
  1. A

    okay could a person whoes 5'6" 167 pounds with sedantary lifestyle walk hour a

    day and eat healthy lose weight? I'm 167 pounds at 5'6" and if I ea vry healthy an only fruite and veggies snakcs an water and juice instead of all the soda I drink, and walk an hour day could I lose weight?
  2. R

    Will adopting the lifestyle of social interacting through technology

    detrimentally effect future generations? I am a graphics student trying to convince people to spend less time communicating through modern technology. My argument to be made actually be in the company of someone is more valuable than communicating through your computer or mobile phone...
  3. A

    Is my lifestyle somewhat healthy? Am I eating right, and am I getting

    If you exercise that much, and eat reasonably well, you're doing just fine. I wouldn't worry about weight too much, it's just a number, and if you feel that you're very muscled, that's part of the reason. 185 isn't bad for a heavily muscled man (though you didn't say your height).
  4. M

    Is this a wrong alternative life-style?

    Ok... this is how it goes.... I am someone's pet. Literally, I am her pet buta (pig). She controls everything I do from what I do during the day to how I'm allowed to feel. I'm not allowed to just leave her, I have to tell her directly that I'm leaving and when I plan on coming back. She even...
  5. M

    a healthy lifestyle.. ?

    the show 'doctors' just did a piece on homosexuality and fitness.. They claim that being gay leads to a better, healthier quality of life and that engaging in homosexual acts 3 times a week will help you lose weight faster than diet and excersize together... im going to try it! does this make...
  6. M

    How do I live a healthy lifestyle ?

    Hi ! I'm 12 years old, 5'2 and weigh 112-115. My BMI is normal but i'm still pretty self concious about my body. I want to lose at least 15 pounds. what can i eat for breakfast lunch and dinner that is easy to prepare, easy to carry and still tastes yummy (: ? Also, what are good, healthy snacks...
  7. U

    Will the present lifestyle of Homo Sapiens effect the way they will...

    ...evolve in the future? I accept that evolution "JUST" happened in the age before Homo Sapien became aware of him/herself, but I don't accept that evolution will "JUST" happen now that we are aware and, are able with the aid of drugs and cloning to choose how we evolve or NOT evolve.
  8. F

    what type of lifestyle do celebrities live?

    if you could give me a detailed answer that would be great eg. what type of parties do they go to, what do they do in their spare time and time off work. Basically what is a "day in the life of a celebrity" Thanks