
  1. F

    when i go to manage wireless connection>add>create an ad hoc network> it...

    ...says an unexpected error occurs? when i diognose the problem it says no problem trying to send a wireless signal to my ps3 from my desktop and that keeps popping up..can any one help??
  2. Q

    How does Taco Bell manage to make such low quality food?

    Serious question. It is such cheap, terrible, fake, low quality food, but still good in some way I can't comprehend. It blows my mind.
  3. L

    how do i manage my MY5 with rogers?

    every time i go to do it it says my account isnt registered i keep trying to register my account but i dont know what to do ahhh can someone try and explain
  4. L

    how do i manage my MY5 with rogers?

    every time i go to do it it says my account isnt registered i keep trying to register my account but i dont know what to do ahhh can someone try and explain
  5. M

    Car Theft:My 93 Chevy 4x4 truck was broken into,they didnt manage to steel

    it,Is it likely they will return?..? They broke the steering column and just had to move one thing and they would have had it. But I figure maybe they got scared off by a dog or something, lights. Who knows. I just wanted to know in general do thieves attempt to return to steal the same...
  6. S

    How do marriage couple manage to keep their marriage exciting/interesting even...

    ...with tough economy? My husband doesnt want to do anything fun anymore. I shut down my business a few months ago, so he is the only one working at the moment. Our financial difficulty seems to be hurting our marriage and making him seems distant with constant focus on our finances. I tried...
  7. N

    One of my buddies said that a giant python could manage to swallow me

    whole. I laughed at him and called him? A) If a giant python attacked me, what would it do? B) Presuming it tried to eat me headfirst, how far down my body could it get its mouth over before it had to stop? Waist? Knees? C) If my idiot buddy walked in and saw my toes sticking out of its mouth...
  8. T

    Let's say I manage to purchase a Mercedes-Benz SLK Class in the USA.?

    I reside in Canada by the way and it is an issue of its speedometer. The mercedes-benz I had my eyes on only has MPH on it's speedometer and no KPH.. Is it illegal to have that when I drive in Canada even if I learn to convert MPH to KPH?
  9. M

    Did everyone manage to play nicely on Current Events last night?

    I wasn't on last night. What is this suggs board? Is it fun?! haberdashermaid - it just seemed to be a suggestions board. Is it a nasty place like CE can be?!
  10. E

    A day in Istanbul - whether to buy trip or manage of my own?

    Planning to visit Eminönü and have a cruise trip in Bosphorus. I will be staying in Levent 4. Whether to buy package tour or manage of my own. I have a day. Please advise.
  11. X

    Which international teams can you manage in Football Manager Handheld 2009?

    For PSP
  12. B

    I hurt my hair. How can I manage my easter egg hunt?

    I dont know the time. Is it 7 yet?
  13. D

    How did Abraham Lincoln manage to deliver his Gettysburg address?

    without a teleprompter
  14. C

    could i manage with a 4 year fashion degree from a well known business school??

    this is sad but....iam going to berkeley college for fashion for the past 1 1/2 this quarter i am finishing up a management class and i decided i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE it......more then of the classes i have taken so far....even my fashion it possible i can manage a well...
  15. S

    How can I better manage my energy levels through nutrition? When my blood sugar

    crashes, I crave junky sweets!? I am a busy, stay-at-home mom. I take care of the kids and house, etc., then realize I'm getting so tired and low on energy that I crave sugary soda and candy. How can I keep ahead of this so I don't get to that point?
  16. A

    How to manage internet speed in a simple network of two computers via...

    ...router LAN cables? I want same speeds on both my computers but one PC gets high speeds and the second gets very lo speed. What should do? All the cables, router and the modem are in working and OK condition.
  17. S

    How does 1 manage money day trading, set $ gains for the day & thinking

    settlement dates 4 future econ. news? I asked a question about day trading several days ago. All answers were good. The question has been removed, I do not know why. I wanted to ask the respondents the above question. I wanted to send them a chart I was using on the QID/QLD they were trading...
  18. L

    What software can I use to manage an internet cafe? Free software I need.?

    Like other internet cafe, I want to control the computers in my internet cafe like locking the screen and automatice screen saver if the time is finish.
  19. R

    How do you manually manage music on an iPod?

    I want to add some songs to my sisters iPod but she doesn't like everything I have in my library so I wanted to know how you add some songs but not others. Is it even possible? I'm pretty sure you can do it but I just don't know exactly how. By the way, she's got a 4 GB 2nd generation nano if...
  20. B

    All add-ons are enabled in manage add-on screen, internet explorer says it... running wih no add-ons. Now what? Each time i start Internet Explorer it says I am running with no add-ons. I have gone to the manage add-ons screen and enabled all the add-on, rebooted both the computer and internet with no change. What do I need to fix? One person asked if I am using...