
  1. E

    What can I use to make my new cat and kitten smell better? It's horrible right now!!?

    Yesterday I picked up a momma cat and one of her kittens from a small trailor that, to my HORROR, was housing approximately 30 cats! The smell of cat urine and feces was so strong that I gagged several times. Part of me wanted to turn around and run out of there but the other part of me realized...
  2. C

    my sisters kitten is pregnent nd she was told bell( the kitten) might have them in

    six weeks? We where just worredin if anyone could help us help her true it because de vet said she might not make true it because she so young
  3. J

    An I better off getting a new kitten before litter are sold, or after?

    My cat had 2 male kittens 7 weeks ago and they're due to leave next week. I want a female kitten, should I get one whilst the kittens are still here? Thanks
  4. X

    Why is my kitten meowing and chasing my feet/toes?

    My mother and I found a female stray kitten ( we assumed her to be at least 7 or 8 weeks old) and we rescued it from the streets. Since she owns a dog in her own house, she told me to take care of it instead. I placed her with my other cats and they received her warmly, but not as a mother would...
  5. F

    My dog cries when the kitten goes to her?

    My friend, sister and I found 2 kittens in the street. They look like they are week or 2 old. We found their mother but when we left them. They ran towards us and the mother ran. If we left them, they could get hit by a car. They were moving everywhere so we had to let them in the house. We...
  6. H

    Help introducing a kitten to a big dog?

    I'm getting a small kitten tomorrow from the SPCA and I'm really excited about this because I've wanted a kitten for a really long time. But there is one issue; my mom's boyfriend's dog is living with us right now because he's always out at camp for his work. This dog is big, probably...
  7. G

    Kim Kardashian Mourns Death of Kitten Mercy: "My Heart Is Completely Broken"

    Kim Kardashian Mourns Death of Kitten Mercy: "My Heart Is Completely Broken" Kim Kardashian is deeply saddened, and we don't blame her. "My heart is completely broken," the E! star wrote on her blog tonight following the death of 4-month-old Mercy,...
  8. K

    How do you introduce a kitten to an older male cat?

    I'm not sure what sex the kitten is going to be yet, but do you just let the kitten down and let the cat 'investigate' or is there something special I should do? Should I watch the older male for the first week or so or will it be alright?
  9. M

    kitten has saggy skin on belly?

    I just adopted a siamese kitten he is about 6-7 weeks old and I noticed he has a lot of loose skin on his belly! It kind of hangs down a bit im just wondering what this was if it was normal or something I should be worried about!
  10. M

    kitten has saggy skin on belly?

    I just adopted a siamese kitten he is about 6-7 weeks old and I noticed he has a lot of loose skin on his belly! It kind of hangs down a bit im just wondering what this was if it was normal or something I should be worried about!
  11. C

    How do I get my kitten to like me and when should I let him outdoors?

    I have just got a kitten from a friend, he is about 6 weeks old, seems to miss his mum at the moment but he will get over it. He doesnt seem to like people. Like he isnt as playful as a couple of his other siblings, how should I get him to like me? Give him treats or just keep him with me as...
  12. A

    Fleas On 1 week old kitten?

    How can i get rid of the fleas on the kitten, without taking it to the vet?
  13. S

    Should I let the dog bite the kitten?

    ok so i have 4year old chiuahua and just got a baby russian blue cat. my dog is neutered and anti social but passive agressive towards other animals. the kitten is like 5-7 weeks old and just cries eats drinks poops and stinks my whole house up like kitten litter. but the dog just nipped at the...
  14. A

    Why does my kitten go crazy every time I feed him turkey leftovers?

    I had my first Thanksgiving supper a little late, to accommodate a couple guests. My cat is about 5 months old, and he absolutely loves the Thanksgiving turkey. I caught him stealing turkey (and corn) several times that day, and even found him walking down the hall with a drumstick in his mouth...
  15. M

    How can I tell what breed my kitten is?

    I just got a new kitten today who was found at a construction site, he is super super extra super playful and purrs like crazy!! he never stops! well he is a long hair kitty and it is mostly gray and black and a white chest and paws, and more of a brown tabby thing on his head. his ears are...
  16. M

    My kitten wont sleep?

    its already 3 in the morning and she just wont calm down. We've (my friend and i) have been at it since around 10. what should we do? she usually goes to bed fairly easy. shes usually not like this :(
  17. D

    how can I keep my kitten away from electronics?

    I have a new kitten (about 3 months old) and she usually stays in my room, I however have one problem with her. How do I keep her away from electronics? She keeps going behind my tv stand and there are a lot of wires there and I do not want her to get hurt in any way also away from my...
  18. C

    my kitten wont eat any more than a can of food per day?

    i got a kitten about two weeks ago, she is 9 weeks old, and just wont eat more than one can of food per day and at night i fill it up as much as i can when we went to pick her up, she was shoved in a single pet carrier with at least 5 other kittens. and i thought maybe she was just nervous with...
  19. G

    is Sasha Sheshe TheMostHated Kitten HKG make you laugh or make you annoy?

    she stay in here make u not happy
  20. L

    Kitten's joint making a clicking sound?

    My male kitten is about 4 months old. I noticed recently that there is sometimes a clicking noise when he moves. I don't know what joint is clicking (possibly his front leg). It doesn't last very long, just a subtle click-click. He does not seem to be in any pain from it. He's still active and...