
  1. J

    Christians, I have a question about men kissing each other?

    If you look at bible verses such as I Thessalonians 5:26, Romans 16:16, I Corinthians 16:20, and II Corinthians 13:12 it talks about brethren (male religious order) should greet each other with a sacred, or holy kiss. Is there a specific way you're suppose to kiss? Or can it be any way you want...
  2. R

    is there any kissing scenes of pooja kumar in her hollywood movies ?

    is there any kissing scenes or hot scenes in her hollywood movies like park sharks,drawing with chalk etc....pls give me the answer
  3. M

    POLL: what do you think of a man kissing you on both cheeks to greet you?

  4. X

    I had a dream about kissing someone last night?

    I have a boyfriend, we have been together nearly 3 years, but I have known him for about 5 years, I love him loads! We are both 21. I have worked as a bar maid for the past 4 years, there's this man who is 38, me and my boyfriend are great friends with him! When its my night off we go drinking...
  5. V

    Pictures: Nicole Scherzinger and Chris Brown Kissing

    Pictures have surfaced of Nicole Scherzinger and Chris Brown kissing. Check out the pictures below to see for yourself. If these pics are legit, it’s a huge story for the former member of the Pussycat Dolls and the current pop star to be kissing. The Nicole Scherzinger and Chris Brown kiss...
  6. G

    Which Twilight Star Is Kissing Spider-Man?

    PDA alert! These two seem to be enjoying a lip-locking sesh with each other, and unlike other photos, this isn't a shot from a movie set. Word around town is that this...
  7. K

    kissing dream with friend?

    ever since i had this dream where we were kissing (ive never kissed anyone before) shes shown up in all my dreams for like a week now. what does the kissing one mean and what does all of this mean? in the first one she kissed my cheek then we both started kissing each other on the lips. one way...
  8. P

    Dream about kissing my ex?

    Tonight, I had a dream that this girl randomly came into one of the classrooms in my school, where i was alone, and asked me if I was over my ex boyfriend. I said yes of course, but even in my dream, I knew i was lying. Then, the next image in my dream is my ex boyfriend coming into that same...
  9. C

    Dreams about kissing and sex?

    1st night - standing outside supermarket, kissing some boy, then my English teacher sees us. 2nd night - same dream 3rd night- some boy felt me up, English teacher saw. Lastnight- I was in a bra and shorts and I saw my English teacher with her son (who I have never seen before but have heard...
  10. D

    Kissing on second meeting?

    I've never kissed before tonight, let alone cuddled so i feel really awkward but at the same time not @__@ .... I'm 20, and this is only the first time we have hung out after we met about 2 weeks ago. So I don't know how things it unusual to kiss so soon or not? (it was little...
  11. L

    Kissing & diseases!?? help newbie at this!!! ?

    well iam 16yrs old female. an i have never had a boyfriend before until yesterday. i know that he has had other girlfriends but iam just worried that are there any disease i can get from him by him kissing the other girls....and please dont say see a doctor or ask a family member they wuld kill...
  12. A

    Is kissing a guy who has never had any sexual relationships with some other girl

    other than me safe? I mean is there any risk of STDs
  13. L

    How is my kissing scene (20 characters)?

    Here it is:
  14. K

    How do you show interest in a woman (without asking her out or randomly kissing her)?

    I just want to be straightforward and obvious that I like her. I don't want to make her question. It's a subconscious thing I've done, and it's like I don't know how to do otherwise. I want her to know I DO like her so that she is not hesitant to date me/try a relationship with me. I'll see if...
  15. M

    Kissing girl when introducing myself to her. Right or wrong?

    In a bar or pub situation when I am introduced by my friend to her.
  16. F

    lesbians: kissing.... how can you tell if their good, what do u like?

    how do you know if some one is a good kisser? like while ur kissing them, like what do you look for. my ex told me i was a good kisser, she loved my lips and tongue, and always tells me she loves my lips, she said one day it made her really W E T just thinking about them, i was like whoaaa...
  17. G

    Ask Me a Question about Human Universals and Get Your Fill of Kissing

    These two things are only indirectly connected: What this all means: On Friday the 4th, Skeptically Speaking will have a pre-recorded interview with Sheril. On that same show, I'll do a pre-recored installment of "Everything...". You can go to the link and click on "ask a question", but do...
  18. R

    Dream about kissing a girl who is my best friend but both in a relationship?

    Hey, I have been dating my girlfriend for a year, and I love her with all my heart and more than anything. But I had this dream yesterday where me, my best friend and my girlfriend were at a city. But then me and my best friend walked away, and suddenly she said give me a kiss and we just gave...
  19. M

    strange question lol...uhm is kissing hard if you've never done it?

    and what if the guy is experienced. ehhh....
  20. O

    What jazz music (kissing a fool -GeorgeMichael like) do you recommend me?

    I am looking for restaurant jazz similar to X - Uknonwn (restaurant music) or Kissing a Fool by George Michael... You can look for them in Ares so you can understand what I am talking about... Please I have whole months looking for these rythms... I will be looking forward to your kind help ...