
  1. T

    If a matter is discussed w/HR and is requested to remain discreet- do they have to

    honor it? If the matter does not harm anyone or include anything that can be detrimental to the company's wellbeing and is requested to remain private- is it HR manager's duty to honor that? Or is it a matter of personal ethics?- please- honest answers from people in these positions.
  2. G

    Xbox 360 Update Full Feature List: It's the Little Things That Matter [Xbox 360]

    Wanna know what all's inside the update you're gonna download today, besides the fresh taste of exclusivity? Microsoft's dropped the official list of everything that's new. Honestly, it's the little things I'm more excited about. Here's what I like: • Account recovery is faster—great if you...
  3. J

    As a Christian (or any other religion for that matter) what is your

    opinion on homosexuality? I'm Catholic but I'm totally fine with it, and not just as a Catholic, as a human, I think people should be able to love who they want. But for me, I feel it's one of the more controversial topics in religion nowadays. So what's your opinion on it?
  4. E

    If i put in a 40 watt dvd deck right now and add a amp later it wont matter right?

    I am trying to put in a dvd player 7" screen jensen 40 watts X4 into my dodge ram 05. But i know it will not power the speakers alot but i am planning on getting a amp later and eventually subs anyway so i can make up for the power there right? thanks for your answers i need them ASAP
  5. S

    Does it matter whether you go to a physchologist or physchiatrist?

    My regular doctor is the one issuing the prescriptions...I think a physchologist can not write prescriptions so other than that is there a difference?
  6. G

    Does it matter who brings home the bacon?

    I say yes it's fair but I don't know if it's a joke or a riddle !
  7. P

    should i get the lg voyager or blackberry storm. price doesnt matter. i... 6000 texts a month.? i neeed help choosing. the storm is flashy. hot. populare. TURN OFFS. get tired of textring touchscreen. VOYAGER: hot.populare.good for texting . TURN OFFS: old. might get discontiunaed soon.
  8. T

    What's a pick up line that will never work no matter whoever uses it?

    nah, i can make that work =p
  9. B

    Why is Josh being so gay? HELP URGENT LIFE OR DEATH MATTER!!?

    he just wont shut up!
  10. T

    DVD player says "incorrect disc" no matter what disc is in . . . is it time for a...

    If it still has warranty you should try to get it fix, rather than buying a new whole unit or call the manufature company , find out how much is it to get it fixed.
  11. M

    Does this prevent sex? and does it matter?

    Okay, soo im 16 and me and my boyfriend have been dating for quite a long time, and the subject of having sex has came up. I am pretty sure i am ready, actually i KNOW i am ready. But im worried about getting pregnant. He said if we do, we will wear a condom and pull out. Also, we plan on doing...
  12. E

    Why does it matter if a used car for sale has a crash record?

    I'm looking for a used car and I found one that's really cheap, low mileage and has nice features. But mom is freaking out because it probably has a bad crash record. Why is that a problem?
  13. B

    I'd like to do some road bike, does it matter if I don't have a road bike?

    Ok, I'm not an expert so my question might not be so clear. What I mean is, does it matter if I don't have a bike like they have in races like the Tour de France. I really don't have the money to buy a bike like that so does it matter if I use a sort of standard bike if you could call it that?
  14. A

    does it matter which way you hook up a capacitor for a car stereo?

    there are no positive or negative sighns on top of my cap. will it matter which side i hook up the power and ground wires???
  15. K

    CD jammed in my head unit due to sticky matter.? Help please?

    My CD is jammed in my CD player (head unit) because there was a speck of sticky matter on it. What can I do to get it out myself or do i have to see a technician/dealership for it?
  16. S

    Why do most British celebs (no matter how successful) stay in country, while...

    ...ZERO Canadian Celebs do? Most British movie and rock/pop stars choose to remain living within the United Kingdom, even though they have the entire world as their playground. However, almost every single successful Canadian actor or musician moves to the States. Almost ZERO percent of...
  17. N

    celeb girls: Guys (or even girls for that matter) Are celebs really your cup of tea?

    At work, we were having a chat about who's the hotest celeb girl and many came up with Cheryl Cole. I for one as I grew up in the 90's have come across better, infact, I've seen better in my local supermarket. Do these celebs really do it for it, if so, who would you love to take out?? I'm going...
  18. F

    Why has an atheist never been elected to office in the US? Should religion matter

    for politics? Is this evidence of a Christian-centric US?
  19. R

    im trying to watch a rented movie on my ipod nano what is the matter?

    i just got a new nano..its the 3rd generation one. i rented a movie, but it doesnt show up on my ipod.however i can watch it on my computer.? how do i get the movie on my ipod
  20. C

    Does 120HZ vs. 60HZ really matter that much with a Samsung 40in LCD?

    Been researching but would like to know from users. Does it really make that much difference with a screen this size.