Meetings Discussing Health

    Care Reform &Finally it Shut Down? shutting them down without letting the congressmanwom to be able to speak a single word? The question has not to do whether the Obama care is good or bad or between but the civilzed matter how to disuss it without outbursts and frenzy continuous loud chanting.
  15. P

    Why Z Right Wingers Act so Violently in Town Hall Meetings Discussing Health

    Care Reform &Finally it Shut Down? shutting them down without letting the congressmanwom to be able to speak a single word? The question has not to do whether the Obama care is good or bad or between but the civilzed matter how to disuss it without outbursts and frenzy continuous loud chanting.
  16. P

    Why Z Right Wingers Act so Violently in Town Hall Meetings Discussing Health

    Care Reform &Finally it Shut Down? shutting them down without letting the congressmanwom to be able to speak a single word? The question has not to do whether the Obama care is good or bad or between but the civilzed matter how to disuss it without outbursts and frenzy continuous loud chanting.
  17. P

    Why Z Right Wingers Act so Violently in Town Hall Meetings Discussing Health

    Care Reform &Finally it Shut Down? shutting them down without letting the congressmanwom to be able to speak a single word? The question has not to do whether the Obama care is good or bad or between but the civilzed matter how to disuss it without outbursts and frenzy continuous loud chanting.
  18. B

    How does that work(fan meetings, script readings)?

    How does that work(fan meetings, script readings)? I saw a clip where the cast of twilight was having a script reading or a fan meeting... idk i just wanne know how you could get in to see those things.
  19. A

    Are there any LGBT teen meetings or some way I can meet people like me in ct?

    Im looking to meet LGBT girls and guys in my community by new haven Connecticut but i cant find any meetings Does anyone have any sites that have meetings in ct or some form of activity for lgbt teens?
  20. C

    Best freeware for scheduling one-one-one meetings?

    In my teaching job, I meet with about 100 students 1-on-1. I'd like them to have an online sign-up tool. Here's the requirement: I'd like to invite all 100 at once, but limit the meeting size to one. Do you know of a website or freeware that would make sense for me?