
  1. N

    The name of the Russian mafia?

    What's the official name of the russian mafia?
  2. N

    The name of the Russian mafia?

    What's the official name of the russian mafia?
  3. M

    any iphone apps similar to mafia wars play style?

    are there anylike this i dont mind the theme of the game
  4. K

    how do you play as a mafia in mafia wars after you have recruited a member?

    I keep clicking on my mafia but I am unable to assist my mafia member in jo bs and fights
  5. A

    Name of movie? Mafia and Funeral Home?

    I remember watching a movie before, it was about a worker in funeral home and how he gets involved with 2 mafia gangs fighting between each other. He does service for them (covering up their killed relatives, doing make up.. etc). And it is a comedy, not very new, maybe 90s? I don't remember...
  6. A

    Name of movie? Mafia and Funeral Home?

    I remember watching a movie before, it was about a worker in funeral home and how he gets involved with 2 mafia gangs fighting between each other. He does service for them (covering up their killed relatives, doing make up.. etc). And it is a comedy, not very new, maybe 90s? I don't remember...
  7. T

    Can a white boy from the mafia date a Methodists welding southern bell?

    Do they use magic ? Pete why does my computer go haywire when you answer my questions jerry Pete why does my computer go haywire when you answer my questions jerry
  8. R

    is there any XBOX LIVE(MarketPlace) demo for games : Mafia II or TRUE CRIME(2010) ?

    just wondering if there will be any demo's for these games if not out right now, the release dates? MAFIA II, the official game comes out 8/24 and True crime comes out 9/25 so if there are any demos that are goin to be released i would think they would be out or out soon
  9. S

    Where can i buy some cheap mafia wars items ? i want the trade to be safe and fast?

    can anyone show me a website that is safe and fast and cheap?
  10. P

    Can you grow weed on Farmville and sell it to Mafia Wars?

    .......On facebook ^_^
  11. J

    what year did the mafia gangsters stop wearing suits?

    it seems all the movies i watch all the guys would wear 3-piece suits at least until the 70's. then it seems it went to leather jackets and then somehow it got to leisure suits...
  12. A

    Mafia wars for iPhone, Add for add?

    Add: 1700 5918 40 Then post your code below and I will add you.
  13. G

    VA-Joe Mafia Presents Chronic Candy-2007-TQM

    Category: Music-MP3 (Gangsta) Size: 63.19 MB Files: 21 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri March 12th 01:55:24 UTC Download NZB
  14. W

    can you by weapon's in the ps2 version of mafia?

    i love to play the ps2 game mafia but i wont to know is it possible to buy weapon's in free roam mode
  15. E

    When i am playing Mafia PC game i cannot listen SFX ..For example the car,

    people talking.....Help me? When i am playing Mafia PC game i cannot listen SFX ..For example the car, people talking.....Help me pLEASE HELP ME
  16. M

    Im selling a mafia wars ENERGY account would you buy it?

    level >1150 energy >6600 and 60 stamina NY/cuba/moskwa/bangkok all full upg .. all collections vaulted including lotto colletion! Businesses full upg in cuba/moskwa/bangkok! PAYPAL ONLY
  17. M

    Im selling a mafia wars ENERGY account would you buy it?

    level >1150 energy >6600 and 60 stamina NY/cuba/moskwa/bangkok all full upg .. all collections vaulted including lotto colletion! Businesses full upg in cuba/moskwa/bangkok! PAYPAL ONLY
  18. A

    Mafia Wars On Face BooK !!!!!?

    "2 of your friends helped you loot a shipment of Cue Balls. Collect your take to receive 2 Cue Balls." How can I collect my take?? this is not a link that I click on it. Please some one help
  19. G

    Three 6 Mafia Presents-Choices-(The Album)-2001-RNS

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 112.73 MB Files: 30 (6 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat January 9th 08:48:19 UTC Download NZB
  20. P

    I cannot see my properties tab on mafia wars . Please help me to find it .?

    i am at level 13 & i am maniac. Please help me or i might commit suicide