
  1. L

    Do you think Obama helped push unemployment up by adding massive debt to an...

    ...already burdened federal budget? (Liberals, don't bother answering. You know nothing about finance.) So isn't the blame-Bush strategy no longer valid?
  2. L

    Do you think Obama helped push unemployment up by adding massive debt to an...

    ...already burdened federal budget? (Liberals, don't bother answering. You know nothing about finance.) So isn't the blame-Bush strategy no longer valid?
  3. L

    Do you think Obama helped push unemployment up by adding massive debt to an...

    ...already burdened federal budget? (Liberals, don't bother answering. You know nothing about finance.) So isn't the blame-Bush strategy no longer valid?
  4. C

    My computer is sending and receiving massive amounts of information over

    the internet without anything running? Ok well I am 95% sure someone is flooding me but I am pretty much out of my element in this type of situation I have looked up a few things and asked a few friends at the moment I am using avg and malewarebytes pro malewarebytes detected a few things and...
  5. M

    Ok I was looking for a good MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer online role playing game)

    that is Japanese and not 3D? I said not 3D, and I really would prefer that, but if need be, and it's really good, then go ahead. Anyway, to clarify, I'm looking for an MMORPG that is Japanese, and if there is an english version do NOT link me to that, link me to the JAPANESE one... (Just a...
  6. H

    The Book Massive by Bell...?

    Can u sum it up for me i would REALLY appreciate it thanks i read up to the middle of the book but when it was raining i stupidly left my backpack outside and it got all inky because of my blue and red pens and i really need to know what happens because i have and I.R due on it on Monday...
  7. B

    MASSIVE BLOOD BLISTER! pic included!!!?

    its massive and its been there for a week. its abut 2cm x 1cm wide on the bottom of my foot below my big toe i know i should leave it but i am playing netball tomorrow night and i dunno if i should pop it now (without it hurting like a or leave it or put soethign over it! help it hasnt...
  8. I

    9/11 conspiracy nuts. If Bush could pull off such massive death and destruction,

    then why can't Obama? make Rush disappear? He's just one guy. If you nuts think Bush could coordinate 9/11, then surely the great, super smart Obama could snuff a chubby radio personality right?
  9. P

    Help please, massive international conspiracy...?

    While doing some investigation into overcrowded prisons and secret executions (Im a journalist) I accidentally uncovered a list of all the people the French government have assassinated since 1955. Anyway now im being chased by some french assassins and would like to know how to get away from...
  10. P

    massive headache. need help?

    I cant seem to get rid of this headache- got a fever and sinus preoblems three days after headache started- tried ibuprofen- advil cold and sinuw ectectect - the pills make everything else go away but not this atrocious headache- any help here would be great!
  11. J

    massive oil leak in 96 chevy blazer, and oil pressure needle drops to zero...

    ...when i hit the brakes...suggestions? i have a massive oil leak in a 96 chevy blazer. i cant find the leak and now the oil pressure needle drops to zero when i hit the brakes, but when i accelerate it rises again. it moves around a little bit as i drive but stays right around the same level...
  12. J

    massive DC in world of war craft lead to internet loss and i cant fix it?

    i was playing world of war craft on my laptop and i went to dalaran and i DC'd then i tried to log on and it says couldnt connect then i tried to repair it and it would let me Whats wrong
  13. P

    What can be done to combat the massive Gay Conspiracy in our society right now?

    I think I will fight for their equal civil rights so that they can get married and be as miserable as the rest of us ;). That'll learn them.
  14. G

    Do Republicans have any leg to stand to complain about the massive deficit spending?

    the democratic president and democratic congress are doing when they ran up massive deficits themselves? Looks to me like both parties are totally messed up. Angel of death - Let me assure you I am not an Obamabot. That is a horrible thing to accuse me of.
  15. P

    Have I spotted a massive conspiracy ? attempts to correctly calculate life expectancy. Are there "ZPG" hospitals whose intent is to cut down on the numbers ? I don't know. I'm merely wondering. A hint comes from the way life expectancy is often falsely calculated. Why would that...
  16. C

    Massive dilemma PLEASE HELLLLP!!!!!?

    Ok, i have just completed my physical assessment to join the australian navy BUT i had to take an anti inflammatory/pain killer (codeine) to get through it otherwise i would not have been able to due to pain in my inner calf muscle. I am fit enough but the pain in my lower leg is quite bad and i...
  17. J

    my cookies turned into a massive puddle. HELP?

    I was making sugar cookies but by the time I put them into the oven, the cookie dough all melted together into a big puddle. Could it be that I used Blue Bonnet butter instead of real butter? or did I mix it too much? and also if anyone else has any simple cookie recipes, those are welcome too!
  18. L

    Argument with my dad, i raised my voice ALOT and now ive got a massive headache?

    4 mins ago i had an argument with my dad, i raised my voice alot and now 2 mins later ive got a headache and feels like my head is pouding. why is this? 19 male. i suffer from depression and anxiety, alot of stress
  19. T

    Massive change in gravid spot daily!?

    ok ok... so my pet guppy has been pregnant for about a month now, and the color of her gravid spot has been changing very much! its been changing daily to colors like yellow, red, brown, and orange! oh today it turned black and grew!! should i get a breeder and expect some fry soon? and if so...
  20. Q

    Massive fourth-quarter lost at telecommunications equipment maker Motorola?

    what does this sentense mean? what is fourth-quarter lost ? does it mean profit decrease in the fourth quarter of the year?