
  1. N

    What makes a cat not want to use her litter box?

    The cat in question is a 5 year old female who has been spayed. We keep 3 litter boxes, each of varying sizes, around the house in separate, low-traffic areas of the house, but all are very easy access to the cats. They are also cleaned regularly. We have four cats in total, all female, but only...
  2. N

    What makes a cat not want to use her litter box?

    The cat in question is a 5 year old female who has been spayed. We keep 3 litter boxes, each of varying sizes, around the house in separate, low-traffic areas of the house, but all are very easy access to the cats. They are also cleaned regularly. We have four cats in total, all female, but only...
  3. I

    I had my 1st litter of puppies and my freinds are talking about weaning them im not

    sure sure what that is ? I had my 1st litter of puppies and my freinds are talking about weaning them im not sure sure what that is , the puppies are 3 weeks old and also the mother has rejected them what do i do now
  4. T

    What they do with litter on cruise ships?

    I mean every kind of litter and garbage. Do they just throw it to the sea, or don't? I am curious about that.
  5. M

    When is the appropriate time to begin litter training?

    My cat had kittens 4 weeks ago this Sunday, and they've really began walking this week. There are 8 of them! I am worried that if I don't begin this "potty training" soon, then I am going to have a kitty crisis on my hands. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks!
  6. M

    When is the appropriate time to begin litter training?

    My cat had kittens 4 weeks ago this Sunday, and they've really began walking this week. There are 8 of them! I am worried that if I don't begin this "potty training" soon, then I am going to have a kitty crisis on my hands. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks!
  7. M

    When is the appropriate time to begin litter training?

    My cat had kittens 4 weeks ago this Sunday, and they've really began walking this week. There are 8 of them! I am worried that if I don't begin this "potty training" soon, then I am going to have a kitty crisis on my hands. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks!
  8. L

    Cat all the sudden pees out of litter box?

    I have two cats, one is a 6 month old male, the other a year 1/2 old male. They have both never once peed outside the litter box, and all of the sudden the older one peed in my bed, and then i woke up a couple hours later and one of them had peed on the carpet (not sure which one). After the...
  9. S

    toyota marino 1997 how many litter it is ?

    2 liter' or '3.4 liter'?
  10. A

    best kitty litter: recmomendations?

    yes, so kitty owners, please recommend your kitty's favorite litter I'm currently using the Arm and Hammer Essentials Corn litter. the smell doesn't hold out for long, it also gives a somewhat yeast type smell, and the worst part when my kitty takes a pee the wet corn gets stuck the back of her...
  11. F

    My kitten won't use his litter tray?

    He is about 7 weeks old, and he used to be an outdoor cat but we kindof kidnapped him because his owner was going to kill him - and im a cat lover so how could i let him die. Anyway, i keep putting him in the litter tray after he eats, and every so often and pick up his paw and scratch for him...
  12. J

    How can I prevent the litter box smell from coming though the A/C vents?

    Recently I've noticed I can smell our cats litter box (which is in the basement) when the air conditioning is on. I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and more importantly how can I fix it. We keep the box clean and the cat has not sprayed (he is neutered). Any help would be...
  13. S

    what is the best way to dispose of used cat litter?

    What would be environmental friendly to do with used cat litter
  14. A

    My cat won't use her litter box anymore. Some solutions?

    She's nine years old and we've had her for all those years. Despite being a bit addled (being afraid of large things and loud noises) she's been a good cat... up until now. She's an indoor-outdoor cat and she sleeps usually in our game room / basement or in the garage where we have a padded box...
  15. J

    What can i do to my Chrysler Concord 96 3.3 litter engine to make it better?

    Ive Had it for a while and needing or wanting some change to make it more enjoyable so i need to do something that's either free or cheap and makes it better
  16. M

    I've had an on going workers comp case. has anyone recivied a litter about

    stokes v chrysler from there lawyer? I'm 51 and I have to go back 36 years to my first job, give me a break. I can see getting up all the medical, that's bad enough but all of my work history from the time I was 16. What the !!!!!. Let me know if any one has the situation
  17. M

    It someones job to pick up litter right?

    All the benefits from littering: Gives people jobs (to collect litter) Keeps people employed... Provides community service programs Some litter provides food for wild animals provides nesting material for animals etc... much better to litter than not right? Well what are some benefits from...
  18. A

    how come my cat insists on going to the bathroom right next to the litter box?

    my one cat, a boy, uses the litter box just fine and then theres my other cat, shes a girl, and she just loves to go NEXT to the box, and pee on the stairs. any way i can help her make it into the box?
  19. G

    please tell me there is hope With this automatic litter?

    im ttc#1 my cat day 6 months ago so can i have a cat even if im ttc#1 and i just found out about this automatic litter so what do u think i should can i have one or there a risk. sorry i meant saying that my cat died six months ago.
  20. C

    My cat likes to get into the old kitty litter. Why does he do this?

    Once a week or so, I put fresh kitty litter in the litter box. I bag up the old kitty litter in a plastic garbage bag to throw out. My cat likes to find the old kitty litter in the plastic garbage bag and claw at it until there are holes in the bag and he can sniff it. Why does he get into...