
  1. A

    Nationals second baseman Steve Lombardozzi ?knees? ball to first base for improbable

    Your browser does not support iframes. Remember when we brought you the clip of Heath Bell belly flopping around on the Chase Field infield while attempting to field Will Venable's bunt on Saturday? The whole awkwardness of those no man's land baseballs that end up between the pitcher's mound...
  2. A

    Heads, shoulders, knees and toes: What?s the latest on injured UFC 159 fighters?

    UFC 159 had a run of some odd injuries. How are the fighters feeling now? First up, Alan Belcher, whose eye gushed blood after Michael Bisping accidentally poked him. Belcher's career went on hiatus in 2010 and 2011 when he had to undergo emergency eye surgery to save his vision. The sight of...
  3. C

    If gay marriage is supposed to bring a country/society to it's knees then why

    hasn't it done so? For Denmark, Norway, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, South Africa, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Mexico City, Finland, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, New Zealand? And what about the states that have legalized it here in the US? New Hampshire...
  4. E

    I felt on my knees now when I vent it cracks?

    My left knee it sounds like it cracks & my left knee when I press it to the back it hurts so now I'm worried what could it be please answer A.S.A.P. [email protected]
  5. E

    I felt on my knees now when I vent it cracks?

    My left knee it sounds like it cracks & my left knee when I press it to the back it hurts so now I'm worried what could it be please answer A.S.A.P. [email protected]
  6. C

    Will bike riding, Walking and the Gazelle be sufficient to help my arthritic knees?

    I am a member of Curves also, but the machine for lower body are hurting and painful. Plus I love to be outside to get sunlight for my depression, I am 55 ,soon to be 56. I don't want to injure myself so badly I can't ride my bicycle, that is my passion and I went 5 miles this morning at a...
  7. O

    Fighting Style That Uses Dirty Techniques (Elbows, Knees Etc) ?

    a year back me and my friend were looking on fighting style and there was this specific one, that uses knees and elbows etc but i forgot the name of it , i think its some sort of martial art not sure can someoonee please helpp thanks
  8. D

    Atheists, prepare to get down on your knees and to shout it out to the MR.DJ...

    ...The Christ.......................? When he returns from his vacation! Matthew 12:23
  9. A

    sex postions for men who have bad knees?

    okay so my man is...well small..and also fat(witch i love) but he also has really bad knees. and i dont like it on top.. what can i do???
  10. R

    Can You Recommend Low Impact Exercise For Knees?

    I have knee problems, warn away cartilage or tendentious or something from playing sports in school. When I do squats and plies, my bones feeling like they are grinding together or are going to pop. If I take a couple mile walk, I am hobbling like an old man by the time I get home. I really...
  11. A

    When did they outlawed knees to a downward opponent in ufc.?

    UFC is not the same and taking away effective tools in the game 1 by 1 it's pretty much looking like rings era of fighting or Pancrase days.
  12. P

    Basketball, Vertical Jump, Knees plz read everything.?

    Hello there, i have a knee problem that have made me bounce from doctor to doctor without a concrete result, my left knee (jumping leg is left) aches when i press it but when i walk on it it's normal when i play it's sort of hard to manage but i forget it during the game, but when i get home it...
  13. M

    Poll: Do you get down on your knees when.....?

    you pray ??
  14. M

    Poll: Do you get down on your knees when.....?

    you pray ??
  15. J

    Traveling to Vietnam soon. Any advice on using squat toilet with bad knees that

    don't permit squatting? I am told that we will probably have western toilets in hotels, but not so much while traveling around. Really cannot squat so have any of you other adventurous over 50 folk developed a workable system?
  16. R

    UFC Undisputed: Muay Thai clinch knees defending?

    Im getting really frustrated. I am good at ufc 2010 but have one weakness. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO GET OUT OF THE MUAY THAI CLINCH FULL CONTROL WITH 2 HANDS BEHIND MY HEAD. I have played 2 online matches and both players have beaten me and simply because all they do is put me in the clinch and...
  17. R

    poll- who or what makes you go weak at the knees?

    mm is it too early for ice-cream :-)
  18. C

    famous painting? the scence is a man on his knees sowing seeds and...

    ...greeting his young son over to him? the man is digging his field and his son and wife are in the distance coming towards him. please help
  19. G

    MIT's Food Printer Is Making Ferran Adrià Weak at the Knees [Food]

    I don't know if this Cornucopia food printer—an MIT project that assembles ingredients in layers—will ever be a reality, but I'm sure lab cuisine chefs like Ferran Adrià are already lining up just based on the description: Cornucopia's cooking process starts with an array of food canisters...
  20. M

    Keep pedaling for healthy knees

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