
  1. L

    How Can I Meet/Get A Hold Of Leonardo DiCaprio?

    I Love Leo DiCaprio !! Anyone Know How You Can Get A Hold Of Him To Like Get An Autograph Or Something? Ive Been On His Official Website But It Is Not Very Helpful :( Please Let Me Know ?
  2. S

    Interesting facts about Leonardo De Vinci?

    I need to find 1 interesting facts about Leonardo De Vinci.. Sooo.. what i know so far is that he was also an inventor, he used to disect animals and on the rare occasion a dead human, in order to study their muscles etc... what else is there about him that is interesting? i have looked all...
  3. M

    what did leonardo da vinci invetnt???

    i meant what did he actually construck, not what he drew the plans for!!!!!!!
  4. S

    What do Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, Leonardo DiVinci, Mr. Rogers, and

    all 4 Beatles have in common? Besides being famous:-) So far, nobody has guessed correctly! Keep trying! Somebody did a little research and changed their answer!!
  5. B

    What weapon does Leonardo DiCaprio use in this movie?

    Okay, we've been trying to figure this one out for a couple days now. In the movie "Body of Lies" Leonardo uses a compact machine gun with a metal folding stock. Has anyone seen this movie and knows what he is using?
  6. D

    Does this child not scream LEONARDO DICAPRIO to you? [PIC] ?

    ... does to me! Looks like he's going to be his twin in a couple years! http://s406.photobucket.com/albums/pp146/g0rge0us_d0ll/?action=view&current=leo.jpg
  7. G

    The iPhone as Designed By Leonardo da Vinci [Culture]

    This is one of the coolest iPhone t-shirts I've ever seen—apart from ours: The iPhone as designed by Leonardo da Vinci or some cuckoo Victorian scientist. They have a cool large hand screen-printed poster too: The t-shirt—which is a complete different take on the pure technical version—could...
  8. G

    Leonardo DiCaprio in “Shutter Island”

    Leonardo DiCaprio is still promoting his latest film “Revolutionary Road” with co-star Kate Winslet. They were recently in London and they both just look stunning standing on the red carpet together.Promotion for the film will be wrapping up soon, which means Leo will have some free time right...
  9. G

    Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio Get Camera Shy

    When you are as gorgeous as Bar Refaeli, I am not sure why you would ever hide from the cameras, but that’s exactly what her and boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio did. The couple landed at the Heathrow airport in London and were harassed by the paparazzi. They are both extremely private individuals...
  10. Q

    Why did Leonardo Dicaprio not film for or why was he not casted as rumored

    initially in Inglorious Bastards? I am disappointed that it's not happening.. I love Quentin Tarantino's work and I equally admire Leonardo Dicaprio's work. It would have been fun seeing both work together.. why didn't that work out.. does anybody know?
  11. M

    The Beach Leonardo DiCaprio (REQ)

    Name: The Beach Leonardo DiCaprio (REQ) Category: Movies: DVD Size: 4892.64MB Added: 2009-01-06 18:08:12