
  1. A

    Can you play through a proper grand prix with 4 players on Mario Kart Wii?

    I am holding a charity tournament, and wondered if anyone knew whether you can have 4 player grand prix with computer opponents, or is a grand prix in versus mode?
  2. M

    3369 Mario and Luigi RPG 3 JPN NDS XPA

    Name: 3369 Mario and Luigi RPG 3 JPN NDS XPA Category: Games: DS Size: 66.46MB Added: 2009-02-09 19:51:58
  3. J

    Where do you download Mario kart for No$gba?

    I cant find a site to download MArio and other games for no$gba
  4. J

    Mario Themed Birthday Party Ideas?

    My little brother is turning 6 and I'm having a mario themed B-day party for him. Any Ideas????
  5. G

    Super Mario Galaxy ReadNFO Wii-PROMiNENT

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.94 GB Files: 110 (15 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun February 8th 10:49:39 UTC Download NZB
  6. H

    Another Super Mario DS question!?

    before i take a sledgehammer & whack my Nintendo...could anybody help me again please? stuck on World 6 - Level 4....where you jump on the button which then gives you some red bricks to jump up on quickly (before they disappear) i can't jump up that i doing something wrong. it's...
  7. M

    Where Can I buy Mario Kart for Wii?

    I haven't been able to find it anywhere since long before Christmas!
  8. B

    I have mario cart wii i would like to play worldwide how do i?

    giving best answer and 10 pts plz answer
  9. C

    Are there any games like Super Mario 64....Banjo Kazooie?

    Is there any more recent games that are like old school platformers like banjo-kazooie/tooie... super mario 64, where you're trying to collect items by going through different levels, while learning new skills. I miss those types of games. Thanks in advance!
  10. P

    What happened to my Mario Kart Wii Bike??

    Okay I am new to Mario Kart Wii. I have placed on all of the cups 50cc - 150cc. Was going back through and trying to get 1st place in all of them. Just finished 1st in the 100cc Star Cup. Said I unlocked a new Big Bike. Don't remember what it was called cause I hit the button to quick to...
  11. B

    What are cheat codes for Mario Kart Wii?

    My brother LOVES that game and he don't know any cheats for it.
  12. B

    how can you see the world map on Super Mario Bros.3 for the gameboy advance?

    im on level 7 and i needa see the full world. i no there is a way to do it but how?? please and thank you?
  13. E

    Mario kart wii Best player and car /Bike?

    Now i don't really have a favorite player (yet need have 3 more to unlock Rosalina, dry Bowser and Bowser.jr) but who should i choose apart from luigi cos my friend always chooses him and i have grown to hate him (luigi not my friend) but if he is that good i spose i shall use him any ideas? and...
  14. F

    What is the best/fastest kart/bike to use for Mario Kart Wii?

    If you crash a lot, smaller karts/characters will excelerate faster, if you don't, large ones excelerate slower but have a faster top speed, and medium is right in the middle.
  15. E

    [Poll] Super Mario Bros Vs. Excite Bike?

    So which is better on the NES, Super Mario Bros or Excite Bike?
  16. D

    does anybody play on mario kari wii on the internet?

    well i have mario kart on the wii and i play on the internet on it. and basically i was looking for people who wanted to add me as a friend. if you don't no how to do it i will tell you. you go on to mario kart channel and click on friends then is should tell you your friend code at the bottom...
  17. P

    What is the best kart and bike for dry bones in mario kart wii?

    I just unlocked Dry bones and heard he was good, so i wanted to know the best kart and bike.
  18. X

    mario galaxy for wii green stars?

    can you get the green stars even if luigi is not there? i went on and i see the blackened star with a green ? does luigi need to be there in order to get those stars or can mario just go alone and get them
  19. A

    Zelda or super mario galaxy for wii?

    I like my games to be fun and not get boring on the way
  20. G

    Wii de Asobu Mario Tennis GC JPN Wii-Caravan

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 5.10 GB Files: 114 (15 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon January 19th 04:20:42 UTC Download NZB