
  1. S

    Do you think this means my relationship is over?

    Yesterday, on the full moon, I drove my boyfriend to this beautiful scenic overlook so we could watch to sunset together then gaze at the beautiful full moon. I thought I was being very romantic and even brought a cooler of his favorite beer. But, per usual, all he could think about was getting...
  2. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  3. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  4. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  5. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  6. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  7. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  8. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  9. A

    For those of you who know what a bruit is and what it means..?

    I'm a nursing student so I've learned about what bruits are and what they mean. I'm only 19 years old and I thought I felt a thrill in my carotid artery so I used my stethoscope to listen to it and I hear the swishing sound characteristic of a bruit. This really concerns me but I have no medical...
  10. G

    FCC: "Broadband" Now Means 4 Mbps Down [Broadband]

    The FCC has re-defined the minimum requirements of broadband to 4 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream. That's a huge jump up from the previous minimum of 200Kbps but is fitting given our video streaming, downloading and cloud living times. As for myself, I could barely live with 4 Mbps down but...
  11. A

    What do you think this dream means?

    Alright, so here's my dream: I'm talking to my new girlfriend via webcam, and she started to striptease on it. Then, later, she looked away from the camera and this guy (i don't know who he is, but it was just a guy about my age) came and started to make out with her and have sex with her. I...
  12. E

    doese anyone know what this means?

    when your warm and in your bed the devil will touch your head as chills run down your spine you will know that your mine sleep tight?
  13. 2

    Christians, if someone interested asked you about what the bible means by

    'Jesus is the light'? How would you explain it to them in ways a non-bible reader could understand?
  14. G

    can you tell me what this dream means?

    ok so in this dream, my backyard was a beach. and walking up that beach was this guy i used to really like. i stopped liking him after he screwed me over cuz we did stuff which happened to be the most i ever did with a guy and we ended up pretty much getting caught. i recently started talking to...
  15. J

    Anybody know what a symbol that is a crescent moon supporting a Pi symbol means?

    Just saw this symbol on a hat, and curious about it. The crescent moon opening is facing to the up and right. Link to picture of hat:
  16. G

    can you tell me what this dream means?

    ok so in this dream, my backyard was a beach. and walking up that beach was this guy i used to really like. i stopped liking him after he screwed me over cuz we did stuff which happened to be the most i ever did with a guy and we ended up pretty much getting caught. i recently started talking to...
  17. G

    can you tell me what this dream means?

    ok so in this dream, my backyard was a beach. and walking up that beach was this guy i used to really like. i stopped liking him after he screwed me over cuz we did stuff which happened to be the most i ever did with a guy and we ended up pretty much getting caught. i recently started talking to...
  18. C

    i really need to find out what this dream means!?

    i had a dream that i was in my school and this guy shows up and at first he was very quiet and stuff. then later in the dream i was being attacked by a movie monster (Jason, Chucky etc) and he was always there to save me but it was like he was Freddy Kruger and it always scared me. i would...
  19. P

    What does it means being shot twice in the dream?

    I remembered being on the bus, going to this usual school *Going to BOCES*, and the next thing I knew, I was playing to be a hero. It was kind like being spider-man. But, no mask or special costume. I jumped from motorcycle into batmolie car where a strange crazy villain with the gun in his...
  20. T

    Which way means what on the sliders for the Legends of Wrestlemania game?

    In the game options, there's a tab for Game Balancing. I'm not really sure how to adjust these sliders for things like damage, reversals, etc. If I move the sliders all the way to the right, will that give the human player more of an advantage? Or will moving the sliders to the left do it...