
  1. A

    Brunettes Are “More Sexually Experimental,” Better Cooks, Better Wives, Says Lame Sur

    I hate to break it to you dudes who think women's hair color is like a secret decoder ring, but in order to tell which women are good girlfriend or "wife material," you may actually have to talk to and get to know us. Sorry! More » Brunettes Are “More Sexually Experimental,” Better Cooks...
  2. K

    Anyone else getting tired of Seth McFarlane's lame inaccurate racist jokes?

    I honestly like a good racist joke but only if they're accurate and shows like family guy and the cleveland show sucks at making racist jokes. F The flock of jewish guys flying away from an argument between an italian and black lady was just downright retarded. Dont get me started on his black...
  3. X

    Does anyone else think Obito is lame? (spoilers)?

    Seriously.. ho dies so I'm gonna take over the whole world. I think Kishi was in a pinch or something, he could've come up with something wayyy better. What do you think? And if you could change it, what would you change about Tobi's identity? Just because he killed those ANBU guys thanks to...
  4. A

    Chick-fil-A Tries To Recover From Anti-Gay Stance With Lame Facebook Apology

    Chick-fil-A clearly needs a better publicist. And better owners. The fast-food outlet has come under heavy criticism (and rightly so) this week for their anti-gay stance, which owner Dan Cathy simply justified by saying, "Guilty as charged." But now, the restaurant's PR team has obviously been...
  5. A

    Daily Fail: Fat-Shaming Hilary Duff While Pregnant Is Lame

    What to do when you've got papparazzi photos of Hilary Duff grocery shopping in sweatpants while pregnant? Shame her for buying so much food, obviously! The Daily Mail routinely gives backhanded compliments to women, sending mixed messages about weight, aging and beauty, but today's article...
  6. E

    Why would he say such a lame joke?

    So I was talking to my friend on facebook the other day (Hes a guy), and the conversation was becoming kind of awkward (like there was nothing else to say...), and he said the **lamest joke ever** just to keep the conversation going. why'd he do that? does he care about talking to me or...
  7. I

    Are cruise ship teen clubs lame?

    For a 16 yr old boy..aka-are there a lot of girls there
  8. C

    How do you get ringtones/ringbacks that don't bleep out bad words thats so lame?

    Like I can put music on my phone and put those songs as ringtones but they just play the beginning. so its just music. and then when i was gonna buy the ringtones or w.e they bleep out stuff.
  9. F

    on a scale from 1 to screech from save by the bell how lame am I for...?

    still having my virginity after year of college? I just want to see where that lands me.
  10. A

    Is this lame or mildly interesting?

    This is is me showing off my card manipulation skills and i just want some opinions on it.
  11. T

    Poll: Do you pretend to laugh when your friend tells you a lame joke.?

    I do.
  12. W

    Girls, please, how can a lame humored, stutterer, get a better personality?

    I'm 15, and i don't have much of a personality, and not much confidence around women either :( No girls really show any interest in me, it kinda blows. I hardly doub't there is love for me, in the long run. Anyway, how can i just have a better personality, and gain more confidence around...
  13. L

    Am I a lame for using my man phone to be on here instead of having $ex with him?

    o_O Sooo..... what are yall doin???
  14. T

    do you think 69 jokes are lame?

    i stopped thinking those were funny in 8th grade. and i have a friend that still finds it amusing.
  15. Y

    Is this lame? College student that doesn't drink lol?

    I don't drink like some of my friends or smoke weed. I just really don't want to disappoint my Mom. She tells me I'm a good kid and she's proud of me and stuff now ever since this quarter of me being a university freshman. I've always felt I could never top my siblings and felt a bit jealous...
  16. Y

    Is Pelosi and the lame duck dems right about the recent election results:

    everyone wants a tax hike? What a crew. Democrats on Capitol Hill have had two years to avoid this day of tax reckoning, yet they kicked the tough vote into a lame duck session. They proceeded to...
  17. D

    Lame and corny jokes?

    Can you give me any racial jokes, lame jokes, corny jokes.
  18. C

    Am I lame because I don't know how to use the full keyboard on my

    touchscreen smartphone? I rarely use it and can't type fast yet. Will my age matter?
  19. A

    does anyone have a 'lame' (i think its cool) sense of humour like me?

    I laugh at stupid stuff, on movies and in general; i find the funny stuff unfunny and the 'lame' stuff hilarious. some examples. benchwarmers: "how old are you"-"I am 12"-"more like twelve hundred". Simpons:-scene- 'guy incognito walks into moes bar-he looks exactly like homer but wears a suit...
  20. M

    Is this joke lame or funny?

    I heard of someone using this joke on their teacher the first day of school, and wondered whether you thought it was completely lame or actually kind of funny. On the first day of school have two people, a boy and a girl with two completely different names, go into the classroom and sit down...