
  1. S

    In what ways did the Protestant Reformation maintain trends of the old church?

    I have to write a paper on how the Protestant Reformation kept certain medieval values.
  2. T

    I see a girl once a year is it possible to maintain this relationship?

    I usually see this girl once a year and we live in different states, but Im planning to move down to her state with her, we both want to get serious but, she thinks its hard to get serious when we live in different states. were both in high school im a senior,shes a junior, after im finished im...
  3. S

    How do touring performers maintain life back home?

    This is mostly concerning members of touring companies of musicals/plays, but could apply to basically anyone who makes their living on the road (bands, other types of shows, etc). How do they maintain their life back home? Especially the Broadway tours, which sometimes go on for a year or...
  4. M

    How can I loose weight and maintain a healthy average weight once i've lost... nutrition question? I am 13, I am almost 5'9 and I weigh 155 pounds (Give or take.). I want to loose a little bit of weight. Every time I do loose weight, I always gain it again. I want to know what a healthy amount would be to loose, if you think I should even loose any. What about...
  5. T

    for men only;;do you think woman 44 and older have too much baggage to maintain a...

    ...relationship? seems woman 44 and older have alot of stuff in tha trunk they cant get rid of, is this true men??
  6. D

    How to maintain muscle mass during vacation without going to gym?

    I'm not able to go to gym during summer holidays. Instead, I play football and swim a lot. What should I do to maintain muscle mass and what should I avoid to do? Is it enough to do push ups, chin ups and similar exercises few times a week while eating enough meals throughout a day? Also, I...
  7. F

    What car under 5,000 is safe, cheap to maintain and reliable., Is it Honda Accord?

    Safety is important for me as I'm a new driver and want a car under 5K which preferably has stability/traction control, ABS,side airbags and good crash test results, I know its a lot to ask for that price i guess. Thanks for answering.
  8. J

    For Christians only :How do you maintain your Joy ,in your day to day life ?

    Some simple ideas , I thank God for everything good and bad , I listen to Christmas music during my morning and evening commute , I read one chapter of proverbs every morning .
  9. T

    IOM Report Sets New Dietary Intake Levels For Calcium And Vitamin D To Maintain Healt

    The majority of Americans and Canadians are getting enough vitamin D and calcium to meet their needs, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine. Most people up to age 70 need no more than 600 international units, or IUs, of vitamin D per day, and those 71 and older may need as much as...
  10. Y

    is difficult and expensive to maintain an old volkswagen beetle (late 60s early 70s)?

    i want to get one but im worried because the engine in is the back, and because its old that it will be expensive to maintain it
  11. V

    Mary Pipher argues America is poisoning girls with pressures to maintain

    standards of beauty and behavior.? She says, “Adolescence is when girls experience social pressure to put aside their authentic selves and to display only a small portion of their gifts.” First, do you see these definitions as accurate or inaccurate? Why or why not? How are these perceptions...
  12. K

    When I export to XML from Excel 2007, how to I maintain the date format?

    (mm/dd/yyyy)? I've successfully exported a Excel 2007 file to a XML file using Excels built in XML exporter. My problem is that the dates and percentages change when exported to the XML file. The dates are converted to serial dates and the percentages are converted to decimals from 0.0-1.0 My...
  13. C

    Christians how do you maintain belief that "christ is the only way"

    while not being closed minded? The problem with a belief like that is that it's too easy to fall into this "i'm right, you're wrong, i'm saved, you're not" mentality then next thing you know you're preaching fire and brimstone and telling nonbelievers that you feel sorry for them. But I'm sure...
  14. B

    How to maintain your masculinity when being hugged by another homo!?

    Seriously at my school friends will hug you randomly and this just happened to me in the hall, he is kind of my friend but the creepiest teacher in the school saw him hug me. i didn't say anything and went to class quickly. I have a girlfriend but just what do you do when you are put in a...
  15. J

    How to maintain my Mazda RX-8?

    Hello! I just bought a Mazda Rx-8 2004 with 44,000mileage and in perfect condition. So what I need to know is maintainenance tips such as red lining the car every few days and reving it before you turn it off that sort of stuff.
  16. M

    How much does it cost to maintain a Porsche Cayenne?

    To maintain a Cayenne Turbo????
  17. S

    Why is it when a couple is trying to maintain their relationship and they

    argue, the most stinging words are..? "I hate you". I'm sure it's not meant, but it hurts and it's like an axe that drives two people apart. It's like irreparable damage done in a split second. It's like words you cannot take back. Why is this so?
  18. M

    How to maintain weave on CRUISE?

    I'm going on a cruise with my weave, so granted I'll be swimming a lot... I've been told weave can withstand chlorine/ocean water, so does anyone know how I can just maintain it since I'll be swimming a lot? I don't want to mess it up. Oh, and the weave is braided/sewn in .
  19. G

    Dumb Canadians Get to Maintain Dumb Standards for their Dumb Kids

    And we're talking about bigots and creationists in Alberta, which I figure is more or less the Canadian equivalent of Texas .... the dumbest province in the Great White North. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  20. T

    Advocates Ask Donor Nations, African Governments To Maintain Health Commitments As WE

    As the 2010 World Economic Forum on Africa begins Wednesday in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, advocates from more than 10 African countries plan to "stage a demonstration" highlighting the need for funding for HIV/AIDS and other diseases, health-e reports (Thom, 5/5). Members of the AIDS and...