
  1. A

    How does one respond to the Limbaugh rant that the left does it too?

    We all know the story of Limbaugh's outrageous incessant remarks about the Georgetown College law student. Limbaugh apologized for the name calling but not the rest of his remarks such as viewing her having sex on Youtube. Yes, I know, it's his satire. His apology includes that he lowered...
  2. G

    WHY-does rough & tough Rush Limbaugh apologize for his ranting regarding

    Sandra Fluke, isn't he always right ? first he looses sponsors then he apologizes is he getting soft so the right needs a new attack monkey?
  3. G

    Rush Limbaugh Calls the Shots

    ... in the Republican Party. Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has canceled the climate change chapter in his upcoming book of environmental essays after Rush Limbaugh and other commentators targeted its author, atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe. Read the rest here...
  4. A

    Is Glenn Beck's Radio Show funny like Rush Limbaugh's?

    Does he make cruel jests at minorities and anyone that is not a Neo Conservative like him? I don't like the Neocon Agenda which is Progressive as hell. They want big money in the Fed to prop up their failing sagging investments and to keep America a Military Industrial Complex. I Like Ron Paul...
  5. U

    Why does rush limbaugh vacation in the Dominican Republic?

    The DR is a 3rd world sh!thole with zero tourist appeal outside it's very well documented child sex trade. The country is tragically impoverished, undeveloped and has a 19% unemployment rate. What it DOES have is a child sex trade that specializes in providing young boys to wealthy homosexuals...
  6. J

    Do you think Rush Limbaugh laughs all the way to the bank?

    What a gig, he makes millions for just pissing off the left. I doubt he ever cares if anything he says is true, only that it causes the left to
  7. G

    Is Limbaugh the Leader of the Republican Party?

    We now have Socialism. Why do Republicans continue to debate Democrats on Socialism? Now is the time to start COMMUNICATING to people about the founding of our country and how it is base in INDIVIDUAL freedom and LIMITED government. The government gets its power from the people; not the other...
  8. G

    Is Limbaugh the Leader of the Republican Party?

    We now have Socialism. Why do Republicans continue to debate Democrats on Socialism? Now is the time to start COMMUNICATING to people about the founding of our country and how it is base in INDIVIDUAL freedom and LIMITED government. The government gets its power from the people; not the other...
  9. Y

    Did you see Rush Limbaugh making fun of how Chinese talk?

    And do think he is aware that he actually said "I like to drink Ann Coulter's diarrhea"?
  10. P

    Could Dittoheads tell the difference in his ranting when Rush Limbaugh was

    addicted to illegal drugs? Does Rush make as much sense now as he did when he was all hopped up on hillbilly heroin?
  11. L

    Why didn't the UN hire Rush Limbaugh to the position to greet the aliens when they

    come? I'm sure Rush would have accepted an honorary post and not charged a dime. Instead they have appointed some scientist to the position and no telling what she is getting paid. If you remember Rush met with the space aliens in 1994 while in new Orleans and he stated they only shake hands...
  12. L

    There are rumors that Rush Limbaugh is Gay, could this be true?

    There are Gays making comments saying he only got married to cover up his gayness! The enhancement that he is always going to the islands to get are for the gay men that he is involved with.
  13. M

    Why does Limbaugh have millions of adoring fans when he blasted draft dodgers but...

    ...dodged the draft himself? He also trashed druggies, then he got hooked on pills; made fun of Clinton's sex capades when he himself got busted for carrying potency pills; and even trashed Michael J. Fox and his Parkinson's seizure. But he shouldn't be throwing stones when his house is...
  14. B

    Do you think Rush Limbaugh takes some of his radio rants from Yahoo ANSWERS?

    I think Rush is the laziest radio talk host who indulged in using broadcast materials on his show that had not been vetted for their accuracy. Therefore, I won't be surprised if he had been scavaging materials from this forum and other similar forums for his show. Good for him, bad for his...
  15. F

    As Rush Limbaugh said, have Republicans bent over and grabbed their ankles...

    ...defending BP from oil spill? Today Republican from TX Rep Barton apologized to BP for the "shakedown" by the big meanie Obama for making BP pay the claims to the Gulf residents. Have they bent over too much for BP?
  16. I

    Why didn't someone tell Limbaugh that jokes are suppose to be?

    FUNNY?! I'm sure that 'Jay Z' was rotflol AT him not WITH him on that cornball attempt at a joke LOL. And it's political because he includes Obama in it. It's the third one from the bottom. Would direct link to it, but the reporters would deem it...
  17. J

    Why do people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh always use racist and sexist

    rhetoric to argue their views? Anyone wanting sources should either listen to one of their shows for an hour or Google it, since there are plenty of documented examples.
  18. G

    Ed on Limbaugh inre Haiti

    ... in the latest episode of Psycho Talk. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  19. G

    Ed on Limbaugh inre Haiti

    ... in the latest episode of Psycho Talk. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  20. G

    Ed on Limbaugh inre Haiti

    ... in the latest episode of Psycho Talk. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...