
  1. A

    Where can i get help with my resume for sales and marketing ?

    I need help in rewriting my current CV , but cant afford the paid sites ... i have been out of work since september so really cant afford to pay for the professional service . Any free site with tips etc are most welcome. Pls help me
  2. J

    What is internet marketing?

    and how could i get started with it? like making a company or such thanks!
  3. P

    What does POP stand for in Marketing not Internet POP.?

    I have to remove the POP from a store. What does it stand for/ I assume the P stands for PROMOTIONAL.
  4. M

    WebProsperity - Is it a Viable Internet Marketing Program or is it all hype?

    I signed up for WebProsperity and I was wondering if it is going to be worth it or is it just another one of these grandiose marketing promotions by the big Internet Marketing gurus. I have been burned too many times with all of these hyped up product launches that cost me a lot of money and...
  5. T

    What do You think of this new Internet Marketing Company Webprosperity? ?

    The launch of Webprosperity is the buzz right now all over the internet. The last I heard they have had 67,000 people sign up for free. They were supposed to launch this week, but pushed it forward 7 days. Now the launch date is January 13, 2009 @12 est. On launch day the free members will have...
  6. D

    Is there a reliable source to learn about internet marketing?

    I am looking for a reliable source to learn about internet marketing. I am afraid it is some kind of scam. Any advice. Thank you