
  1. A

    little clear bumps on inside lower lip and under tounge..please worried!?

    i've recently been getting little painless clear bumps on the inside of my lower lip and today i noticed that there are some under my tounge. i dont know if its anything serious like herpes or cancer..but im really worried. once in a while i'd get maybe one or two from time to time but for the...
  2. C

    curing a little burn on my lip?

    i accidently burned a small part on the inside of my lip and it bubbled how do i cure this?
  3. C

    curing a little burn on my lip?

    i accidently burned a small part on the inside of my lip and it bubbled how do i cure this?
  4. C

    curing a little burn on my lip?

    i accidently burned a small part on the inside of my lip and it bubbled how do i cure this?
  5. A

    how do you make a lip balm ? full recipe please read :) x?

    hey again guys! ermm - so i wanted to make a lip balm ;) i tried the other day - it kinda failed.. please could you give me a recipe preferably without the beeswax stuff.. but anyways. please could you give me one thankyou.. <3
  6. C

    Has anyone tried the OCC lip tars? Do you like them?

    If you don't know what they are, here's a link: I've only seen a couple of reviews online. Anyone interested in these? They look kind of awesome.
  7. B

    Who was singing friends forever on saved by the bell and who was lip singing?

    Im just curious because in a interview mark said he lip sing this song so i was wondering
  8. M

    how to do lip sync in cinema 4D?

    so i'm making a project just for my own interest right now. and my way of doing lip sync is getting quite time consuming. i import the sound into another program that would do the lip sync mapping for me (toon boom studio) and then using morph i would key frame the movement of the lips...
  9. M

    recipes on how to make lip gloss?

    ok i am starting a lip gloss company and i need some recipes for lip gloss * must not have petroleum jelly in it * must be simple and easy *it can have oil in it so thanks for ur help if u want to see what the lip gloss company is about look up my other questions thank u
  10. G

    So I get this some sort of heat bump on my upper lip...?

    And it only comes up when the weather changes. But it's not a heat bump... I'm pretty sure. It kinda looks like there would be a clear liquid inside of it. So I was wondering how to get it off and how to keep it off.
  11. M

    newbie lip piercing help..?

    does anyone know a good internet place, or store that sells cheap quality lip rings or labrets. Im looking for a bright pink captive rings or two star labrets.. and whats a skin diver ring? and whats a panda kiss piercing? and if someone can show pics? i know it exist.. i just want to see a...
  12. M

    Where could I find the R package front lip for my 1995 Mazda Miata NA MX-5?

    I have been trying to buy one for a while I'd appreciate info on how or where I can purchase one! Thank you!
  13. V

    Need an does my lip piercing look?? and how do i look in general lol.?

    10 pts to whoever is most honest in my opinion..thanks in advance :]
  14. V

    Need an does my lip piercing look?? and how do i look in general lol.?

    10 pts to whoever is most honest in my opinion..thanks in advance :]
  15. F

    Lip reading courses, DVD's or books?

    I am a Care Worker in Palliative Care and have in recent months been caring for people with tracheostomies and throat cancer. Many of these residents have been unable to talk and I have been forced to try and lip read, or if I can still not understand I often ask them to write down what they are...
  16. F

    Lip reading courses, DVD's or books?

    I am a Care Worker in Palliative Care and have in recent months been caring for people with tracheostomies and throat cancer. Many of these residents have been unable to talk and I have been forced to try and lip read, or if I can still not understand I often ask them to write down what they are...
  17. K

    Do they make front lip spoilers for the audi a4 and s4 b5 or b6?

    I notice the only exterior they sell alot of for audi a4 or s4 is a body kit. I'm not a ricer. All i want is a nice drop and a front lip spoiler. I'm looking to get a b5 a4 or s4. Or even a b6 a4 or s4. Any front lip spoilers for those models?
  18. K

    Do they sell front lip spoilers for b6 audi s4's? Which car is better to modify

    for speed? Audi s4 or evo9? I have a couple questions. I am looking to purchase a awd turbo car. I am looking at audi s4's, evo9's and Subaru. which one is better to modify for speed? I would like a car that all i have to do is minor things like get a re-tune, change the turbo and exhaust and...
  19. I

    Where can you buy lip piercing needles (not online)?

    I'm 13 so i cannot buy them online, (plus no credit card) and i know the risks, ive done my lip before and my nose, but i didnt use a professional needle, which would be much more sanitary and safe. Please don't say to go to a shop because my parents would never let me and don't say to wait...
  20. G

    The famous Shorewood High School Lip Dub Video (Hall and Oats)

    This was a project by a high school video class. As you watch, you'll see objects doing things that they should not do as students take turns singing a Hall and Oats song while they walk/dance along the halls of their high school. The entire thing is filmed backwards, which explains how...