
  1. C

    is there any religion, or lack thereof, that objects to the following

    "command" for living life? "Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly" what is your religion, and what is your objection?
  2. J

    Anglicans - how do you come to grips with the lack of a theological origin of...

    ...your religion? Henry VIII would have remained a Roman Catholic if the Church had allowed him the divorce he wanted. In that event, there'd be no Anglican chuch. The basis for Anglicanism is not theological - it was purely a matter of convenience for a portly monarch. So today, now...
  3. M

    In Kentucky, lack of power no problem?if you have good neighbors

    In Kentucky, lack of power no problem?if you have good neighbors When the electricity went out in Mayfield, Kentucky, after the recent deadly and devastating winter storm in the state, several families got a crash course in generosity and neighborly behavior. In one case, an Amish family...
  4. M

    How can nutrition, cocaine use, and lack of sleep affect energy for exercise?

    Thank you!
  5. G

    Palm Chats with Facebookers, Explains Pre's Lack of MicroSD [Palm Pre]

    Palm's Matt Crowley explained the Pre's unfortunate lack of a MicroSD(HC) slot as a choice based on the confines of the Pre's hardware. This omission might be a deal-breaker for the media-centric crowd. Crowley is currently holding an open chat on Facebook to answer any questions people might...
  6. O

    Does the lack of tabbed browsing make you want to rip holes in the Internet?

    I'm on my parent's computer and I feel like I'm trapped in 2001.
  7. S

    Is it me, or are there loads of married women on here complaining of lack of sex?

    I though it was the men who supposedly complained about their wives not wanting to do it,
  8. B

    Erm, I see that the local Co-Op has been shut all day due to lack of...

    ...electrical power, how to complain ? Hi, It is their fault, as they overloaded the nearby sub-station. I am a quailfied power engineer, so see what went wrong Apart from two nearbt streets being without power, & the Co-op having to dispose of £1000's in frozen goods, plus personally I had a...