
  1. A

    PLEASE HELP timing marks for 2002 vw beetle?

    i need the timing marks for my 2002 vw beetle its a 2.0
  2. J

    how to get eraser and pencil marks off dsi?

    my little sister drew on my dsi with a penci and tried to erase it and now it do i get those marks off my dsi?
  3. T

    DVD sharpie marks; will this eventually damage the DVD?

    Just made some DVD's with some pics and music. Would like to use a sharpie pen or a Marksalot, or maybe a dry eraser board marker to label the DVDs. Is this something that can eventually damage the content of the DVD?
  4. A

    Gometry riddle (10 marks)?

    if a square if formed by the diagonal of the square as an edge what is the ratio between the area of new and old square? i want to know how it is calculated not just the ans
  5. A

    Gometry riddle (10 marks)?

    if a square if formed by the diagonal of the square as an edge what is the ratio between the area of new and old square? i want to know how it is calculated not just the ans
  6. C

    How many marks for my latest joke...1 - 10?

    A blind man walks into a restaurant and asks for a menu in braille.The manager apologises and explains that they haven't got any. "Never mind," says the blind man " just bring me a couple of used forks from the kitchen, my keen sense of smell will help me out." The manager returns with a few...
  7. T

    Alcoholics Anonymous Marks 75th Anniversary With International Convention In San Anto

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) celebrates 75 years of "one alcoholic talking to another" as over 40,000 AA members from around the world gather in San Antonio for the 2010 International Convention, July 1-4. It started with two men meeting in 1935 to over 2 million members estimated worldwide. For...
  8. H

    is 'we need to talk about kevin' by lionel Shriver a text i can get top marks for... 'belonging' HSC? i'm doing an assessment task, it requires i find some texts and relate them to belonging. many websites have reccomended 'we need to talk about Kevin' by Lionel Shriver. i love this book as well as own it. Can i get full marks off this book?
  9. H

    is 'we need to talk about kevin' by lionel Shriver a text i can get top marks for... 'belonging' HSC? i'm doing an assessment task, it requires i find some texts and relate them to belonging. many websites have reccomended 'we need to talk about Kevin' by Lionel Shriver. i love this book as well as own it. Can i get full marks off this book?
  10. M

    Dome Hebrew programs that I download display the text as question marks....

    ...How can I fix it? I have a Windows 7 computer that I bought in America. I am able to read and type in Hebrew yet some of the programs show Hebrew text as question marks. How can I fix it?
  11. G

    Garry Heaney-X Marks The Spot-WEB-2010-WAV

    Category: Music-MP3 (Trance) Size: 95.51 MB Files: 13 (7 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue April 13th 11:18:54 UTC Download NZB
  12. A

    South Africa marks 100 days to World Cup

  13. A

    Does Mederma Gel work on RED stretch marks?
  14. T

    Poll: Health Bills Remain Unpopular, But Individual Provisions Get High Marks

    CNN: "Although the overall health care reform bills passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate are unpopular, many of the provisions in the existing bills are extremely popular, even among Republicans, according to a new national poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey...
  15. I

    lots of marks on face. What should i apply?

    hi.. i have a lot of marks on face.. 1. because of mosquito bites and 2. i have had acne in the past so not really sure what are the marks for.. can u suggest any cream/lotion which doesnt cause sideeffects.. thanks
  16. I

    lots of marks on face. What should i apply?

    hi.. i have a lot of marks on face.. 1. because of mosquito bites and 2. i have had acne in the past so not really sure what are the marks for.. can u suggest any cream/lotion which doesnt cause sideeffects.. thanks
  17. I

    lots of marks on face. What should i apply?

    hi.. i have a lot of marks on face.. 1. because of mosquito bites and 2. i have had acne in the past so not really sure what are the marks for.. can u suggest any cream/lotion which doesnt cause sideeffects.. thanks
  18. M

    Cell-phone service gets ho-hum marks in CR survey

    [No message]
  19. J

    does being funny on a test reduce marks?

    so on a science test, it says to name the ionic compound for hno3 if i write "nitric acid/swine flu" will i lose marks? (seeing as i already have the real answer?)
  20. G

    IPENZ marks International Year of Astronomy with lectures

    Beyond the Frontier: William H Pickering Deep Space Pioneer, will be presented in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch by Douglas Mudgway, a colleague of Pickering's at the JPL, internationally renowned space historian and former Wellingtonian.