
  1. G

    How to ease into cooking healthy vegetarian foods, meal plans, seasonal, cheap?

    My mom never really cooked, she told me she sort of doesn't know how, she sticks to eating bread, cheese, meat, she doesn't like vegetables really except for the occasional peas. She's lactose intolerant but won't try soy, she loves cabbage but it gives her gas. She loves fruit, like...
  2. A

    I need to cook a complete meal for a bear? What do full grown bears eat?

    @Kodiak : I hope you know from where this question's coming :)
  3. G

    What is the best meal you cook? your sign?

    can i have the recipe? i recently moved out and have no clue what to make but i am sick of sandwitches :/ for those that cant make sandwitches even. here you go
  4. G

    Asian Man Prepares A Meal With His MacBook Air [Video]

    Apparently, the MacBook Air is so thin you can use it as a knife to prepare a meal. I wouldn't try this with my MacBook, but Sakaiehita certainly did. More »
  5. T

    Antioxidant Spices Reduce Negative Effects Of High-Fat Meal

    Eating a diet rich in spices, like turmeric and cinnamon, reduces the body's negative responses to eating high-fat meals, according to Penn State researchers. "Normally, when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood," said Sheila West...
  6. R

    poll: what is the best meal to have with that special someone?

    on a special night?
  7. M

    I have a Recipe Description and I am looking for a meal that would match each...

    ...description? 1.Find a recipe where you have to cook fruit or vegetables in water either by blanching, parboiling, steaming, braising or stewing. Be adventurous. Try something different. You could boil fruit in water or fruit juice to make a pie, blanch potatoes in hot water before cooking...
  8. S

    Eating a large meal and then waking up with stomach pains and feeling nauseous?

    Well, this has happened twice in the past fortnight, and is unpleasant. I ate a large meal with fish (tuna and cod in specific) in it, and deliberately waited about 3 hours before going to sleep to digest. But, on both occassions, I woke up around 5am with an uncomfortable acidic feeling in my...
  9. A

    What is a good first meal to cook for a new boyfriend?

    I've been dating a new guy for about 3 weeks. I'm cooking for him for the first time tomorrow night. I'm a good cook (I've won an award or two), so I'm not nervous about that. I'm just looking for good recipes that will impress him, because we all know the way to a man's heart is through his...
  10. S

    What is your favorite meal to COOK?

    not eat...COOK ?
  11. N

    Is it ok to drink a GNC meal replacement shake at night?

    I'm not hungry for a meal and would like to just eat something light but is it ok for me to have a meal replacement shake at night. I googled this question and most ppl said they have shakes in the morning and in the afternoon so I'm assuming that they dont take them at night
  12. J

    What is a good meal to cook in my new skillet?

    I got a new cast iron skillet, and I want to break it in. What is a good (simple) meal I can cook in it? I'm not looking for recipes as much as I am looking for types of meals and brainstorming ideas. Thank you! Also, can you put the skillet in the oven broiler?
  13. B

    What is a good meal structure for Weigh Loss?

    I started on a diet and exercise program to lose weight recently but I think I may be doing it wrong. Typically my diet per day is 3 eggs and 4 sausages in the morning, at about 9 or 10. I usually don't eat until dinner, but occasionally I'll bring some nuts into college for energy or buy one...
  14. M

    What is a fast meal to make when your too tired to cook?

    What do you make when your too tired to cook? Thanks.
  15. H

    TEENS: What is your favorite home cooked meal?

    I love spaghetti with salad and garlic bread! My mom makes good spaghetti! BQ:How often do your parents cook?
  16. R

    What is a healthy way to cook a fish meal?

    Me and my girlfriend are celebrating a year next week. She talked about going out to eat, but I dont really wanna go out to eat. I decided to cook for her because one, its more romantic. And two, I been eating healthier lately and I would like to cook my own meal so I know whats going into it...
  17. C

    what to cook my boyfriend for our valentine's meal?

    i'm cooking for my boyfriend this valentines day, what do you think of this menu as an idea? for starter, camembert and roasted garlic on french stick for main, crab and salmon fishcakes with tartare sauce and potatoes and for dessert, chocolate fondue with things to dip is this okay? if not...
  18. R

    I'm trying to create my own meal replacement bars (snack bars) and I can't find

    a recipe I like? I'm not looking for recipes (but if you have any good ones I'll definitely write them down and appreciate it) but looking for the idea behind creating my own. Like what basic knowledge do I need to have to bake? I just used a recipe and altered it to add what I wanted and it...
  19. C

    gluten free Recipe for oat meal bars?

    with apples and Banana's please sounds so good just need to know how much I need to put it all together . Example: 2 1/2 cup of oat meal what els do I need to bring it to together?
  20. K

    What kind of side dish do I make with this meal?

    Well it should be good as is.