
  1. T

    ADHD Meds Need Straight Talk - Overview - Sep 11,2012

    Overview: Straight Talk, YouTube, CorePsych Blog Brain Science and Common Sense Encourage Straight Talk == Welcome to our new short, pithy, radio show on ADHD Meds. This program will be short, easy and to the point - covering the important details that often go overlooked on ADHD Meds. == Please...
  2. A

    No Meds Necessary: Mayim Bialik Uses Natural Childbirth Techniques For Pain From Car

    Mayim Bialik was recently in a car accident where her hand was severely injured (there was a lot of blood, and she almost lost her thumb!). But she told Access Hollywood that she's not taking any prescription medications to deal with the pain; rather, she's using the natural childbirth...
  3. B

    My dog's cold has been getting worse after taking his prescribed meds, what...

    ...could be wrong with him? I just got my dog from the pound on Monday. He was neutered and was spunky and then the next day, my dog was sneezing. I took my dog to the vet the same day- the vet said he has an infection and prescribed antibiotics. That was on Tuesday. Since Thursday night, my...
  4. T

    Older Adults In Home Health Care At Elevated Risk For Unsafe Meds

    Older adults receiving home health care may be taking a drug that is unsafe or ineffective for someone their age. In fact, nearly 40 percent of seniors receiving medical care from a home health agency are taking at least one prescription medication that is considered potentially inappropriate to...
  5. E

    Can my psychiatrist refuse to refill my meds?

    Yes. In fact, most medical professionals would consider it irresponsible and/or unethical to refill your meds without having seen you.
  6. O

    Pain meds addiction ?

    Hi, everyone!!! I have a question that i really need an answer on. My husband has a really bad back pain and he is working on construction. We went to the doctor but he only prescribed pills, they never worked. My husband told me few days ago that he has been buying percocet from somebody and he...
  7. U

    My girlfriend is mentally ill when she goes off her meds she rants about religion?

    so how can i believe anybody who is god friendly has any logic or facts i'm dating schizophrenic - off her meds she thinks god and jesus will help humanity she'll run about on a street saying how being a Christian will save us all how is her opinion any different from the pope or a even a jew...
  8. S

    new information on prescription pain meds

    Roxicodone M30's $10 each! Welcome to the Roxi Shoppe the leading black market no script source of Roxicodone. We are proud of our reputation and invite you to see our customer reviews . every order is handled professionally we ship Fedex over night $40.00 twice a day. Payment is industry...
  9. S

    get prescription meds c.o.d oxycontin, opana ,percocet

    Get all of your medication without a prescription shoot me an email and i will point you to where you need to be. [email protected] Hi I am Stash Your direct connection to hard to find Medications without a prescription. Highest rated seller onboard purdue oxy 80 milligram Oc "we do not...
  10. N

    Do all anti anxiety meds make you drowsy?

    I have really bad anxiety and the doctor is going to prescribe me anti anxiety meds, but I don't want to always be drowsy. Are there any that don't make you drowsy ?
  11. D

    Weird things happening after Bells Palsy MEDS ARE CELEXA AND LISINOPRIL?

    so now that im over my bells palsy i am on celexa (anti depressent) and lisinopril (blood pressure) i notice when i sleep my arms feel SOOOOOOOOO numb and my feet feel sooo cold through out the day like they are numb and ice cold, i seem to get panic attacks sometimes when waking up in the...
  12. M

    On Vacation but left my ADHD meds at home. Have really awful grades. What...

    ...should I do? I really need to fix my grades, they are total crap right now, but I'm going to have zero concentration and zero will to work in a days time (when the pill wears off). Help. I need help. Having a bit of a panic attack right now.
  13. M

    is it dangerous to smoke cigarettes while your taking anxiety meds?

    is it dangerous to smoke ciggs while on anxiety meds?
  14. T

    When Mental Health Meds Are Out Of Reach, Hospitalization More Likely

    Too often, mental health patients have problems accessing or paying for their prescription drugs under Medicaid. The results - longer hospital stays and more emergency room visits - are hard on patients and costly for the entire health care system, a new study finds. Lead author Joyce West...
  15. H

    Is it bad to smoke marijuana around a dog who just had surgery & is on pain meds?

    My dog tore a muscle in her leg, she's an old dog, about 9 years old. She tore a muscle in her leg a while ago and just got surgery for it. She got home today and is on all these pain meds. Is it bad for her if I am smoking marijuana around her while she's on the medication and in pain?
  16. S

    If a patient refuses to take his meds - can I force him?

    I've been treating a patient at my private asylum for the criminally insane near Kiev for some years now. This patient is a depraved maniacal mass-murderer, psychopath and cannibal by the name of Gustav. Whenever I enter his cell I have to be accompanied by four orderlies in full body armor...
  17. L

    Getting rid of tapeworm without meds?

    I think I have tape worm. Thismorning when I was drinking green tea I had to go to the bathroom and pooed out this thing that looked like a worm. Maybe 4 inches. Also Lately for the past 3 weeks i have been having abdominal pain as well as a head ache. I think it might have gotten to my head as...
  18. T

    Getting Patients To Take Their Asthma Meds

    Armed with the right information, physicians can play a stronger role in ensuring asthma patients don't waver in taking drugs proven to prevent asthma attacks, according to researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. The study finds patients are more likely to routinely take inhaled...
  19. D

    schizoaffective bipolar i am tired of meds and thinking of running away to los...

    ...angeles and live in car / suv? basicly the meds are trying to kill me , ive been hospitalized for 9 times , my parents are making me take my meds. i just want to escape and run away from it all. i have ssi but by choice i m probally going to chose this so people leave me alone i can live in...
  20. C

    if i am 18 with bi-polar syndrome but controlled by meds can i buy a hunting rifle?

    i want to go hunting with my uncle but none of his guns feel right in my hands.