
  1. I

    iphone or stay with matrix 3 month old?

    alright soooo heres the deal i have a pantech matrix and i want a iphone but dont tell me oooo why didnt u just get the iphone then but my mom didnt let me but now she does (dont u hate parents) should i buy 1 of ebay dont say im rich cuz i had to mow lawns babysit and wash the cars to get the...
  2. E

    Pantech Matrix Vs. Lg Vu?

    I cant decide between these 2 phones please help me decide.. and why is either the pantech matrix or lg vu is a good phone... thanks*
  3. C

    Are you having the same problem with your Pantech Matrix cell Phone?

    I got this phone in November. It was working perfect! Now all of a sudden. I have no bars (no signal) and my text messages all fail and get sent to the outbox. Does anyone now how to fix this problem? I got this phone because it was text friendly and now I can't even send or receive text...
  4. B

    My new att pantech matrix's aim isnt working. please help.?

    i click on IM and it goes directly to a screen that says att aim and it just stays there frozen. (doesn't ask me for user name or password.) happened like two times before but the next day it would say the server signed it out o something then it would work again what do i do to make it work...
  5. Q

    Difference b/w regular '04 toyota matrix VS XR model?

    Just bought an XR, but it doesn't have a sunroof nor does it have 4-wheel drive.. and my friend asked me: "but isn't that what XR means? (has a sunroof and 4-wheel)?" So it got me thinking: WHAT DOES XR MEAN?! Why's it more expensive? Any help is GREATLY appreciated, as I hope the Toyota...